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EXPECTED AT 3 P.M. TO-DAY GENERAL DISEMBARKATION ON WEDNESDAY MORNING. CIVIC RECEPTION AT DRILL HALL. . The troopship Tofua ia expected to arrive in Dunedin at 3 o'clock this afternoon. She has 410 soldiers on board. Included in this oumber are six cot cases, 69 hospital cases, and 335 others. The medical board will embark on the steamer at Port Chalmers, and will immediately proceed to examine the cot cases. On arrival at Dunedin these cases will be taken to the hospital. With the exception of the. cot cases no other men will be ■ allowed to leave the boat till 8 o'clock on Wednesday morning, and no one will be allowed on board eAept those haying official business on the steamer. At 8 o'clock on Wednesday morning those having passes will be admitted inside the barrier, and the work of disembarkation will commence. Workmen are buey in the drill hall erecting a platform at the Caversham end of the building. A email platform has also been constructed on the Mornington side of the hall. These preparations are in readi- : ness for the civic reception to be held at the hall on Wednesday morning. Soldiers going south will leave by a special train, timed to leave Dunedin at 11.40 on Wednesday morning. Those going , north will leave by special train at 11.53 a.m. Arrangements have been made by the postal authorities to deliver letters addressed to the men immediately on the arrival of the Tofua, and the Telegraph Department has arranged to install a telegraph bureau on the vessel The Defence Department requests us to state that on Wednesday relatryes will be admitted at 8 a.m. within the enclosure to meet, the invalids and wounded. Relatives . -with passes 'are instructed to go along Rattray street wharf and present their ticket at the gate of the barricade at the town end of R shed. This is the only entrance to the enclosure. Motor oars and ambulance will ■/report to Captain Roberts at Rattray street by S shed at 8 a.m., arriving by Richardson street or Maaon street. No cars will be permitted to approach the S shed via Rattray.' street. Cars will commence loading at 9 a-m., and the procession will start for the Drill Hall, Kensington, at 9.30, via Raitray street, Princes street, King Edward street, and Bridgman street. The re-. lativea iland men -will enter by four doors of, • the Drill Hall to a special part of the building barricaded off for this purpose. The balcony of the Drill Hall and part of the ground floor will be at the disposal of;the public, but they must approach the Drill -Hall, via Anderson Bay .road[and Bridgman street, and enter by the main door, and no one mil be permitted to enter the Drill Hall after 9.15 a.m., , when the doors will be dosed. . The approach to the 'Drill Hall via ,'Bridgman street, from King- Edwardi street, will be closed to the public. vThe. civic reception will be 10 a.m., and

.-, ■ at 11 a.m. the cars "will be loaded and\pkk • ceed to the Railway Station via Bridgman street, Anderson Bay road, Princfes' street, • and .High street. Those of the public who have gained admission to the hall' Will not be permitted vbo leave the building iintiT all of the troops and their been' despatched. The Railway Statio'n Svill be , /.closed to the public. ; ■ ■■' Motorists bringing cars will receive tickets from; Captain Roberts, admitting them to the civio reception on "Wednesday; morning at the Drill Hall and the lunch on Sunday. IMPORTANT TO THE RETURNING , v ' '■'}'■ ..■ . "MEN. .' ■ We have been requested to state that it' I.must be distinctly understood that the eick and wounded returning by the Tofua and Willochra must travel on the trains and ' steamers-provided for them, and that only one travelling warrant will be issued for each, train or eteamer. Individual warrants' 7 only-will be issued for branch lines. Saloon passages -will be issued to all men travelling on the coastal steamers who , are not fully recovered, on the recommendation of the : medical officers. On the trains' first claes . accommodation . given, if recommended by the medical officer. Travelling arrangements for the men in the ,Nortn Island and in the Nelson district of the South Island will be made at Wellington. LIST OF PASSENGERS. ■Following is a list of officers and men . ■ returning invalided and wounded by the Tofua, due about October 26:— STAFF AND OFFICERS. - Major Mickle. 9/367, Captain Cowie, Alexander John Sullivan. 7/797, Oaptain Deck, Robin Howell. 1 7/686, Captain Hardy, George Searight. ;■•■■.-. Captain Grihnour. Lieutenant Gillett, Lawrence' Henry. .12/137, Lieutenant Hatt, Alfred Richard. . Lieutenant M'Dowafl. ■ : ' ! :Lieutenant Nelson. . !,

Nurses Eddy, Lily; Humphreye, Phyllis; Utting, v Ruth. - . .Sergeants Coward, Gawn, Olsenn . Corporals Lawrence, Painton. Privates Couch, Guanine, Harrison O'Neill, M-Williim, ' Punll, SX , : M'Creary, Portas. ; ;

FIELD ARTILLERY. <rW\ A # W U,?. edle y Vicars Mackey (Chretchurcfc); 2/1164 a, Buckley, Jno. (Grey Q&S? , 'n 2^525 ' t 0 Richard (Thames)} l l ?3 Spry" Jn ?- l f Mnes C o, * Chalmers 2/377, Fielden, Herbert Royal (Palmerston North); 2/775, Fraser, Herbert Hy (Owaka); 2/1409, Fyfe, Harry (Auckland) •' 2/722, Granger (Hawem); 2/1349, HaUTLfc. wellyn Ernest (Ravensbourne); 2/398," eon, Alfred (Auckland) 2/892,. Jessop, Percival Jno. (Methren); 2/891, Jenkins Wm. Tregare (Normanby); 2/230, M'Conochie-New-ton (Nelson); 2/765, Mikkelson, Thomas Christian (Mateta); 2/1259,: Mansion, Wm. Dunedin); 2/1250, Parker, Alfred -! Cyril (Wellington); 2/1192, Prouse, George ftSner (Auckland/; 2/235, Robertson, George Logan (Invercargill); 2/1093, Shiree, Samuel Nelson (Timaru); 2/638 a, Salter, Thos. (Eka- • tahuna); 2/1846, Stewart,. Allan Jas (Auek ' land) i 2/711, Taylor, me); 2/652, Tennant, Wm. Cooper (PalmersN w^ ,; 2 OT WiUiamTfAucklandh 2/956, Wilson, Herbert (Wellington). ■ ■ , ;. FIELD AMBULANCE. •■ xnJ^ 1, l. reen ' SSt™ Gorion (WeUingtbn); 4 ' eer ' T llO Harris (Oamaru); \%£" T 9.^ en ' Gko - Thomas (Edievale) • 3/97 a, Kirby, Percy (Christchurch); 3/266, 1 •&-i, Her £ Grt Alexan der (Kaitaia); 3/613, Phillips, Wm. Jno. (Dunedin); 3/3221 Priestly. Horace George (Dunedin); 3/102 $%£*% , Rlchar «l v Arthur (Wellington); Sneddon, Stedman (Dunedin); 3/510, Stunell, Chas. Ed. (Aehhuret); 3/455, Topham, Arthur Harold (Porirua); 3/290, Waddingham)( Chas. (Auckland). FIELD ENGINEERS 4/671, Aitken, Herbert (Gisborne); 4/934 Aitken, James Wm. (Dunedin); 4/521 Batten, 0, W. (Wellington);; 4/67 a, Fair, Chas. Patrick (Westport); 4/41, Forte, Harry Arthur (Dunedin); 4/753, Hurdlcy, Henry Irving (Ohrktchuroh); 4/620, Logan, Jas Wallace (Blenheim); 4/652, Macai, G. §' (Dunedin); 4/623, Masters, Lewis Vernori (Wanganm); 4/840, Simpson, Alexander (Strachans); 4/862, Williame, Richatd; (Auckland); 4/872,' Young, Andrew (Wanganai). CANTERBURY INFANTRY. 6/185, Aldridge, Thos; H. (Riwaka); 6/405, Burnett, Joa. Shepherd (Fairiie); 6/1785, Brien, Wm. Stewart (Waimate); • 6/1796. Burgess,. H, (Cbrietohurch); 6/1260, Charlton, Thos. (O.'e Kuiti); 6/1806, Child Jn.o (Christchurchh 6/756, Ching,' Harold Louis (Tui); 6/608, Christensen, Hy. (Ashburton); 6/2095, ■• Cochrane, Thos. Waddell (Timaru); 6/2097, Cooke, W. C. (Christchuroh); 6/2371, Dalley, C. (East Oxford) r 6/451, Fairbrother, Robt. Edmund (Timaru; 6/1840, Fifeld, Jno. Michael (Onnondvillo) j 6/2500, ard Jas. (Albany); 6/795, Gibson,; Edmund Mansfield (Christchurch); 6/2388, Gilmour,' Farquhar M'Crao (Wellington);-6/1297;'GkJd-ing, Ernest Alex. (Wadestown); "6/236, Grace, Robt. ; Edward (Timahanga);, *b!2Ab ■ Hall, Jack (Redwoods Valley) ;• 6/762, Hill, Thoa: (Tauranga); 6/1317, Horgan, Jas. Patrick (Temuka); 6/2450, lyes, Horace (Puramahoi)- 6/2181, Kendall, Jno. (Dciiniston); 6/1918,: M'Leod, Wm. (Fairiie);' 6/676, Maloney, Jas. Roderick (Hokianga); Mcrrie, Francis Hy. (Reefton); 6/1538, Miles, Geo. JDeptford); 6/1683, Page, Thos. Jas. (Tai Tapu); 6/2240, Paterson, Robt. (Burnetts Face);. 6/817, Redmond,, Neil Guthrie (Timaru); 6/1384, Reeves; Frank (Faffloton);' 6/335, Rcgster, Leonard (Blenheim).; 6/1390, Rodgers, Wm. (Christchurch ; 6/1092, Sadler, Edwin Chas. (Christchuroh); 6/1706. Sanderson, \ 7 iviun Roy (Auckland); 6/139, Scott, Wm. Crisp (Christcnurch); 6/2267, Shaw, Fredk. (Kaiapoi); o/141, Siddall, Julian Vivian (Ohrist- ' churoh); 6/723, Small, Wm. (Fa-irloy) ; 6/548, Smith,. Valentine Ilav; 6/1723, Snow, Ray Sponoe (Picton); 6/360, Steer, Cyril Roy (Wak?lhld): 6/1732, Swotnam, Euguen- Thos. (Whiutu); 6/365, Taylor, Aljbert "\,'m, (Blenheim); 6/771, Thompson, hoyden Mclvillo (Blenheiin) ;6/162, Thorn-

son, David William (Ohristclmrch); 6/566, Vincent, Edwin Frank (Tiroaru); 6/173, Vincent, Edwin Frank (Timaru); 6/173, Vincent, Hy. Macdoaald (Cbristchurch); 6/843, Musgrave, Christopher (Christchurch); 6/1437, Ryan, Maurice (Reefton); 6/380, Warner, W. A. (Havelook); 6/2011, Whiteman, Thos. (Christohiirch); 6/1235, Woolhouse, Albert (Hokitika); 6/397, Wratt, Howard ' Edward (Grovotown); 6/987, Wright, Gordon Thos. (Christchurch); 6/1765, Yonng, . Geo. Blair (Timaru) j CANTERBURY MOUNTED. 7/301, Atkin;*i, Reginald (Sheffield); 7/932, Barnes, L«vid (Christchurch); 7/310, Boag, William Henderson (Dunsandel); 7/1177, Coningham, Arthur (Dannevirke); 7/709, Downing, Alfred Richard (Riecarton): ,7/386, Edwards; 7/715, Foulkes, Thomas; -7/422, Hickman, John Ivan Thomas (Winslow); 7/732, Humphries, Richard Edmund (Taitapu); 7/360, Lβ Lievre, August Osborno Onslow (Gough's Bay); 7/605, Louttit, Robert Grant (Aehburton); 7/761, M'Rae, Trooper Philip Douglas (Nelson); 7/80, M'Grath, William (Studholme Junction); 7/83, M'Kenzie, Percy Maxton (Timaru); 7/606, Marton, Richard Robert (Temuka); 7/765, O'Connor, Patrick (Nelson); 7/795, Phillips, Walter Reginald; 7/108, Rees, Frank Leonard (Methven); 7/110, Rice, Llewellyn Trevor (Pleasant Point); 7/265, Robinson, Alfred (Tiia Marina); 7/392, Scott, Wm. Thomas (Lydia Bay); 7/269, Simeon, Ernest (Blenheim); 7/401, Starkey, Wadham Bayntier (Omihi); 7/899, Slteer, Herbert Joseph (Tap'awera); 7/127, Spencer, Edward (Willowbridge) ; 7/393, Seed, Ewart Gladstone (Christchurch); 7/130, Sullivan, Humphrey Burgeim (Waimate); 7/136, Tobm, James (Glenavy) , ; 7/283, Topp, Alfred (Blenheim); 7/149, Tomkine, Wm. (Denniston); 7/608, Voxper. Wm. Vorlase (Albury);, 7/409, Waghorn, Ralph Noel (Little Akaloa); 7/415, Wreaks, Robert (Christchurch); 7/452. Wright, Walter Stanley (Kaiapoi); 7/408, Waghorn, ATthur Oscar Dennis (Little Akaloa) : 7/141, Watt, Charles William (Timaru); 7/508, Webb, Harry Deedrich (Amberley): 7/781, Watson, John Warren H. (Christchurch). OTAGO BATTALION. 8/314, AJsweiler, Wm. (Invercargill); 8/1398, ' Barlow, Edward Erneet (Manaia) ; 8/1196, Bonnet, Hedley (Longwood); 8/334, Campbell, Geo. (Invercargill); 8/1871, Clearkin, Jas. Robert (Port Ahuriri); 8/780, Connor, Joe (Arrowtown); 8/2421, Cox, R. (Oamaru); 8/910, Creed, Claude Hamilton (Wairau); 8/1225, Curtis, Jno. (Auckland); 8/1446, Dalton, Jno. (Dunedin); 8/1456,

Drummond, Geo! (Pomahaka); 8/1004, Er--1 ridge, S.M., Harry Ernest (Oamaru)'; 8/378, Fraser, Peter (Invercargill); 8/2840. Grant. Albert Wm. (Dunedin); 8/1491, Hanna, Robert (Duriedin); 8/394. Hunter, Francis Wilfred (Riyerton); 8/1527, Hylton, Brio Alan ' (Wanganui); 8/1527, Kelly, Chas. Stuart (Stratford) J 8/416, Lake, Jno. (Ryal Bush); 8/2043, Lorrigan, Claude Wm. (Hastings) ; 8/254, M'Gill, Peter John (Ettriek); 8/1805, M'lntosh, Jno. (Winton); 8/763, M'Leod, Jae. (Outram) • 8/839, M'Leod, Norman Kenneth (Wellington); 8/2087, M'Naughton, Alexander (Waikaka); 8/655, Mackenzie, Chas. (Waikaka); 8/73, May, Joseph Henry (Oaraaru); 8/2445, Meohan, T. L. (Wellington); 8/1158, Parkin, E. (Sydney); 8/1877, Payne, Albert Joseph (Huntley) ; 8/1391 a, Pirani, Frederick Jack Hamilton (Wellington); 8/272, Quayle, John Mylchreest (Tapanui); 8/2102, Quennell, Wilfred Bruce (Dunedin); 8/2776, Rockley, Richard (St. Kilda); 8/2351; Rae, Adam (Manunui); 8/1610, -Rae,. Robert (Masterton); 8/471, Ranee, Walter (Masterton); 8/2463, Rathbon, George William (Wanganui); 8/1622, Rowlatt, T. P. '■• (Bucklande); 8/1823, Reed, Ernest Johnftpn (Dunedin); 8/1621, Rogers, 'John Mowbray (Dunedin): BAS2B, Rogers Wm. James ; '8/1064, Schofield, Sydney. (Moa Creek); 8/1834, Scott, Edwd. Russell (Dunedin); Scott, Hy. Hector (Invercargill); .8/101, Scott Thos, Blair (Queengtown) • 8/1636, Shivas, Wm. Harold (Oamaru); 8/526, Simpaon John (Invercargill) ; .8/622,-, Smith, Robt (Dunedin); BAO7, Smith, Arthur (Oamaru); 8/849, Smith, Hy. (Gore);. 8/2139, Smith. Thos. (Bulls); 8/484, Stiles, Walter Wm. (Nightcaps);" 8/947, .Stuart, James (Christchurch); 8/115, Sutherland,' Archb.; Finlayson (Queenstown); 8/117, Taylor, Wm: George (Oamarn); 8/950, Teagiiei Frank Reef ton (North Canterbury); 8/2149, Templeton, Wm. (Havelock North); 8/301, Towns, Wm. Robert (Tapanui); 8/2488, Trembath, James Thomas (Kairanga); 8/36, Tustain, Louie (Mosgiel); 8/1664, Wallace, Markey (Stratford); 8/1102, Walton, Kenneth John (Lake Wanaka); 8/2175, White, David (Gap Road): 8/1667, Williams, Chas. Herbert (Carterton); 8/957, Walton, Eric Harold (Oamaru); 8/331, Wileon, Ralph Edward Miller (Otoutaa); 8/2328, Wood, Frank Fulton; 8/1124, Wylie, Robert (Diaiedin); 8/2187, Woods, Charles (Invercargill). OTAGO MOUNTED.

9/782, Aokerman, Predk George (Tokomaru); 9/788, Beaufort, Wm. (Pahiatua); 9/22, Clarke, Paul Regd. Hy. (Dunedin); 9/914, Clifford, Leo Claude (Rotorua); 9/808, Davis, Patrick Jos. (New Plymouth); 9/270, Dysaski,-Frank (Fairfield); 9/441, Farrington, (Freshford); 9/1-K), Forbes, Richd John (Lawrence); 9/38, Grant, C. S. (Ardgowar.); 9/621, Howden, Harold (Mat-aura Island); 9/589, Howell, Francie Mortimer (Waipiata); 9/514, Moffatt, Robt. (Roslyn); 9/494,. Read, Roy Victor (Palmerston North); 9A98, Ross, Robt. Dougald (Mandeville); 9/888, Sergeant. Ernest Walter Arthur (Wellington); 9/394, Scott, Geo. (Alexandra); 9/210, Sinclair, Jamee (Mataura); 9/219, Treseider, Herbert (Mataurai). WELLINGTON BATTALION. ■ 10/1416, Bennett, Hubert Warwick (Wairoa); 10/1419, Blake, Frank Arnold (Napier); 10/974, Duncan, Archibald Menziea; 10/657, Fougere, Frank Jude (Taranaki); 10/1097, Gate, Jos. Wm. Henry (Gisborne); 10/1869, Keighran, Thai. Jas. (Taihape); 10/454, M'AUister, Jas. Wm. (Jfoxton); 10/448, Moynihan, Riwi (Shannon); 10/1369, Mundell, Fredk. (Shannon); 10/1934, Nevile, Geo. Howard (Wellington); 10/1939, Oman, Milton Clifford Geo. (Gisborne); 10/1035, Palmer, Ernest (Gisborne); 10/5665, Persson,. John (Palmerston North); 10/1951, Petersen, Edward (Wellington); 10/652, Hope, Wilfred (Taringamutu); 10/467, Potter, John (Tau-

imarunui); 10/1958, Randrup, Hjalmer Augustus (Cambridge); 10/1048, Ranger, Thos. Herbert (Gisborne); 10/906, Roche, Patrick; 10/1975, Shaefer, Ernest Wm. (Masterton); 10/1976. Schreiber, Hy. (Oparau); 10/31, Scrimgeour, Geo. Hy. (Masterton); 10/967, Seed, Hy, Edeforth (Tomoana); 10/2047, Sewell, Harry; 10/2310, Shannon, Robert (Lyttelton); 10/1654, Sherwell, Fredk. Norman (Wyndbam); 10/915, Shanahan, James (Westport); 10/178, Slow, Edlward (Fairleigh); 10/694, Smaill, Frank Stanley (Waitaiara); IP/667, Somervell, Archibald Gordon (New' Plymouth):. 10/1091, Stanley, We&lev Newsome (Hastings); 10/1662, Steel, Fredk. Alfred (Napier); 10/631, Svensen, Ernest (Pinaka); 10/1996, ■ Stewart, Douglas (Mataroa); 10/634, Swain, Fredk. Reuben (New. Plymouth); 10/2002, Telfer, Alex. (Wellington); 10/1682, Thaxter, Lawrence Philip (Wanganui); 10/1003, Thompson, Valdo Samuel (Napier); 10/1683, Thorby, Walter Wm. (Manunui);- 10/794, Trask, Tho3. Hector (Hawera); 10/763, Turnbull, Ronald Douglas (Stratford); 10/1687, Cyner, Arthur Wm. (Invercargill); 10/1691, Wallace, Wm. (Marton); 10/2165 a, Webster, Hy. Arthur (Rangniaua); 10/605, Wilson, Arthur Mowbray.De Lacey (Hamilton); 10/1706, Wilson, Hy. Gordon (Maniinui.' K.G.); 10/2041. Wiltshire, Wm. Lewis (WaipukuX - WELLINGTON' MOUNTED.

11/229, Coleman, Wm. Staniev i(Gieborne); 11/226, Cunningham, Gordon (Dannevirke); 11/246, Duley, Hubert Geo. Thompson (Danne'virke); 11/164, Howard,. Alex. Percy (Wanganui); 11/775, Hunt, Wm. Geo.; 11/69, Knox. Wm. Jas. (Bull); 11/507, Newton, Fredk'. Wm. (Hurleyville): 11/1054, Robson, Hugh Ralph (Mataurata)V 11/370, Shell, Wm. Carter (Carterton); 11/149, Thomson, Jaa. Giiy (Raumai); 11/932, Thompson, Herbert Wm. (Taumarunui); 11/331, Watcrson, Burnard ; (Apiti); 11/401, Wilson, Jas. Arch. (Gisborne). AUCKLAND INFANTRY. 12/902, Bcilby, Harold (Waihi); 12/692, Bullen, Percy Thomas (Papakura); 12/1153, Bloomfield, Harry Ernest . (Wellington); 12/696, Bennett, Cedrick Oswaldf Waerenga); 12/34, Boardrruvn, Edward Douglas (Tokomaru Bay); 12/28, Campbell, Colin Mitchell (Dunedin); 12/326, Coakley, Austin Edward (Thames); 12/71, Craig, Chas. Claude (Auckland); 12/712, Clarke, Frederick Arthur (Otbrohanga); 12/2243, Coggms, Wm. Alired (Te Awamutu); 12/1848, Collins, John (Auckland) 12/1602, Crickett, Guy Menzies (Mprrineville); 12/1929, Cox, Frederick Mark (Auckland); 12/1189, Dell, Wm. Joseph (Dargaville); 12/1625. Foreman, Thoe. Frederick'' (Taneatua); 12/1968, Guilford, Gerald Jldgar (Tβ Kawa); 12/2334, Hushes. James (Hamilton); 12/818, Olsen, Robert Stanley (Onewhero); 12/1683, Johan r eon, Donald Alexander (Auckland'); 12/2404, Murphy, James (Auckland); 12/2174, Monteith, David (Mangakihia); 12/816, North, Frank Jeutt (Te Awamutu); 12/2076,Parker, Edward (Te Awamutu); 12/1763, Pernio, Edward (Auckland); 12/1776, Quintal!, Lester Edward (Waihi); 12/235, Robertson, James (Poneonby): 12/1066, Rowe, Sydney (Onohunga); 12/2104, Roigard, Wm. Edward (Pukeatua); 12/1783, Rolfe, Arthur Vere George (Waikino); 12/1101, Skellerii. Geo. (Auckland); 12/1508, Sparke, Wallace (Tararu); 12/989, Stone, Lindsay Burrell (Auckland); 12/247, Shewring, Arthur Geo.: 12/864, Slines, William James (Kawhia); 12/2563, Teapo, Thoe. Henry Ford (Sprcydon); 12/649, Tod, James Lcelio (Spreydonj; 12/1816, Tyrie, Stuart (Hamilton); 12/644, Thwaites, Harold (Auckland); 12/275, Waldron, Wm. John (Huntly); 12)254, Webber, Mark (Auckland); 12/135. West, John William (Hamilton East);

12/1083, Wibon, Joseph Emmett (Auck land); 12/41, Wishart, Geo. Alexander (Fiji): 12/1065, Wood, Jamee (Tβ Kuiti); 12/1839. Wolstenholme, John (Mangarrhau); 12/2180. Wilkinson, Franics John (Kaikoura); 12/405. Williiims, Wyatt Walding (Hokianga). AUCKLAND MOUNTED. 13/35, Campbell, Charles Gordon (Auckland); 13/563, Dickey, Edward Montgomery (Romuera); 13/329, Fitchett, Wilfred Brian (Kawhai); 13/218, Muldrock, Victor (Whangaroi); 13/731, Price, Walter James (Kawakawa); 13/123, Patterson, Jamce (Auckland) j 13/945, Richards, Hercules Ernest Arthur (Wharehine); 13/227, Redfern, Arthur John (Matakohe); 13/944, Reid, William (Tβ Awamuta); 13/454, Saxby, William John (Waikato); 13/133, Sehofield, Roy (Pukekohe); 13/737, Scholium, Ernest (Pukoi) ; 13/586, Storey, Francis Claud Forster (Ohinewai); 13/159, Swayne, Alfred James (Cambridge); 13/42, Stringer, Trevor W. (Mangapehi); 13/84, Sutton, Oscar Adolphe (Russoll); 13/446, Sweetman, Ernest Percy Shelley (Teuku); 13/462, Taylor Wilfred (Whakatano); 13/1171 Wallie; 13/969, Wilkinson, Henry William Herbert; 13/870, Wheatley Thomas Vincent (Pahnereton North); 13/587, Wilson Kenneth Sydney (Kaikohe); 13/970, William Sidney. DIVISIONAL TRAIN. 14/174 a, Butler, Frederick George (Lyall Bay); 14/420, Hislop, James (Benmore Station); 14/1655 a, M'Dowell, Roy (Oamaru); 14/189, Snelgrove, W. L.; 14/1729, Straight, Richard (Reefton); 14/1476. Wimms, Joseph (Auckland). MAORI CONTINGENT. 16/562, Ahuriri, Etera (Wairoa); 16/246, Pineaha, Wataraiwi (Atarita); 16/38, Rangi, Wiremu Haeta (Gisborne); 16/472, Smith, William (Northern Wairoa); 16/481, Wahanui, Kohatu Huri Hemara (Auckland); 16/122, Poitre Rere (Kahukara); 16/170, Savage, Thomas (Thames); 16/476, Taupaki, Te Astutehanga (Paeroa); 16/595, Wade, Kiri (Rangiriri); 16/109, Wirepa, Tuhi Taare (Tekaha); 16/146, Mataia, Hataraka (Ngapuna); 16/154, Poata, Tupu (Botorua). VETERINARY CORPS. 17/259, Roberts, Robert Thomas (Dunedin).

THE WELCOME TO THE RETURNING SOLDIERS. Sib,—May I suggest that the wounded and sick returning soldiers be officially and publicly received in the evening, instead of at midday. The adoption of such a course would, I believe, meet with the approval of most of the general public, the business people, and factory employers and employees, and would besides ensure a larger attendance of the public. The Garrison Hall would accommodate a large number, while those who could not gain admittance could at least attend, and, suppressing for the moment the lump that rises in the throat,' greet " our boys" with a right good rousing cheer. A well organised meeting, with music to soothe and stir the people, might act ae a successful recruiting agent, and at the same time bring in a goodly addition to the Wounded Soldiers' Fund—for I presume a charge of at least Is for admittance would be made. ■ ■ There may be, undisclosed weighty : reasons for holding the reception at midday; but, if not, I respectfully ' commend the above suggestion to the powers that be.—l am, etc., „ NOTGALCOVITOH.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 16524, 26 October 1915, Page 3

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ARRIVAL OF THE TOFUA. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16524, 26 October 1915, Page 3

ARRIVAL OF THE TOFUA. Otago Daily Times, Issue 16524, 26 October 1915, Page 3