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The followingt is Captain Edwin's weather forecast for 24 hours from 9 a.m. this day:—"Strong winds to gale from between north and west and south-west; glass rise; rain probable.'" In a leading article pointing out the damning contrast between Auckland's superb free handedness and the stinginess of the Empire City, the "New Zealand Times" says: "Auckland indeed may claim to be the home of generosity in New Zealand. It is a city of magnificent donations, its citixens vie with each other in making their home beautifuL The names of Sγ John Logan Campbell the late Mr. Edward Coßtley, the late Mr. 'Elam, the late Mr. William Leys, the late Sir George Grey, are but a few that tell of munificence to the people." George Harrison, a carter whose -waggon was somewhat damaged through being nm into by a railway truck on September 29th at the Auckland level crossing, was summoned to-day before Air R. W. Dyer, SM., for having neglected the level crossing regulation of "Stop, look out for the engine." He pleaded guilty. A shunter on the railway named Reuben Kelly gave evidence that on September 29, while he was shunting in the Auckland good 3' yard, several vehicles came towards the railway crossing. Witness shouted to the drivers to stop, and they complied with his request, but Harrison thought he could get across. He tried, with the result that a waggon smashed one of his back wheels. Harrison informed the j i magistrate that he was working for the [ railway contractor. "More shame to yon" commented the magistrate, who fined him £2 with costs. Miss Nellie Black, the well-known i singer and violinist, of the Bla,ck family of musicians, had a marvellous escape from serious accident in His Majesty's Arcade yesterday. She was standing with a friend in the Arcade, when a pane of glass knocked out of a window three stories above came down in a shower. The two ladies heard the smash, and started to run, but before they could reach shelter a large piece struck Miss Black on the chest. Her watch saved her from injury in the body —the piece struck the watch and cut off the glass and the hands. It then glanced off and struck her on the left hand, which was gloved, and stripped it from the wrist to the knuckle, glove and all The wonderful thing was that it appears not to have seriousiy injured the tendons or veins of the hand. Miss Black, though much unnerved by the experience, hastened into Mr Eccles' surgery, -where Drs. Keith and de Clive Lowe attended to the injured hand. Miss Black will not be able to use her hand for a month at least, but it is hoped that no permanent injury -will result from the accident. " A trifling -delay was caused to a eitybound Kingsland ear this morning through missing the points at the bottom of Wellealey-street. " Before the customary gathering of the curious bad begun to realise the meaning of the divergence from the -usual route, however, the ear bad been backed and started agsJn en tbe right track to it*

! la the M»gistx*te'a Court tide men ling, Mr. B. W. Dyer, SJL, dealt -wit several judgment debtors, making a order against the defendant in the cas of Alison MeKensie t. E. Adams for tl payment of £10 18/ within ~«ne wee] I-with the alternative of 14 days' in priaonment. Building still goes on briskly i ITIUJIIV. A JjAS bet made with the Presbyterian manse ai 1 a. for Mr Kirkpatriek in. the sout end of tie township, , in the nort end several houses axe Hearing eonipl tion. The new Courthouse has bee finished, and on the west bank of tl river a new cottage, built to the ord< of Mr L. B. Harris, sen., has been b gen.—{Own correspondent-) During the past few evenings (saj the Sydney -Telegraph" of Satu day last) the St. George district ha been visited by millions of moths, whic have invaded private dwellings to sue an extent as to cause considerable di comfort to the inmates. Those persoi who use. kerosene lamps have suffere the most, as the insecta "with their ustu persistency make for the light, and, ge ting inside the globe in large number soon put the lamp out. In dwelling where naked gas is used the floor i strewn with thousands of injured ii sects. The moths are large and of dark colour. They were first notice after the storm on Wednesday afte noon, and have continued to increase 3 numbers since. A similar visitation o> •eurred some 25 years ago, when tl moths were swept away by the hig winds in a westerly direction, and whe passing over the western railway lin caused a lot of trouble by putting os the various station lamps, and sigru lights, kerosene being principally use in those days for lighting purposes. A former resident of Wellington, wh is now living with her husband in Zio City, the abode of Dowie and his fo! lowers, has contributed another lette to the series which have been receive Trom disappointed Dowieties who fin that the much-boomed co-operative tit is not what it is represented to be. Th writer complains that shameful falst hoods were told to induce them to pttt grate to Zion City. "Work plentifu wages high, and education free," wer the promises, but she had received a account of 10/ for six 'week's schoolin of two children, while her husband lia to go outside the city to get work. H earned £3 per week, and of this Dowi took a tithe. The writer also state that the monopoly system often result in scarcity of provisions, and everj thing is extravagantly dear. At Te Aroha last evening the Rev. 2i A. Davis attended Mr. Ward's meetini and publicly challenged that gentlemaj to debate with either Mrs. Harrison Le or himself (Mr. Davis). Mr. Ward sa.ii be would debate with Mr. Davis in Auek land if his (Mr. Ward's) committe would permitPolice under Sergpant Sheehai made a raid an one of the Waini he tels after hours on Tuesday Mga*. I is alleged that liquor was being sole and that certain persons found on th premises were not bona fide boarders The ease will probably come before th Warden at a sitting of the Court o: the 25th inst. The yacht found near Port Charles Cabbage Bay, hist Sunday, is not thi Shamrock owned by the Evan Bros, whose boat was 26ft in length. Messrs Angus, Finlayson and Stir ling are the successful tenderers fo the contract of removing 25.000.000 ft o kauri timber for the K2uri Tim be: Company at the Forty-acre Bush, nea: Matakohe. The Canterbury centre of the Nev Zealand Amateur Athletic Associatioi has decided to nominate both H. S. Wil liams and F. Drake to represent the pro vince in the Australasian championships at Sydney. The council wrote promising to contribute £4 towards the expenses oi any man sent. It was stated that th« Otago centre had nominated Clarke, and it was understood that both Auckland and Wellington would send representatives, thus making a strong team to represent the colony. A strange affair is reported from Port Chalmers. Alfred Leenstone, a donkeyman on the steamer Kent, has reported to the police th&* a man camp up to him near the shipping office, asked if he was going to ship on the Manuka. He replied in the negative. The man said he wanted to speak to him privately, and took him into the railway tunnel. There the man stabbed him in the abdomen. The police are making inquiries, but the description of the assailant is j vague. A fire broke out in the house of Mr John Somers at Huntly on Monday evening. After dinner Mr Soniers, who "baches" by himself in the north end of the township, hung his working clothes near the fire to dry, and left the house. Shortly after his departure the clothes were found be blazing furiously. With assiltance the names were soon quenched, little damage having been done to the house, and the owner losing ve*y little of value except his pit clothes. At the Coromandel Magistrate's Court yesterday, before Messre James and Harrison (Justices), Robt. B. Ferguson, of Kennedy Bay, was fined 20/ and costs (17/) for cruelty to a horse by working it while suffering from an injured leg. The animal was inspected by the Bench, who, after hearing the evidence of the police, ordered that the animal should be destroyed. The two applicants left in the final ballot for the position of secretary to the Auckland TSariTig Club appeared before a special meeting of the committee of the Club last evening. After the interview the meeting adjourned till Monday next, the 23rd inst., when it is understood the final selection will be made. In the course of .evidence before the Royal Commission on the Police Force in Melbourne Inspector Gleeson gave some advice to householders how "to mislead burglars." Referring to the fact that on Saturdays a certain number of the men in his division were engaged at football matches and race meetings, thus reducing the effectiveness of the force under his control, he said house-breakers usually took advantage of residents heing absent at such events, and raided premises. The worst thing that people on leaving houses empty could do was to pull down blinds and lock the drawers in which valuables were placed. Drawn blinds were an invitation to a housebreaker to enter, and locked drawers only tended to -.the smashing of furniture, in addition to the stealing of valuables. He thought it advisable to leave even a door or window open. A house quite closed up indicated to a housebreaker that the occupiers were absent. Mean* Poitlei and Palmer, the Queenstreet tailors and outfitter*, have enlarged their business premises by the addition of the adjoining arcade shop The 9m ha-re alao made ether extemd** aUaxatim. —*—™*

Colonel DavieH. C.8., Offiwr Commanding , the Auckland military district, visited Hunily on Wednesday for the purpose of examining the rifle range. After a cioee inspection Colonel Davies passed the rang-, as quite safe, but suggested come small improvements, - wiiiiii will be effected shortly. Following upon a conference of the various Accountant Student Societies, held last January in Wellington, steps were taken by the Wellington Society to form a union of these satieties, on the Ht»<i of a similar institution in England. This union lias now been formed, under the title of "The Union of Accountant Student Societies in New Zealand," and comprises the Auckland, Wellington, Chxistehurch, and Dunedin Societies, representing an aggregate membership of about £50. The union will be managed by a joint committee of representatives from each society, and it is probable that the first meeting of the committee will be held in Wellington towards the end of November,* when a number of matters of interest to the societies will be discussed. Amongst other things, the union will inaugurate a prize essay competition, and will issue a joint volume of "Transa-etions" quarterly. Interchange of membership is also provided for in the rules. The hon. secretary of the Wellington Society, Mr Ernest W. Hunt, AXA.N.Z., will act as secretary to the union until the appointment of a permanent secretary at the first meeting of the joint committee. It is probablf that the union will shortly be strengthened by the addition of the Palmerston North and Nelson Student Societies, the latter recently formed with a membership of -over thirty members. UTie union has been formed under the auspices of the Incorporated Institute of Accountants of New Zealand. Rumours have been current in Melbourne as to-great unhappiness and discontent among the Australian converts to ''Christian Israelism," who some time ago were induced by their self-called prophets "Mary" and "Benjamin" to leave Australia for the colony of the sect at Benton Harbour, Michigan, U.S.A. Mr Joseph Hannaford, one of the party, who was a much-respected business man of Collingwood (Vie); has written to Mr W. H. Edgar, M.L.C., asking him to state that the whole party is in very happy eireumstances. "The* place is just a paradise," Mr Hannaford writes. "I can tell you, we are happy and contented. This great movement is sweeping over America. Our recognised leaders, 'Mary' amj 'Benjamin,' are very lovely creatures. They are full of humility and love. There is none of this '«ome not nigh us' nonsense. They are of ourselves." It may be explained that the "convert*" to Israelism" have to surrender all their property to the leaders, and must labour as they are bid. The Helping Hand Mission's 20th anniversary celebrations will take place on Sunday. A choir of 300 voices has been in training for some time, and, with an efficient orchestra, organist! pianist and soloists and popular speakers, the day should be one of pleasure and profit. The soiree takes place on Monday night. The ladies to whom Dr. P. Moir gave the lectures on home nursing under the auspices of the St. John Ambulance Association at Parnell were examined by Dr. J. Hardie Neil. All were successful, Mrs Hunt and Misses Young, Sommeryille, Lindesay, Atkinson and Niall having passed in nursing, and Misses Brooke-Smith and Kissling having passed in nursing in the first class. The Devonport. Bowling Club advertise elsewhere the postponement of their opening. Mrs Harrison Lee, the popular temperance lecturer, wili give her first address next Sunday evening in the Opera House. The attention of prize-winners in the Labour Day demonstration is directed to an advertisement in another column. A sale of work in aid of the Children's Home, Hemuera, is adverfised to take place in St. James' Hall, Welling-ton-street, on the loth pros.. Well,.well! I would never believe it until I tried these clothes myself. I have had the "Footballer' Brand Clothing, and can save £2 (two pounds) on every suit and look just as well dressed. Remember, this is Dalton's special brand, and cannot be bought anywhere else, ana that eve.7 small detail of fashion and shoulder padding has been most carefully studied and combined in these clothing. All exes kept in stock, long and thin, short »nd stout, and in case any of these garments require altering to fit any improportkmed , it will be done free of charge. These goods sold only by J. H. l>alton. Tailor. Clothier, Mercer, 278. Queen-street.—(Ad.) Just to hand: Magnificent stock of cushions and tea cosies, splendid value! —Smith and Caughey, Ltd.—Ad. Belgian bed ticks, 58in. wide, 1/ per yd.—At the Beehive. Karansrahaperoad.—Ad. a For tailoring, go straight to J. H. Dalton's. There is no place in Auckland where you will get better suited or better value. Suit and an extra pair of trousers free from £2 10/.—278, Queen-' street.—^Ad.) Distance lends enchantment; you may pull for hours before you end *our mile upon miles of ties.—Geo. Fowlds.—Ad Honeycomb quilts, all sizes, 3/11 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 7/11, showing to-mor-row.—At the Beehive, Karangahaperoad.—Ad. Nothing but our long experience and economical way of working has enabled us to turn out such a superior garment as. the "Footballer" Brand at the price sold by Dalton, 218, Queen-street.—(Ad.) Ask those who__patronise our mercery department what sort of value they get. —Dalton, 278, Queen-street.—(Ad.)* Children's mushroom hats with lace ruch. 1/11.—At the Beehive, Karan»a-bape-roo.d.—Ad. c Teneriffe work: Just opened up full range of Teneriffe table elotlui, tray elbths, duchess runners, d'oyleys, etc. Sole agents for this celebrated workSmith and Caughey, Ltd.—A<L Those Boys Again!— Tweed sailor suite for boys, 2 to 6 years, 2/11; boysNorfolk suits, 5/9, 6/11, 8/6 to 15/6. We stock a great variety of boys' clothing at fine pneee.—John Court, Queenstreet.—(Ad.) Ladies' xtndervests 6& each,—At the Beehive, Karangahape-road.— Aα. Woven bodices, short sleeves 10id long sleeves 1/.—At the Beehive Ka-rangahape-roa4r-A(3. Batiste mJermkirti, all shades 1/n Vll, 1/11 eaek—At'the BeSrte, Qt rangahape-read.—-Ad. *3? 7 ? Mom*, 1/11, 2/3 to 4/6} boy*' drill tunic*, eruh bl<m«», «3 In wUto and .triped, With detachable colli* «d eulh, with opt* Jroßts t our "•U-knwm Tmlne.ijWm Court

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 251, 20 October 1905, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 251, 20 October 1905, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 251, 20 October 1905, Page 4