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BIRTHS. BARBER.-On October 1, at U Prcstwick street, Maori Hill, tlio wifo of J. Barber —a «on. BKWLEY.-At Port amlmcrs. on September 15, to Air and Mrs James W. 'I. Rowley—a son. BIjAIR.-Oii Septombor 25, at Greenmeadows, Napier, to Mr and Mrs George Blair-a daughter. DROWN.-On September 30, at 41a Oily road, Roalyn, tha wifo of J. Brown-a daughter. OHAPMAN.-On Tixwlny. September 24, nt 557 Castlo street, to Mr and Mrs 11. Cluvpman-fl. son. COOPER.~On September 26. at Gourloy strcot. Musselburgh, Dunedin, to Mr and Mrs AHhloy AV. Cooper—a daughlor. DAWSON.-On September 10, at Parksido, the wife of M. H. Dawson-a son. DKNSEM.-On September 20, at Deborah Ray. tho wifo of Mr 11. F. Densotn (of Mosgiel —n son. KDMENSON.-On September 21. Nt SeaolilT, to Mr and Mrs Arthur Kdmonsona daughter, EVERY.-On September 30. ii Nureo Brow's Hospital, Dunedin, to Mr mid Mrs J. P. Every, Gore—a son. FAIGAN.—At Roxburgh, on September 251. to Mr and Mrs Jacob Vaigan-a son. TRANCIS.-On August 23, nt Nascby, to Mr and Mrs John Francis-a daughter. OILLAN.-On Septembor 24, at 31 Brougl:lon street, South Dtinedin, to Mr and Mm ~. J.- T. Gillati—a «>n (premature). Both well. COLDING.—On Septombor 27, at Moth- ' von, Canterbury, tlio wile of Dr D. Goldiwr—a son, GRAY.—On September 6. 1912, nt Glonaven (North-Kasl ValM. to Mr and Mrs Prior Gray—a daughter. GREGG.—On September 19, at Wanganui. tho wife ol Dr J. L. Gregg- 1 son. IJAGGITT.-On October 1, 1912, at 16 High street, Maori Hill, the wifo of ■ Oeoil S. Hagjritt-a son. lIODOR-On September 22, nt Port Chalmers, to Mr ami Mrs Victor Hodge—« daughter HUNT.-On September 24. at Whore Mam, Timaru, to Mr and Mrs AY. E Hunt, of UleJtpark, Palmcrston South— a. son. HUTCITISON.-On September 6. to Mr 'and Mrs D. Hutchison. T29 Cumberland street—a eon. JOHNSON.—On September 25, to Mr and Mrs Harry 11. Johnson, 5 Hcriot row— a daughter. Both well. MACKIE.-On September 21, to Mr and Mrs James Mnckio, " Karly Bank," Her bort—a Bon. MAOKAY.—On September 13, at thocorner of floss oiul High streets, lloslyn, tho ' wife of W, A. Maokay—a daughter. M'ICENZIR-On October 1, at 17 Neville jtrwt, Parksido, tho wifo of Alex. M'Kentkv-a daughter. MARSUALU—On Septc>mbcr 30. at 354 i.oith street, too vnfo of Patrick Marnhall—a daughter. MARTLV.-On September 6, at Woodrilkstrcct. St. Albans, Christchtireh, to Mr and Mrs J. T. Martin—a daughter. MATHEWSON.-On Seplomber 17, at Niitso Brow's, lhinedin, to Mr and Mrs Walter T. Matfcowson, of Kokonga-a daughter. JIKSSKNT.~At Dunedin, on September 14, to Mr awl Mrs E. W. Mcssont, of Middlemarch—a daughter. MIOHAEL-0n Soptcailra 5. at Merandra South, the wifo of J. N. Michael, Nevis—a son. MILLK.R.-On September 10. 1912. to Mr and Mrs R. H. Miller, Mount Grand—a son. JIOODrB.—At Cromwell on September 16, 1912, to Mr and Mrs George Moodio—a daughter. „ . . NE3PJT.-On September 12. at Waitati, to Mr *od Mrs J. AV. Ntsbit—a son. rEDLOW.-At St. Helens Hospital, on August 30, to Mr and Mrs H. Pcdlow, Mancka Creok-a daughter. BOBERTSON.-On September 24, at Nursa Chilly's private hospital, Middlejnarch, to Mr and Mrs R. Robert/son, of lliddleroarcu-a daughter.

RUSSELL-On September 29, at 15 Glcnaven, N.E. Volley, the wife of Mr C. 11. Russell—a daughter. SHAW.-On July 14/1912, nt the Mission Station, liusrah, Arabia, tho witcofClws. Farqtihar Shaw—a sou. SHORTAJj.—At their residence, Edward street, Milton, on Septombor 6. 1912. to Sergeant-major and Mrs J. Shortal—a daughter. SIEDEHERO.-On August 25, at Duncdin, to Mr and Mrs Henry G. Sicdebcrg— a. son. STRACHAN.-On October 1, at Muro street, Mosgiel, tho wife of James Straohan—a son.


ADAMS-HUIR-On September 4, at tlio hoitfo of tl» bride's cousin. 19 Hart stroot, Rojlyn, by tho Rev, R. E. Davics, ThoiTias, eldest son ot Thomas Adains, Morayfiekl, Covdonlicctli, Fifeiilu're, Scotland, to Edith Gordon, elder daughter of tho lata John Miller Huie. Melbourne, and duuglitcr of Mrs John Ridge, Snake A'alley, Victorin-ANI»ERSON-RODDA.-On September 4, 1912, at tho Roslyn Methodist Church, by the Rov. J. T. Pinfold, assisted by tho Rov. T. W. A'calie, Win. Goldic. youngest son of Mr D. M. Anderson, Nelson, to Ruby Miriam, eldest surviving daughter of tho lato Henry Rodda, Roslyu, Dunedin. AUSTIN-TIIOMSON.-On September 4, at tho residence of tho bride's mother, 4£B (leorgo street, by tlio Rev. Peter AVilson, Jamrfi Austin, Albury, to Agnes Euphemia, eldest daughter of Mrs and the lato John Thomson, Dunedin. BI.ACK-STUART.-On August 28, 1912, at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Dunedin, by tlio Rov. Dr Waddoll, Thoniaa M. Black to Mary A. Stuart, both of Dunwlin. OAMPBELL-M'FARLANF.-On September 19, 1912, at Kmx Church, Duncdin, hv tho Rov. R. E. Davics. M.A., David, eldest son of Thomas Campbell, Green Island, to Agnes, eldest daughter of airs M'Farkuio, Dunodin. DUNBAR-M'LAREN.-On August 28, at tlio residenco of Mr Gardiner, 131 Cuba street, Wellington, by tlio Rev. GibsonSmith, James Alexander, eldest son of D. 0. Dunbar, Hampden, to Jessie, daughter of the lato Alex. M'Laren, Goodwood. ELDER-WATT.-On Ausust 21. at First Church. Duncdin, by tho Rov. J. Aitken, Mosgiel, AVilliani Alexander, son ol John Elder. Eldcrslee. Roxburgh, to Annie, daughter of Into John AVatt, Uruecton, Kaihikn, and Mrs Watt, MixsKiel. GARVKY - ARTHUR-WORSOP. - On August 10, 1912, at St. Matthew's, Dunedin, bv tho Rov. Curion-Siggers, Robert Hamilton, older son of John Francis tlarvoy, to Agnes Miller, only daughter of tho lato William Arthur-Worsop, of Nssoby and AA'aitotnra. JOLLY-OARSON.-On August 5. 1912. at Holy Trinity Church, Otahiihu, Auckland, by tiro Rov. 11. Mason. Ix*lio Maurice," fourth son of D. A. Jolly, Dunedin, to Margaret Ellen, third daughter of David Carson, Otahuhu. JONES-SINCLAIR.-On August 7, at tho rosidojico of tho bride's parents, by tho Rev. J. Aitken, Moseicl. Edward AVillimn, eldest son of Ivthrard EULt Jomv, Arrowtown, to Christina, youngest daughter of Simon Sinclair, Mosgiel. LAMB-MILLAR.-On August 6. at tho Congregational Qmroh. Dunedin, by the Rov. AViWam SauDders, Harry Sydney, second son of A. H. K. of Timaru. to Edith Rao, eldest daughter of AY. 0. Millar, of Dunodin. M'BIUDE-FACHE.-On September 1. at St. John's, Roslyn, by the Rev. W. A. R. FitchetU John Patrick M'Bridc, only son of Daniel M'Bridc. Esq.. Kawaraii Falls, Frankton, to Ethel May, third daughter of Georgo Facile, Esq., late of Clvde. M'DIARMro-CARR.-On September 6, 1912, at tho residence of Mr James Miller (Braeniore). Maungatua, by the Rev. Robert Fairmaid, Angus John, voungost twu of tho kite William M'Diannid (Roseneath), West Taiori, to Anna, youngest daughter of tho lato John Carr, of West Taiori.

M'DONAI.D-MEM,OR.-oii August 15. at Holy Trinity Church, Chrisichurch, Leonard Stanley, second son of A. \V. M'Donald, Duncdin, to Bcatrico May, older daughter o[ Thomas Mcllor, Bolleknowes, Duncdin. M'KENZIE--BOWER.-On August 21, at the residence of the bride's parents,. by tho Rev. S. \V. Curriii M.A., assisted by the Rev. H. Williams, AYiiliam, eldest, son of William M'Kenzio, Trumata, to Janet Mary (Jessie), younger daughter of Joseph Rower, Balclut.ha MACKENZIE-WILSON.- -On September 4, «t Holy Innocents' Church, Duiiedin, by tho Rev. E. L. Woodhouso, M.A., of Balclutha, David Stewart, second son ol Thomas Mackenzie, "Allan Grange," to Cydaliso Lonia Harmon, second daughter of George Ilannon Wilson, Nevada. MHE-CROI'T.-On August 28, at St. Paul's Cathedral, Robert Mee, Becks, to Edith Ruby Ctoft, daughter of C. (J. Croft, Duncdin. MITCHELL-LKEDER.-On July 31, at the residence of tho bride's parents, Gordon Ross Mitchell, eldest son of J. R. Mitchell, Clydovalo, to Ivy Clementine, eldest daughter of W. R. Leedcr, Timaru. Australian papers kindly copy. OLDHAM-FINDLATER.-On August 30, at the residence of the bride's mother, Oraigannot, Catlin's River, by tho Rev. E. K Woodhousc. M.A., Daivcl, son of 0. W. Oldham, Patoa, to Ifeicn Napier Forrester, daughter of tho lute James T. Findlatcr. PONDER-M'CAAV.-Ou September 21. 1912, at Presbyterian Churoli, Waitahtina, by llvs Rev. Graham Balfour, the Rev. Jus. L. Ponder, of Waitahumi, t«> Jane, eldest daughter of Robert M'Ca.v, of Waitahuna. ROSS-.IOHXSTOX.-On August 28, nt tho residence of the bride's parents, by tlo Rev. S. W. C'uirie, M.A.. David, younger son of Mr U. Ross, "Terrace," Palmerston South, to Ella, eldest daughter of Mr T. A Johnston, '" Lorraine," Balclutha. SNOSWEf.L-OSMOND.-On September 12, by tho Rev. Graham Balfour, at Duiiedin, Jasper, son of J. S. Snoswell, Napier, to Lilian Maud Gibbs, daughter of AY. R. Osmond, Melbourne.—Melbourne and Napier papers please copy. STRANG - HAIR. -At Mastodon, on August 22, by the Rev. A. T. Thompson, 8.A., David Reid Strang to Phidora May Hair.—Auckland paper, please conv. SITTHERLANfJ - RICHARDSON. - On September 11, at tho residenco of the bride's mother. Rao's Junction. William Duncan Sutherland, to Isabel Riohardson. TAYLOR-KINGSTOX.-On September 18, at Presbyterian Church, Ravensbourne, by the Rev. A. Gray, Andrew, ehW son of Robert Taylor, Dalkeith. Scotland, to Ellen, eldest daughter of the late Paul Kingston. Duncdin. TOMLINSON-BENI'HAM.-On September 10. at St, Mary's Church. Mornington, by the Uev. Archdeacon Neild, riioma* Sherwood, third son of Thomas Tomlmson, Esq., Dunedin, to Ida trances, second daughter of Robinson Benthani, Esq.. Dunodin. Goldix AYeddixo, M'KINNBL-WILSON.-On ,| llnc io, i&s at Majlicld, Kelton. Kirkcudbrightshire! by the Rev. Samuel Cowan, John, second son of John M'Kinnol, proprietor, of Arkland, to Elizabeth, second daughter of Robert Nevin Wilson, farmer, Mavfield, and late of Corsock. Colvcnd. Present address: Fern Hill. Waikaia. Olago. N.Z. Came to Now Zealand per ship Jura 1862. CALI,EXI)ER-BLAIR.-On September 25. 1562. a,t the residenco of the bride's parents, Blair Cottage, East Taieri. by tho Rev. William Will. Junes, eldest ikih of tho late James Callendcr, Scree's Hill, to Agnes, eldest daughter of "the late Robert Blair.


ABERNKTHY.-On Sept-ember 19, at her sin's residence. Selkirk street, ttoslyn. Agnes, relict of John Abomothy, Dumfries. Scotland; aged 79 vears. "At rest."

ALLAN.-On September 9, 1912, at Ballaral, Victoria, Susie, beloved wife of V. R. Allan, and eistor of Mrs Kcan Mid Mrs Romcril, Castle street, Duncdin; in her forty-sixth year. Deeply regretted. ANDERSON-ANDREWS.-On September'' 20, at'_his rcsi<lonec, 83 Ray View road, St. Kilda, Robert Anderson-Andrews, (N.Z. railways), beloved husband of Azella Anrler.'on; aged 52 years. ASHTOX.-On October 1, at her residence, 90 Hay View road, Duncdin South, Mary Ann, beloved wife of lsaao William Ashton, and beloved mother of Mosdamcs CJ. Wis, J. Cameron, W. Dickson, M. lugs, and Messrs William, Thomas, and John Ashton; aged 69 yeans. Deeply mourned. "At rest." BAMMERY.-On September 19, at, his residence, Arden Bay. Andrew, tlio dearly beloved husband of .lemin Bambery; in ' his eightieth year. " Peace, perfect peace" BLACK.—On September 27. Nt the Dunedin Hospital, Sarah Carruthcrs, relict of Robert Black; aged 59 years. Deeply regretted. BOWKR.-011 September 25, at his residence, Balolutha North. Joseph, dearly Moved husband of Johanna Bower; aged 77 veal's. BRANSGROVE.-At 54 Manor place, Duncdin. on September 10, 1912, Lydia Gladys, beloved daughter of William George and Lydia Bransgrovo; aged 21 yca'rs. 'Thy will be dono." BRUCE.-On September 25, at her residence., Loith Valley, Ada Maria Bruce. HURNS.-011 September 13, 1912. at her residence. 9 Park street. Elizabeth Camp bell, widow of tho late Robert Burns, F.R.0.5., lvdin , and eldest daughter of \>.<s lat.> Archibald Douglas. Esq., Edinburgh. CAMPBELL.-On September. 23, at Pounawoa (suddenly), Emily, relict of Allan Cameron Campbell; in h«v fifty-ninth voar. CAMPBELL.-On October 3. at Duncdin, Duncan Campbell, carpenter, Melville sUoot; aged 65 yeans. CLARKE.—George, beloved husband of Maggie Clarke, and eldest son of Kenneth Clarke, '.?lcn road, Mornington. Deeplv roejtrtt«] CLEARWATER.-On September 16, at his residenco, WickliftV Bay, William, beloved husband of Charlotte Clearwater; aged 56 years. Dreplv regretted. CLUNIE.—On September 29, Margaret, tho beloved eldest daughter of the lato Peter and Mary Clunie, 20 Hyde street. "At rcpt." OOUPERTHWAITK.-On September 24, at Kelso, Jane, beloved wife of Robert Couperthwaite; accd 69 yeans. CU.NNINGHAM.-On Septemkr 25, at 31 Picton Rioearton, Christclmrcli, the residenco 01 her aunt (Mrs C Dempster), Elsio May, eldest daughter of Andrew and Grace Cunningham. 98 Randolph street. Woolston. Deeplv rcgruttod. DORNWKLL.-On September 12, 1912, at Wellington, Caroline Dornwell, relict of Albert Dornwell, Duncdin, and mother of Lena Dornwell, 1 Northland road; aged 76 vears. DRAKE.-On September 11. a! the residence of his daughter. Mrs Win. Crawler. Wilkw street (off Bi'ach street), John, tlio beloved husband of Ellon Drake, late of Ravcnslx>urnc; in his eighty-third year. ELI.IS.—I'm September 19 'at her res;. d<M«. 54 Macandrew South Duncdin, Margaret, relict of Tlir.mas Ellis, and beloved mother of John. Thomas, Robert William, and Hcnrv Ellis; aged ] 78 vcars. FALCONER.-On September 23. ot Dunedin, Andrew, the beloved husband of Rachel Falconer. _ Xei! street. Green ' Island: fti his year. Deeply rega-tted FORXO.-Or. September 21, 1912. at tho rc>idence of his son-in-law IMr A. Knox), I 55 Helena street. South Ditnedin. John Forno. late of Waiwera South and Murchison: aged 72 year? Deeplv mourned. 1 FOX.-On September 23, at Duncdin (accidentally!, Francis (Frank), dearly beloved husband of Marion Fox. and eldest son of • •Ichn Fox, of South Dur.edin; aged 27 years. Deeply regretted.

FOUNTAIN.-On September 22, 1912, nt Brcwn street, Koslyn, Harriett Ameii.i Stagg. beloved wifo of 0. W. Fountain, late of Wanganui; in her scvcnty-sovcntli year. • GEOFKERY.-On September 8. at Nas nl j, Johanna, Moved wife of 1). Gcoffory, Weddcrburn; aged 6C years. Deoply regretted. GIBSON.-On September 12, at his residence. 20 Woodhaugh street. Woodhaugh, Thomas John, tho beloved husband of Elizabeth M. Gibson, lato of Coorg, India; in his fiflv-sevcnth vcar. GILROV.-On September 25. 1912. at Duncdin, John Gilroy, late of Rotanui; in his forty-second year. Deeply regretted. GIRDWOOD.-On September 28. at tho Duncdin Hospital, Robert Girtlwood, tho beloved father of Mrs W. A. Colmar, 1 Percy street, Kensington: aged 70 years. GLOVER.-On September 30, 1912, at her residence, Dunback-, Mary Ann, wife of tho late J, R. Glover; aged 76 years. Deeply mourned. GOLIGHTLY.-On September 16, at tho residence of her brotlior-in-law, Mr T. Robertson. 17 Forth street, Duncdin North. Elizabeth Russell Gob'ghtlv, lato of Waitati; aged 65 years. Deeply mourned. GOODWIN.-On .September 14. at the Grey Rivor Hospital, Edward Goodwin. late of Runanga and formerly of Blue Spur, Otago; aged 78 years. GORRIE.-On September 11, 1912, at Ranfurly, William John Gorrie, tile beloved husband of Annio M. Gorrie; aged 35 years. Deeplv regretted, GRAHAM.-On September 30, at his parents' residence. Mount John, Hindon. Murdoch Samuel, the beloved son of M. and E. Graham; aged 2J years. Deeply regretted. GRIEVE -On September 31. 1812, at Invercargill, John Glendenning Grieve, Meadow Park. Otahuti; aged 71 wars. GUFFIE.-On September 10, 1912, at Palmerston South, Christina Lucy Geddcs. youngest and dearly beloved daughter of James and Mary Guffie; aged Hi months. Deonlv regretted. GUILBERT.—At the residence of her nicco (Mrs H. L. Graham), Rosebank, BalclutJia, Ellen, tho beloved wifo of the lato Henry Guilbert; aged 68 years. HORE.—On September 12, at his residence, Horno Gully, Nasoby, Launcelot Horo, tho bebvrxl husband of Elizabeth A. Jloro; in his seventy-fourth year. Deoply regretted. HUNTER.-On September 21, 1912. at his residence. No. 41 Elrin street. Balaclava. Mornington, John Hunter, formorly of Otaria and Roxburgh; in his eightieth vcar. HI.TTON.-On September 19, at hnr rwidence, 364 Cargill road, South Dunedin, Agnes Moodic Hutton, native of Kin-canline-on-Forth; ngcrf 87 years. "AL rest." INGRAM.—On September 13, at the Duncdin Hospital, Robert Ingram, lato of Kelso; aged 63 years. "At rest."-JONES.-On September 9, 1915, at Duncdin, George Leonard, the second son of tho lato Frederick William Jones; aged 48 years. KAY.—On September 9, at Dunedin, tho belovod infant son of James and Elizabeth Kay, of Saw vers' Bay Deeply regretted. KERR.—On September 24. at, her residence, 13 Lome street. South Duncdin, Elizabeth M'Far'.ano, relict of Dunein K?rr: aged 74 yean. Deeplv regretted. LAINCHBURY.-On September 25, at her sister's residenco (Mrs Matthews!, 63a Stuart street, Eliza, relict of John Lainchbury; aged 62 years. LANE.-On September 26. 1912. at her residence, Chaucer street. Milton, I»xy Dunbar, relict ot John James Lane; aged 6S years, Deeply mourned, LKATHER.-On the 11th insL, at her residence. Forth street, Roslyn, Frances D'Anettc, beloved wifo "of Bertram Leather; aired 27 vears. Deeplv regretted. LINSON.-On Sunday. September 22. at 10 I/>ith walk, North-East Valley, Mary Liiieon; in her ninety-first year. LORY.—Caroline, beloved wife of John Lory, Nasoby, died September 12; aged [ "6 venrv Deeplv regretted. j MESSENT.-At Dunedin. on September 15. j tho infant daughter of Mr and Mrs E. '' W. VftMAnt, of Middkmarch.

M'AULEY.-On October 1, at h«r residence, Hyde, Catherine Ann, beloved wife of Hugh M'Aulov; aged 73 vearfi. R.I.P. M'GIiAUGIILIN.-On September 18, at the resideneo of her sister (Mrs T. Meiklejohn), 52 Maryhill tcrraco, Mornington, .Fa.nct M'GUughhn; aged 68 years. Deeply regretted. M'INTOSH.-0n Scptembor 9. at her residence, Peterson street, Anderson's Bar, Bessie, youngest daiichW of the Into James and Marv M'lntosh, late of Lawrence. Deeply regretted. MACKKLLAR.-On .Inly 9. at"Hokitika." Rriskinc. Margaret Robertson, relict of Donald Mackcllar: aged 65 venrs. MACKINNON.-On ' September 21, at Caversham, Hector Mnckiniion, native of .Strath, Isle of Skyo (Scotland); aged 105 years. "At rest." M'LKNNAN.-On September 21 (suddenly), ut Middlenmrcli, Otago Central, Donald, second eldest son of the lato Donald nn'd Barbara M'Lennan; aged 35 years. Deeply regretted. M'MIIjLAN.—Oij September 25. at ber residence, 5 Kim row, Catharine, relict of Walter M'Millan; aped 71 yours. METZ—On Sunday, September 22, at Dunedin, Dorothy Winifred, infnnt daughter of W. 11. Mctz, ICalgoorlie, W.A.j aged 7 weeks. Australian papors please copv. .MILLER.-Oii October 2, at his residence. 86 Caigill street, John Miller; aged S3 years. MITCHELL.-Ori September 15, at Hull street, Oamaru. Nancy, widow of the lato Henry .Mitchell, of Parkside, Weston; a ced 79 years. MUIR.—On September 24, at the residence of her daughtei (Mrs John M'Pherson), Wiekliff terrace, Fort Chalmers, Jeannie, widow of Archibald Muir, Esq.; aged 33 rears. Melliourno paper? ])lease copy. MURRAY.-On September 26, at his residence, 46 Brunswick street, South Dunedin, William Eraser, shipwright, Moved husband of Catherine Murray, late of Port Chalmers. "At rest.*' O'KEEEE.—On Soptotnber 15, at hk residence, Anderson's Bay, John O'Kecfe, late of Opliir, aged 84 years. R.I.P PENMAN.-On September 26, at her residence, Matilda street. Timaru, Lillias Plillias, the wife of John Penman, and (ifth daughter of the late James Coutts, Duncdin; aged 30 years. RACB.—On September 10, at the Duncdin Hospital, George Thomas Race, beloved husband of Hannah Race; aged 42 years. Deeply regretted. RHODES.—At Bunilabcrg, Queensland, on ScptomW 7, W. E Rhodes (Ted), second son of Thomas Rhodes, East Gore; aged 26 rears RICHARDSON.-On September 25, at Omnkati, Mary Evelyn, second daughter of Wilfred and Mary Richardson; aged 17 vears and 9 months ROBERTS.~Oii September 26, 1912, at Duncdin Hospital, Selina. Barraclough Roborts. third daughter of Selina and the lato John Roberts: in her thirty-third year. Deeply regretted. ROBERTSON.—On September 25 ; at Auckland, Mary, wifo of Row T. F. Robertson. ROSS.—On September 22, at Palmerston South, Sarah Ross, late of Hydo street. Duncdin, relict of Alexander Ross, and dearly beloved mother of Ada and tho late Herbert A. Ross; aged 78 years. ROSS.—On September 29, at her brother's residence, "Mount Hampton," Pahucrslon (after a lifelong illness, borne with Christian strength). Betsy Ross (Aunt Betsy), native of Ross-shire, Scotland; in her eighty-second year. nOXBUROH.-On October 1, at his residence, Nen street, Oamaru, James, tho beloved husband of Catherine Roxburgh; aged 73 years. RUTHERFOUD.-On September 26, 1912, at his parents' residence, 614 King street, Duncdin. Douglas, the beloved infant eon of Robert and Mary Rutherford; aged 11 months. SANDERSON.-On May 26, at Duns, N. 8., Alison Mamvoll, relictoor. r Gcorjfe Sanderson, Cairns Mill, Berwick-on-Tweed, and mother of Robert Sanderson, llatuma, Hawke's Bay, and of the lato Georgo Sanderson, of Mahenoj in her ninety-fourth year. • SHANKS.-On September 16, at the residence of Mr Wilson, Bahnaccwen, Ellen Workman Shanks, of Mataura. SMITH.-On September 22 (tho result of a tramway accident), at Invcrcargill, Fredrick, tho beloved husband of Kllen Smith; aged 36 years. SMITH.-On October 2, at her pareni6 residence, Constitution street, Port Chalmers, Vera. Helen, tho dearly beloved only daughter of Frederick Charles and Mary Smith, also granddaughter of S. R. Smith, Waikouaiti. Deeply mourned. SMITH.-On October 2, 1912, at his rcsidenco, Tay street, Glenarcn, North-East Valley. Robert, beloved husband of Jessio Malcolm Smith, and third son of Margaret and the Into Robert Smith, Park Hill, Gore; aged 52 years. SPENCK.-On October 2. at Dnnedin Hospital, George Carter, dearly beloved husband' of Jean Spencc, and third son of tho lato John Kponco, of Saddlo_ Hill, and Mrs Shannon, of Kaikorai; in his twenty-ninth year. THO.NIAS.-On September 13. at Ratnnui. Annie Sophia, beloved wife of Alfred Thomas; aged 34 years Deeply resetted. THOMSON.-On September 10, Mary Watson, the beloved wife of Archibald 'Ihomson. 26 Kvans street, Opoho. Deeply regretted. THOMSQN.-On September 12, at Duncdin, William Lyon Thomson, of Abbot's Hill. Abbots-ford; agod 72 years. TROTTER.-On September 21, at his mother's residence, 16 College street, Cavorsham Ward. Duncdin. Robert, second son of tho late' 0 G. Trotter, of Hyde; aged 19 vears. Doeplv mourned. TUCKER.-On September 11. at her residence, 84 FiUroy street, Duncdin South, Sarah, beloved wife of William Tucker; •aged 67 vears. Doeplv mourned. TDRNKR.-On September 9. at tho residence of his son-in-law (Mr .1. M'Grouther), Ajax street, Milton, William Turner; aged 74 years, Deeply mourned-WATT.-On September 16, 1912, at her parents' residence. 22 Hope street, North-East Valley. Rubiiia Grace Isabella, the beloved daughter of Alexander and Rubina Watt; aged threo months. WENTWORTH.-On September 15, at 10 , Begg street, Musselburgh, Edgar Victor (Vic), tho beloved son of Miu Minnio Wentworth, and brother of Mrs Marett; aged 21 years. WILLIAMS.-On September 11, 1912, at Duncdin, Annie Eliza, tho beloved wifo of William Jones Williams, of 12 Helena street. South Duncdin {late of Tulurau. Matwira. and Newport. Monmouthshire, Ensbind); aged 65 vears WIUGHT.-On October 4. 1912, at Duncdin. William Johnson Wright, builder, of Kirkland Hill; aged 60 years. Deeply recrettcd.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 15578, 7 October 1912, Page 4 (Supplement)

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BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15578, 7 October 1912, Page 4 (Supplement)

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. Otago Daily Times, Issue 15578, 7 October 1912, Page 4 (Supplement)