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It in impossible to describe the sensation excited, not only amongst those connected with the Australian colonies, but throughout the United Kingdom, by the disastrous loss of the well-known screw steam ship " Royal Charter,'" Captain Taylor, belonging to Messrs. Gibbs, Blight, and Co.'s - " Eagle" Line of Liverpool packets. The " Royal Charter" had made a splendid voyage out in fifty-nine days, and on her return had reached Queenstown in fifty-eight days from Melbourne, although not fated to arrive at her destination. , This sad accident f ook place at from three to eight o'clock on the morning of Wednesday, the 26th Oct., at Moelfra, a rugged portion of the Anglesea coast, ' and about midway between Ainlwch and Puffin Island. The ill-fated vessel sailed from Melbourne on the 26tk of August, having on board 388 passengers, of whom 63 occupied the saloon, and a crew, including officers, of 112 persons. Throughout the passage bod weather was experienced, and off Cape Horn the engines got strained. The vessel, however, behaved Splendidly, and the greatest happinesss prevailed among the passengers. When she was off the coast of Ireland a sum of money was subscribed for a testimonial to the commander, Captain Taylor, and a, purse was made up by the lady passengers for the Rev. Mr. Hodge, of New Zealand, who hod zealously discharged the customary religious duties during the voyage While the ship was passing Queenstown on the 24th October, thirteen of the passengers landed in a pilot boat. On the 25th, at eleven o'clock, the "Royal Charter" spoke the steam-tug "United Kingdom," which, instead of returning to, port with riggers who had been assisting in the working of a ship to Cardiff, transferred eleven of the riggers to the " Royal Charter," Captain Taylor having kindly agreed to take them to Liverpool ; so that theie appears to have been on board at the time o£ the wreck 498 souls, and of these only thirty-nine were saved. The disaster is thus narrated : — Having landed seventeen passengers at Qu.enstown, and telegraphed her safe arrival to the owners, the " Royal Charter" macle for Liverpool on Tuesday, tlie 25th. *-A-t Halfpost four p.m., she passed Holyhead, when a strong breeze from the E.N.B. sprang up. At forty-five minutes post seven she passed the Skerrieß, and the wind began to veer more to the north, and to increase in strength. At ten o'clock, being near high water, and the atmosphere thick, with rain, the wind blew a hurricane from N.E. and tho vessel was put under all steam and left with bare poles, steering S.E. by E. a quarter E. Finding that the ship had got near the shore, an effort was made to put her about, but the gale was bo furious that the small strength of the sciew, compaied with tho size of tho ship and the height of her masts and upper gear, was of little avail, and they could not get her round. Captain Taylor came on deck about nine o'clock, and a lead was kept constantly going ; finding that they were nearing and nearing the shore, the port anchor was let go, in sixteen fathoms, with about seventy-five fathoms of chain paid out. They let go the starboaid anchor, the wind still blowing a perfect hurricane, and the weather so thick and dark that nothing could be seen. Before this, rackets, and gun firing had been adopted, and blue lights had been sent up in the hope of attracting a pilot, but all in vain ; not a living thing was to be seen. At two o'olock on Wednesday morning, she parted the poit anchor chain, and the stream anchor was got over the bow. The ship having now got en- , tangled with the land, and struck stern on, the mainmast was cut away at half-past two, and in going over the side it carried away the mizen-top along with it, with a fearful erash c It is said that an axe for the purpose was not readily found in the excitement, but that one was not necessary, for on cutting the stayi, so strong was the gale, that it toppled over at once. At 3.45 am. the crew cut away the foremast, but the remedy was too late. Still she kept beating on the rocks, and heeling at the stern, she swung with her broadside to the land. About daylight (six o'clock) a Portuguese seaman, named Joseph Rogeison, tied a coid lound his waist, and jumped overboard. The land was not more than ten yards away ; but the sea was so tremendously high that every wave beat over the ship like a cateract, and rendcied every attempt at safety futile. The seaman, however, got a firm footing, and by means of the cord a hawser was got ashore and fastened to tha rocks. On -this a boatswain's chair was fixed, which could be hauled to and from the ship by men at each end. A few of the is- | landers came promptly to render assistance, and in the chair about a dozen seamen were hauled ashore. When daylight was dawning, this process, it was supposed, would be sufficient to land all the passengers, or at lea»t to land them until daylight revealed some better opportunity. At about seven o'clock, the waves beating against her broadside with continued violence, she suddenly snapped asunder amidships' and tumbled in pieces like a house of cards. All the pas&engera had kept below, chiefly in the saloons, as they had been repeatedly assured by some of the more active parties, and by Captain Taylor and his officers, that there was no immediate danger. The falling machinery and lumber seemed to bury 400 of the wretched people. It is believed that large numbers were actually killed by the crashing deb} is, but soon aftersvards the whole ship was broken up like a shattered bottle. The scenes on board during the last hour were painful beyond description. Wives and husbands, children and parents, lovers and friends, were embracing each other with the consciousness that they were about to meet inevitable death. The Rev. Mr. Hodge before this had commenced a prayer meeting in the saloon, which was earnestly participated in by most until the crash and ruin and the flooding of water rendeied a panic universal. About twenty-six persons managed to get ashore, but it was more through Providence than design or ability, for they were all washed on the shelving locks, and as narrowly escaped being washed back. Indeed, many were washed on and off several times, and many who thought they had secured land, or held fast by a jutting rock, were hurled back again to a watery grave. On the vessel breaking open, numbers of people were to be seen floating about for a few minutes, but what with the strength of the waves, the masses of debi is which thickly covered the sea and struck out many a biave and struggling man's brains, few weie able to gain a firm hold of land. At eight o'clock in the morning, notliing but the wreck scattered about, and corpses left on the strand, revealed the terrible catastrophe that had befallen nearly five hundred human beings, a few hours before glowing with joy at once again sighting the shores of Old England, for which they had toiled and saved, and satisfied that now the voyage in which they had almost circumnavigated the globe was safely ended, for they were in the bosom of their country. Indeed, so much hod they satisfied themselves that the voyage was ended, that on the day before fihey presented the captain with a piece of plate for his uniform kindness and attention, and in the congratulatoi y speeches which followed, the captain presently assured them that in twenty-four hours he expected to be on the lee side of Mrs. Taylor. The captain, however, succumbed to a sailor's fate. He was seen on deck from nine o'clock, exerting himself to make all right, until ho was exhausted. Time after time was he knocked down by wave and spar, and he had to hold on by a rope. He was seen giving orders on deck, with a spar lashed to him, so that he might be prepared to float. He was again seen struggling in the water, laying hold of a yard-arm, and it every now and then being washed from his grip. On recovering this spar, by a determined effort, he on two occasions cried out cheerfully, 'There is hope yet.' After this he and Mr. Dowe, the second officer, were seen on the lee side of the ship struggling to reach the shore, when a boat fell from the davits and struck them both on the head, after which they were seen no more. One incident is related, that when the captain had been struck prostrate on deck, exhausted, he saw the water steal a child from its mother's arms, a Jewess, and dashed it about the deck. He cried out to the chief officer, Mr. Stevens, to give a hand there, and lash the child by a rope— no doubt expecting at that time that help would be soon available. Not a superior officer was saved, neither a female nor child. It is stated that those who were on one part of the ship knew very little of what took place at another part. Most of those upon deck who are saved seemed to have known that she broke in two in the centre (there were two on each side of it) compartment; but those left on the after portion were unaware of what further occurred. The fore part, however, again broke across the forecastle. Upon what may now be called the middle part, about sixty feet long, was the cookhouse and officers' berths. On the lee side of this, W. I Scott Hughes, a sailor, was sheltering, along with a few others, when the whole of this portion parted lengthwise. The cookhouse fell into the opening, >and Hughes with it. He found himself down amongst some tanks, and noticed, for on instant, that the upper deck seemed to be afloat. A sea carried him through a rent in the port side 1 , and after struggling in the water, unable to swim on account of bis legs being hurt, he Reached the rocki, by 'which his face and side

are bruised. A line was thrown to him, and by the aid of this he was drawn to (Safety. The upper works of the ship were thus, iv reality, broken into four parts. The state of the wreck a day or two after the catastrophe is thus described by a correspondent on the spot : — "At low water, with ft strong breeze blowing inland, I stood upon the rocks within twenty yards of what was the ' Royal Charter.' At the next spring tides the approach will be still nearer. At high water, oniy a fragment here and there is visible. She lies with her head to the north west (in the direction of Holyhead), and the stern (detached) nearly south-east. She was 326 feet long, but probably occupies more than that length now, for there can be little doubt that her bottom was parted, as well as her sides. Two bulkheads, forming one compartment, near her midships, are standing, but sway to and fro with the waves. Probably ten feet of her entire upper works are down, consequently there is no appearance of any deck. The top of one of the boilers is visible, but much of the machinery has washed out of her. She lies with her larboard side to the rocks, and it would seem that the plates composing that side have come bodily over landward, xnd about forty feet in length of the starboard side of the ship has been driven completely to the place which the larboard side formerly occupied, and lies over it like a dish-cover, with the convexity uppermost. It is not impossible that in the concavity beneath many of the bodies are confined, as they would be unable to leave the saloon when the ship parted, being overwhelmed by the deluge. The outline of the fine clipper bow can be traced by any one having a tolerable knowlege of the form of a ship when the is half built; but few of the visitors will be able' so to put her together in their minds as to make out her position and parts. The bullion room, under the cabin saloon, may yet be safe ; but, if it be dislodged, or should yet get dislodged by a heavy «ea,_ there will be no chance for it, because it is only ironj and iron is paper when it comes to the rocks of Moelfra. All who have visited this quarry of nature have left it with changed ideas as to the power of water and rock, and the weakness of iron and wood. Wagons could be filled with chips for firewood, and iron seems to have acquired the property of floating. Pieces of the latter are strewed wherever you look, in the hollow of the small bay. I saw a beam, about 25 feet long, weighing many tons, high and dry, 200 yards from the stern of the ship, and at a short distance on each side, large pieces of the iron plate, containing three or four square yards, while smaller pieces, with rods and angle irons, are rent and twisted into all forms. The masts, bowsprit, and yards, are alike destroyed, scarcely a whole spar remaining. Small articles of value will probably be discoTered ye*rs hence, because as they wash between the rocks they are covered with small pebbles which the waves are always casting up." The following are some among many affecting incidents in connection with the sad affair :: — • Mr. Belt, of the Bigge Market, N"ewc*stle-on Tyne, had three sons out in Australia, and another fine young fellow at home, when this year the latter was drowned while bathing near Eyton. On the melancholy loss of their brother becoming known to the brave lads out in Australia, they cast lots who should come home and comfort their mother, and the lot fell upon a fine young fellow, a sailor. He took his passage in the " Eoya Charter," and the heart of the family in England was gladdened in the early pa^t of the week with the information that the vessel had arrived off Queenstown — alas ' to be followed by the sad intelligence a few hours after that she had been cast upon our shores a wreck, and that their son was drowned. Several miners _belongingto Setan Delaval, and other parts of the "colliery disrricts, who by industry aud thrift had earned a little competency, and who were coming home in the " Eoyal Charter, have been lost with her. One poor old pitman at Seton Delaval has lost two sons and a son-in-law in the ill-fated vessel. On "Wednesday the wife of a miner residing a Blyth received a letter from her husband, which had been sent a»hore at Queenstown, stating that he would arrive at Newcastle on Thursday, and desiring her to meet him there. The poor woman set off with a light and glad heart to meet her husband, who had been very successful at the diggings ; but on arriving at that town she learned the intelligence that had just come by telegraph, that the "Eoyal Charter" was lost, and that nearly all on board had perished. Stephens, the chief mate of the vessel, was a very fine, manly fellow, and a thorough seaman. It is stated thathis body was nearly severed in two, probably in cutting away the masts. His fate is the more melancholy, as on the following morning his sister was married in Liveipool, and the dreadful tidings were communicated during the wedding breakfast. Mrs. Stephens and her child were awaiting his arrival. On the morning of the 26th, the wife of Captain Taylor and his two danghters were on the north land-ing-stage at Liverpool, in the hope of meeting him. On the Friday evening, on the arrival of the survivors in Liverpool, the outbursts of grief at not beholding husbands or relatives were most heartrending. A few years ago a young man of the name of Lewis, a native of Moelfra (the scene of the sad catastrophe), went to Australia, in the hope of making an independency, which he accomplished, and was now on his way home to live in comfort on the fruits of his industry with his parents and friends. His father becoming acquainted with the perilous position of the vessel, naturally went to render assistance, and amongst those struggling for the shore he recognised his own son, whose heart, no doubt, but a short time previously thrilled with joyful emotions at beholding so near his father's house and the home of his childhood. Both hailed each other, and the father at once proceeded to render him assistance. When in the very act of taking hold of him, a tremendous wave came and separated them, dashing the son against the very rock on which his father stood, and carried him out to sea, and he was lost. It transpired that the " Captain Withers " referred to in the accounts published of the wreck, was the captain of the ship " Virginia," which was lost on the 16th of May last, while on an expedition in search of guano. The vessel was lost on New Nantucket Island, and fourteen of the crew, after remaining on the island till the 25th July, when they were taken off by the American brig ''Josephine," and landed safe at Honolulu on the 14th August. The rescued crew had previously on the 11th July boarded in a boat the whaling baik " Andrews" of New Bedford, the captain of which promised to stand off and on the island until the next day, in order to give the shipwrecked mariners time to consider and arrange about their departure ; but the next morning nothing was visible of the barque, and the inhuman captain left them to their fate. Captain Withers, with nine men, comprising the remainder of the crew, after being nineteen days at sea in open boat, and undergone innumerable privations, all arrived safe at the Feejee Islands, and from thenco they were conveyed to Sydney. On arriving at that port Captain Withers, after seeing that the crew were provided with clothes, came on to Melbourne, and took a passage home to England in the " Eoyal Charter." The Eev. Charles Vere Hodge, whose name has figured prominently in all the accounts of the loss of the Royal Charter, was, it appears, appointed to the vicarage of Clareborough in 1844, and shortly afterwards his wife, from some unsettled disposition, prcceedod alone to visit some distant relation in New Zealand. After lemaining for some years there, she returned to this country, and again took up her residence with her husband and children, of whom she was the mother of ten — seven sons and three daughters. She, however, could not rest long in tins country, and ultimately persuaded her husband and part of her family to accompany her to New Zealand. For this purpose the reverend gentleman applied to and obtained leave of absence from the bishop of his diocese for two years, but at the expiration of that period, not returning, a monition was issued for his immediate return to his cure. It was in obedience to this mandate that the rev. gentleman was returning in the " Eoyal Charier," when he met his melancholy fate. He has left in New Zealand his wife and three sons. Three sons and one daughter are at present in England, the others having died in infancy. Mr. Hodge's only brother, the Eev. Henry Vere Hodge, M. A., perpetual curate of Middloton, near Tamworth, is now engaged in the melancholy duty of watching the shore in the immediate neighbourhood of the wreck, seeking to recognise the person of the deceased. As an indication of the wealth in the hands of the crew and passengers, it may be mentioned that torn and dilapidated garments hive been picked up on the shore, some of which contain considerable amounts of money, watches, and other valuables. Intimation was early given of the danger in which the ship was placed, but though little hope was entertained of the safety of the vessel herself, every one seems to have retained a hope of life, and rushed to his and her valuables and money, and sought safety with as little encumbrance in the shape of olothing as possible. This accounted for the greater portion of the ladies being almost in a state of nudity. By far the best narrative of the disaster is that furnished by Mr. Eussell, who says :— 1 "On entering the saloon, Mr. Allen, the head steward of the second cabin, come and told the passengers they had better not go on deok, as it might cause confusion. The order was implicitly obeyed. Time passed anxiously and wearily : the storm still raged. Suddenly the vessel struck, not violently — not even , with sufficient force to throw the passengers off their f seats. Water then came pouring down into the cabin,. A voice «houted for the second-class passengers to "go; f See Supplement,)

I (Continued from page 3.) the lower saloon, as the mainmast was going -to bo 'away. The passengers nearest to the entrance * attempted to open them (they were hinged in the ug), and finding some difficulty, they were irameely smashed. Still there w&s no hurrying or hing ; all silently took their seats. On deck sailors officer*, stripped to the waist, laboured to cut j the mainmast. The vessel rolled and thumped eavily that in delivering their blows, the men were ly times thrown on to the deck, but the motion' he vessel assisted the work ; the waves, too, lent r aid, and soon the mast tottered, then fell with a h overboard. Immediately afterwards the raging threw the vessel still higher up upon the rocks, foremast was then cut away,.and almost at the c time the mizenmast broke off the mizeinasfr-head. ts were lowered, but the moment they touched the e« they were carried with irresistible force against zocks, and their inmates were either crushed or raed in the sea. No boat could live in such a storm. » appeared scarcely any need of boats, so close » the shore was the vessel. Having struck, the si slewed round port side to the rocks. When in lower saloon, about this time, an apprentice boy, rley, entered, telling the passengers from the captain that they were to keep up their hearts, all was well, they were only on a sand-bank. The passengers still remained quiet in the cabin. Mr. Cowie, the 2nd mate, accompanied by the purser and two men, came down; they were stripped, having on only their shirt and trousers. They passed through the saloon to the powder-magazine — as they went, bidding the passengers keep up their hearts, as they were not far from Sic shore. The water entered the saloon at the same time, and the waves striking more heavily, the vessel thumped harder. Those in the lower saloon then passed into the upper one. There they found assembled Borne of the first and third class passengers. No words ! were spoken, hope and fear struggled for the mastery in their countenances ; by this alone was it seen that life aad death were in the balances. The stillness of - the assembly was at length brokeni; a young lady, about 20, Miss Murray, who was 1m board with her father, mother, and brother, fainted, and was inunediately carried to her cabin, from whence she never emerged. Daylight now began to dawn. They had been tossing on the sea and labouring on the rocks all night. "Shortly after daylight, a third-class passenger came down ; he had on only his trousers, and had -been in the bows of the vessel for several hours. He said the forepart of the vessel and the bows touched the land every one could wade ashore. All hopes of saving the vessel having disappeared, and the boats having been rendered unserviceable, the captain ordeied a hawser to be got ready. A seamen, named Joseph Rogers, volunteered to swim ashore with it The line was made fast to his body, and the noble fellow gallantly dropped overboard and breasted the waves with the resolution of a sailor. For a time he was lost to sight, as wave after wave dashed over the vessel and broke upon the, rocks; then the line tightened, and the man was seen clambering up the rocks. ' The villagers (brought by the signal-lights) crowded round, the hawser was hauled ashore and made fast to a rock, a boatswain's chair was slung on to the rope, and a number of sailors ordered ashore to work it. - Every orderjwas obeyed].without confusion. Amongst others landed were two brave fellows— George Suaicar, Malta, boatswain's mates, and William Forster, Liverpool, carpenter. "Word was passed down to the saloons that the ladies were to come on deck. There was a movement immediately towards the staircase. At the same time the ship's sides began to creak : then there •were two heavy thumps experienced ; and the ship broke in two across the main hatch. A great number of passengers was standing amidships, and when the vessel parted they disappeared for ever. At the same time a boat abaft the fore rigging fell. The chief officer, Mr. Stevens, and the chief engineer, Mr. Eogers, ■were standing under it, and both were killed. A secoud line was attempted to be carried on shore from the poop, but failed. Mr. Eussell, his wife and children, on gaining the deck found that they were on the stern part of the vessel, separated from the fore part by a yawning chasm into which every moment human beings were dropping, or being driven by the waves. It wa3 a moment of the intensest anguish. As each clung to the rail at the top of the stairs, a hurried farewell was spoken ; then they awaited death calmly. Mr. Eussell had several times essayed to get a rope. So close were they to the shore, he imagined he might fasten the rope around his family, cast the rope ashore and save them. In vain were his efforts. They were still clinging to each other, when a huge wave came and separated them. When the wave had passed, Mr. BusselTa eldest girl was missing ; and when she was found, a box had been washed on to her leg. Mr. Russell moved the box and liberated her. Again for a few minutes they ware united. wave came — they lost hold of the rail ; Mrsjplussell and the two girls were washed against the side of the vessel, Mr. Russell overboard. As the water returned, Mr. Eussell sprang at a piece of iron which hung from the side, seized it, then caught a rope ; in another moment he ■was on deck. His youngest daughter was nearest him ; he attempted to lay hold of her, had his hand 3 just on her, when another wave came, broke over the ship, poured down with irresistible force, and washed him overboard again. For a time he was struggling in the waves convulsively, he clutched at something which he felt against his body; it was only a piece of canvas ; another moment and he felt seaweed under his feet. A ware came, he wm almost insensible, yet he saw a man standing before him. Was it a dream, or a reality ? He stretched out his hand, he grasped another hand— yet another wave came, and the v hand unloosed— he was borne back again— a mightier wave broke, and the hand was again grasped— it held him— • he was saved. In a moment or two he recovered his senses, he was lying on a rock; he turned his eyes seaward, there was no living creature left on the stern of the vessel. He then became insensible, and was borne by the villagers to the hospitable cottage of Mr. and Mm. Lewis, in the neighbourhood. "There were one or two scenes before Mr. Eussell was finally washed off the wreck, which imprinted , themselves on his memory ; words uttered which no time can ever obliterate. They were the last glimpses caught of fellow-voyagers ; the dying expressions of old companions. Mr. Henderson, a merchant of Melbourne, on his way to London, was holding on to the binnacle with a gentleman named Watson, one of the firm of Watson, Passmore, & Co., of Melbourne, and he exclaimed, "Oh! Watson, all is gone." A Jewess, named Markes, was jammed in near a place where the vegetables were kept : and her husband, in vainly endeavouring to release her, tore all her clothes to rags. They had two children, and came from Ballaarat. A gentleman named Welsh, while in the lower saloon, tied two black canvas bags full of gold around his neck. ■ He was lost. Several other passengers fastened money about their persons : all were lost. Mr. Taylor, one of the saved, had £35 in his pockets when he jumped into the sea; on reaching land he had £10 remaining. Mr. Gapper, another saved, lost about £50 out of his pockets while he was being carried ashore by the waves. A gentleman named Bradbury, who was on his way to Manchester, dislocated his right ankle on board, and in endeavouring to free himself broke his leg. He afterwards lowered himself overboard into the sea, Acchanged one piece of wood for another, shared it with a gentleman named Lewis, who was not hurt at all, was dashed against the rocks several times, was saved, and his companion was lost." When the vessel broke, an awful shriek — the deathcry of hundreds — was heard above the violence of the storm. On shore, the "villagers and the sailors who had escaped unhiirt linked hands, and the bravest stepped into the surf to- catch hold of those whom the waves bore towards Iftem on their [crests, before they were drawn back into the sea. Foremost in one link was George Suaicar, and he WH instrumental in lay- ' ing hold of nine out of thoße rescued, until exhausted, he fell senseless on the rock, *nd- -vmus borne a.w*y. William Forster .was. another who joined in forming the link. The veuel struck finally about seven, and broke about nine o'clock. On board were the officers of three vessels coming from. Australia, and they, with the captain and officers of tie ill-fated ' Eoyal Charter,' > were all lost. > - Vl' Th© following list of passengers has been received by ' ' Messrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co., per overland mail. ' The list of saloon and second claw is understood to be .-'' complete, though there is some uncertainty jgity> tsp • .' steerage and third-cliai list :~ * -»>"' * l r ' • , Saloon.— Hugh Bethune, Mr. and Mrs, B.ruoe, y fe (infantiind servant), W. Beamer, junr., Mr, (two daughters and two sons)) Mr;, $fr*., §»d ££twb Miss Fowlers and servant, Mrs. Fenwiclt ana four E&JMfer£rMi*, Fbrsterj'Mr. 'J. arid Mri. GrbverMrl ■VS^IS. Girdißer (Mr. Gardiner landed at Cork), Mr. < i|^ru»dy:<<»ved), F.T.-Hutton, Hpdge, l^Dr. Hatch, '3. S. Henry/Mr, and Mrs/ Jenkins and W»|tCT Lafarguftl Mx, J. 8., -Mm/Miss, ani ?*?VfSSntmav, '^o^iMjEvoy^dai^t Cork), Mr.. p-, ' ;*'< ' - > ' -*< • -

Mellor, Mr. Molineux, W. 11. Mono (saved), R. F. Macgeorge, Mrs. Nahiner and child (landed at Cork), Mr, W. H. and Mrs, Pitclier, tw.o children and ser•Vftnt, Mr. Rufford, Mm. Tweedale, Mr. Henry E. Tayloiy child, and servant (Mr. Taylor saved); Mr. Welsh, Captain Withers, Mrs, Woodruff and child, Mr. J.Watson. Second CiiASS. — Mr. Allen and two children Handed at Cork), Captain Adams, Mr..Barratt and child (ton), Charles Callii, Mr. and Mrs. Dodd and two children, Miss F. Davis, Mr. Eddowes, — . Bird, Edward Gates, T. E. Gapper (saved), Mrs. Glover, John Griffiths, William Harlden, Mr. Henderson, John Loone (saved), — . Lethlaine, L, E. Mention (saved), John Moide, Mr. M'Nab, T. Maoready, — . Nicholas, Mr. Norman and two children, Mr. Portuay, Mr. Perry, Edmund Pearce, Mil. R. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Bussell and two children (Mr. Bussell saved), Mr. and Mrs. Smith and three children, Solomon Samuel, Mr. Lansan, Julius Strike (landed at" Cork), Miss Elizabeth Ward, Miss Mary Ellen Wrigley, Edward Watson, John Wilkt, Mr. Watson. Steerage and Thibd Class. — John Bradbury (saved), Mr. Lyons and family (wife and three children) — two sons aged 10 and 12, J. Trusteman and family (two children), Henry Burns and child, Nathaniel Nathan, Alice Newton, Joseph Churton, John and Catherine Drygan, John Judge (saved), Maurice Boyle, James Dean (saved), Wright Lockwood, Jos. Moss, Mr. Faulkner and child, Robert Jeffery, P. De La Lands, David Thompson, Mrs. Kennedy and family (two children), Thomas Willis, J. Wicket and party, 0. Jackeman, Messrs. Jones and Rice, C. Ki»terman, Messrs. Culina, Stuart, and Lyon, Charles Conway, Mr. Kirkbride and two sons, Mr. Kennedy and family (wife and three children), William Banks, David Thomas, C. R. Ross, W. S. Fennis (saved), J. M'Cappin (saved), T. Taylor, Robert Hagarth, Henry Enghaus, William and John Row, Messrs. Tripit and Lovre, William Makepeace, Thomas Fawcett, William Bowden (saved), James King, Dennis Collins, William and T. Murray, John Buchanan, Coll. M'Phull (saved), Jos. Robinson, Alex. Pottinger, R. Oliver and party, P. Hogarth and family (one child), Wm. Ford, C. Shanahan, David Bell, William Wilson, George Smith, Michael Frawley, Messrs. Derose and Kenny, John Famby, R. Laystaff, Frank Webber, George Watson, Mr. Holland and family (three children), Isaac Stephenson, Mrs. Athey and child, T. Newton, Agett Richards, James Stannard (saved), Edminster and Ellis, Mr. Terril, Jessie Thompson, Bapt. Phillipine, Bates and Rosely, James Johnston, JamesPardy, Jos. Spyaglio, George Chesney, Thomas Byrne, John Grice Matthew Scott, Houghton and Thomas, T. Wood, Thomas Miliken, Noah Lyons, William Green, Robert Tuck, Joseph Gibson, John Wother■poon, John Lynch, Charles Anderson, P. Thomson, E. Fowler, H. Ivey, L. Prout, Michael Kavanagh, Antonio Albergath, Drifflon and Rolla, Morrelli and Cavagna, John and P. Martin, George Leitu, Henry Lawton, George Taylor, Henry Greufell (saved), E. Allen, John Anderson, S. Dalton, William Storey, W. Crowley, Mrs. Ross and family (two children, one an infant), D. Travers, T. Wyatt, James Sullivan, James Turner, Mr. Cartny and family (three children), B. Bladier, Mr. Padaritte, William Bishop, |Mrs. Willis and family (two children), John Gillespie, Thomas Kelly, Mr. Mitchell and wife, William Fleming, John Scott, John Muhlmann, Charles Parkinson, John Parkinson (or Ranaon,) James Pamplin, Miss Davidson, Henry Sims, John Manion, Samuel Mosely Wade, NicolaisLe Page, Mrs. M'Leod and family (two children), William Tany, John Inglis, Richard Davis, Jos. Potts, Frank Hoyland, E. Wildray, Miss Susannah Morton, John Mason, T. Bakewell, James Block, Beratti Vingenga. The following is a list, as f ar'aa can be ascertained, of persons saved • — Passengers — William John Ferris, Thomas Grundy, James M' Capper, Henry Carew Taylor, James Dean, — . Bradbury, Samuel Grenfell, Samuel Edward Gapper, John Judge, James Russell Seamen — William B. Draper, Edward Wilson, George M. Gibson, David Strongman, Tom Tims, Patrick Devine, James White, George Pritchard, Thoma3 Cunningham, William Barton, Thomas Cormac (steward), John OBrien, Joseph Rogers, -George Swager (boatswain's mate), Walter Hughes (apprentice), William Forster (carpenter), Owen Williams (quartermaster), Henry Evans, Thomas Griffiths, William M'Carthy. Riggers — Pritchard, James White, Patrick Devine, Thomas Cunningham, William Barton. The following riggers were lost — Cochrane, William Thomas, Thomas Niel, Richard Jones, Peter Topham.

The inquest on the bodies was commenced on Friday afternoon {October 28), at Llnallgo church, before Mr. ■William Jones, coroner of Anglesea, and a jury who were sworn in Welsh. The jury livte the same evening fo«nrl » verdict to the following effect : — " Having carefully atteuCU,A \n n, P evidence, we ate unanimously of opinion that the deceased J arne» -W .ai,*,.* -..a -iu.^., unfortunately lost their lives on board the " Royal Charter "by pure accident. That Captain Taylor was perfectly sober, and that his conduct proved that he had done all in his power to save the ship and the lives of the passengers." Later news from Moelfnv mentions that two baga of sovereigns, about 18 tt». each ; a large box of gold, about 56 H)s. in weight ; and sv small box of gold, were recovered on Tuesday, the 15tli, from the wreck of the "Royal Charter." A subscription hod been opened at Liverpool, at Lloyds, and in other places, on behalf of the sufferers by the wreck. Meisrs. Gibbs, Bright, and Co., of Liverpool, have given £250, and a liberal response has been met with from several other'quarters.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XVII, Issue 1284, 20 January 1860, Page 3

Word Count

FRIGHTFUL CALAMITY. WRECK OF THE ROYAL CHARTER. LOSS OF 450 LIVES. (From the English Mail, November 18.) Daily Southern Cross, Volume XVII, Issue 1284, 20 January 1860, Page 3

FRIGHTFUL CALAMITY. WRECK OF THE ROYAL CHARTER. LOSS OF 450 LIVES. (From the English Mail, November 18.) Daily Southern Cross, Volume XVII, Issue 1284, 20 January 1860, Page 3