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Merchandise. NOW LANDING, and on Sale by the Undersigned, Ex " Mathilda," 100 chests Congou Tea 200 half-chests do. 50 nests Tubs 50 „ Pails 50 kegs Cut Nails 10 „ Horse Shoes 84 pkgs.- Cordage 200 bags Flour 50 cases Kerosene Oil 10 half-tierces Tobacco 20 cases Tobacco Ex "Themis," 16 qr.-casks Whisky, 20 cases Jams 50 cases Pickles, 10 cases Vinegar 18 cases Sardines, 13 cases Oysters 10 cases Salmon, 13 cases Lobsters 48 casks currants, 5 cases Castor Oil 30 cases Bottled Fruits, 29 cases Salad OH 100 boxes Raisins, 40 hhds. Stout 10 hhds. Rum, 30 hhds. Ale 9 hhds. Brandy, 50 cases Brandy 50 cases Old Tom, 100 cases Port 100 cases Sherry, 50 half-cases Geneva 100 cases Geneva 0 cases Cigars 100 boxes Candles, 30 casks Bottled Ale . 50 casks Bottled Porter, 30 drums Colza Oil .30 drums Boiled Oil, 20 drums Turpentine , 40 bdls. Galv. Cor. Iron, 20 cases Kerosene' 10 cases Hams and Bacon, 100 ; bags Rice 640 mats Sugar, 50 bags Cossipore . 300 cases Brandy, 210 cases Whisky 320 bags Californian Oats Ex "Atrevida." 18 qr.-casks Brandy 50 cases Hennessy's Brandy 40 cases Port;—4 hhds. Sherry 73 boxes Soap 7 cases Stationery—6 casks Ink. TICKLE & CO., Princes-street. VICTORIA HOUSE ADVERTISEMENT. GT. ICK| begs respectfully to thank his • numerous customers for the very liberal patronage he has received since commencing business in Dunedin, and would now inform them that (preparatory to making extensive alterations in his premises), he purposes selling off the whole of his present stock at very greatly reduced prices, in order to make a clearance for the carpenters. C. T. Ick also begs to intimate that, in order to keep pace with the times, and to place his customers in the best possible position for buying cheap, he means henceforth to adopt the ready money principle in business, and to decline fhe credit system altogether. C. T. I. is induced to do this from the fact of so many of the new settlers complaining that they have to pay such high prices for their goods,—a very just complaint when properly considered, but for the most part they are ignorant of the causes which produce such high prices. Of course it is not to be expected that goods can be sold here at anything like home prices so long as the present absurd and iniquitous import duties are levied; but there is another cause, more telling than the first, which tends to keep up prices which are unna' urallv high, viz., the long credit system, which has always obtained amongst the oldest settlers here. The storekeeper is obliged to charge a high rate of profit to make his business pay him for his outlay of capital; and if there were no other party to be considered besides the storekeeper and his " long-winded" customer, it would not be of much consequence. But the seller cannot say to the casli customer—This is ss. to you, and to the credit customer—This is 6s. 6d. to you; therefore it must be manifestly unjust that the ready money customer should have to pay an extravagant price for his goods because a portion of the community require twelve months' and two years' credit. C. T. Ick has determined, so far as his business is concerned, to put a stop to such a system, and he respectfully hopes that an enlightened public will support him in his endeavour to act up to his motto, which will be— PROMPT CASH. SHADE OF PROFIT. NO SECOND PRICE. UNDERSOLD BY NONE. A Junior Assistant, also a Young Lady for the Fancy Department, are wanted. VICTORIA HOUSE, Dunedin. NOTICE. ALD Parties who have received their Christmas Bills are invited to discharge the same at their earliest convenience; and all those who have any accounts against C. T. Ick are requested to send them in, that they may be discharged. C. T. ICK, Victoria House. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. WITTOWSKI BROTHERS, Wholesale Tobacconists, from Melbourne and Bnllaiat, beg to announce to the storekeepers and tobacconists of Dunedin and the Province generally, that they will open in a few days a Wholesale Establishment in Stafford-street, with a splendid stock in first-rate Tobaccos (10s, £ lbs., Twist), Cigais, Matches, Pipes, &c. &c. Goods all landing. rjnHE Undersigned have just received ex ' SiJ- moon, from Glasgow, and will sell immediately at low rates, to save charges. 1000 boxes Candles 3000 Flooring Boards 6 x 1£ 80 tons Corrugated Galvanised Iron. DALGETY RATTRAY, & CO. IMPORTANT TO STOREKEEPERS. Provisions, Drapery, Saddlery, Stationery, &c, ex New Arrivals. MESSRS. II: E. NATHAN & CO. beg to call the attention of the Trade to the extensive Consignments they have just received, consisting of— : 103 kegs Prime New AVellington Butter 18 cwt. Port Cooper Cheese 64 Sides Bacon, ex " Storm Bird" 24 half-chests Tea 32 Hams. 8 cases do. (Sinclair's) 4 „ Saddlery j '4 „ Stationery 2 „ Clocks 2 „ Black Cloth Coats 2 „ „ „ Trousers 3 „ Checked Muslins 2 „ Pipes 2 „ I.N.E. Matches 4 „ Hats and Caps. H. E. NATHAN & CO., Auctioneers. TO CONTRACTORS, &c. FOR SALE, a 2 horse-power Portable Donkey Engine, in good condition, specially adapted for hoisting or pile-driving. A saw-bench attached, with circular saws, belt, &c, complete. It is alsao dapted for chafF-cutting, corn-bruising, Sec. Now at Lyttelton, and can be had at a short notice. Price £160, delivered at Dunedin. ' J. K. FRY, Princes-street. TO DIGGERS AND DRAYMEN. TH E " Glasgow Polytechnic," Green Island, (5^ miles from town,) on the main road to the diggings, is now well stocked with GROCERIES of all kinds, DRAPERY and other goods, to meet the wants of draymen and diggers. Mark—small profits is our motto. M'COLL & CAMPBELL, Proprietors. LET O T AGO FLO U RISH! THE "GLASGOW POLYTECHNIC." MESSRS. M'COLL & CAMPBELL have much pleasure in informing the settlers of Kaikorai, Green Island, and the surrounding districts, that their store is now well stocked with a splendid assortment of Groceries, Drapery Goods, &c., &c. THE highest price given for Dairy Produce at the Glasgow Polytechnic Store, Kaikorai, Green Island. • 'M'Cm.T. fc OAMPBEI^^^^—

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 48, 10 January 1862, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 48, 10 January 1862, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Otago Daily Times, Issue 48, 10 January 1862, Page 1