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GAZETTE NOTICE. Crown Lands Ollicc, Nelson, Ootdbor 2, 1882. A PPLIOATIONS for LEASES wider J-X. the <( Land Aofc, 1 877»" roofcival by tho Commissioner, of Crown Lands during the month of September — No. , , „ , 2404. Thomas Hictfoy, fiO' tici'CH, Dißbriot Tutakl; bounded dn bho north, by provioua application, and on all ofchor Hides by Crown land. -....:,. ; . 2495. Thomas Hickey, ' fiQ apres, district TuttiM; bounded oiithoUvofefc by Section 17, H. Spencer's ftoeholdi und on all other Bides by Cl'owii land. 249(5. John Cooper and Mumiy Allan, GO acres, District Optmira; bounded on the northward and westward by tho Karamea river, eastward by Crown land, and southward by J. Cooper's application. 2ll)7. Cleorge I'ottib. 00 ucreri, District Opurara; bounded on the north by Karamea river, eaß't and south by Crown land, and on the west by application^ of Cooper and Allan, and J. Cooper. 245)8. If. and 3. flaigehfc. 60 aci'es, District 'iNikaka; bounded on the north by former applicatibii NO. 21! 13, east by Section 100, Bonth and west by Crown land. 241)0. John Iteafch. f>o acl'e§, District Motueka (Ngatimoti); bounded on (he noi'th by a public road, east and south by Crown laudß. 2HH). William Wilson, JU it nores, 2 roods and 12 perches, District Kawatiri ; Section No. HI S, Block VII I. 2501. Robei'b Edgar. Oil acres 1 rood, District Hope (Little Ilopo Jlivor) ; Section 0, Square 147, i'onnerly held by Upplicant undor Gold Fields Act. 2502. George Oriohtbn, 40 acres, District French Yam (Homestead Bay) ; bounded on tho north by high water mark, south 1 by Crown laud and Section 20, Block V, French Pass. r 25'.)3. G-oorge Criohton, 110 acres 2 roods, District French Pass (Homestead Bay) ; Section 2, Block V. French Pass District. ; 2fi )4. James Kelly, CO acres, District Oparara; bounded, on the north- by the river Karamea, west by Pettit's application, and on all other sides by Crown land. 25)5. Edward. Bradshaw, : (50 acres, District Kawatiri; Commencing at the 14 mile peg north of Jones' Creek, extending north- . ward along the line of railway towards the hills, and opposite Barneß' lease.: . ALFRED GREENFIELD, I Commissioner of Crown Lands. SALE OF PASTORAL LEASES OF CROWN LANDS. ••' : PRELIMINARY NOTICE. : General Crown Lands OSlca, ■• . : Wellington, 20th September, 1882. ONE million seven hundred acd fifty' thousard acres of ■ Crown lands will : shortly be -open for pastoral- lease , in the P.oviacial Diatrict of Otago, New Zealand. : This country is at present bel^ under lease :in f on y-six runs until the Ist March, 1884, and will again be offered in runi suitable to I the nature of the country ; bat no lessee will be allowed to take up more than will carry twenty thousand sheep or four: thousand ; he«d of <cattle. • . : , > .' ] The lease will be for a term of years to be hereafter determined; ■tmt! in no case will • any lease be for a period exseediag twentyone yeais ,' :. . ; ... ■> \ Compensation for improvement up to three jyeais' rental will ba allowed at th? end of tbo lease. ... ; , > ; „ - .- . ■- . ( In order to give new pastoral lessees time |to make arranfiremants, the 1 lic'ebsea wilii in .terms of the Land Acts, be sold by publi; auction, at, the Land Office, Dunedin,/ in the I latter end of February, 1883, twelve months before possession is to hi given. One year's rent will be payable in advance on the license at the time of sale. ; ; The country has been occupied for up. , wards of twenty years. It is well grassed, I well watered, Bound, add healthy" ' ' ' ; pifltacce from port, by good roads and jrai ways port of the way; from thirty to one. jbundred and fifty miles. . .;. . Maps and further particulars will be objt<>inaD!e shortly at the Lnnd Offices of. New : iZoßlani, scd at plaoes in ,the Australian ■Co'onie?, to be named in future adveitisem nts. W« i( RQLLESTON, 3693— t0 Micister of Lands. ! teKINCJ, |T\RESS AND' MANTLE/.MAKER, •' " ' : | WAIMEAROAD. j M JORDKRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ; CHARGES MODERATE. * j STYLE AND FIT GUARANTEED. ; ' 3783— 1J» !~BOOTS* SHOESrMOT^T ! NOW OPENING, fex s.s. ••' Glbndowak," and other late - arrivals — „".... | OUR THIRD SHIPMENT OP : ENGLISH, FEENCH, AND» \ GERMAN MANUFAOIURE; |TOO NUMEROUS TO PARTICULARISE INSPECTION INVITED. Also, the usual Stock of Golomal Goods, OUR OWN MAKE, UNEQUALLED IN THE COLONY, BOOTS MADE AND REPAIRED ON THE SHOETEST NOTICE. Liglitbaiid & Co., TRAFALGrARiST,

PROSPECTUS OP THE riHAMPION COPPER LODE \J COMPANY, Nelson. To be' Registered with I/mited Liability, under " The Joint Stock Companies' Act. ' Capital, £30,000, in 30,000 Shares OF £l EACH, with power to increase, if Keceessryi which is not probable, as tbe facilities for working the Mine arc remarkable ; the Copper Lode running up the face of tbe mountain' to a considerable altitude, consequently pumping gear will be unneceesary. for a long time. Two Shillings per Share to be paid. on. application, If. per Share on allotment, and 2s. per Share three months after date of allotment. (H per cent, will be allowed to any person making full payment b of the ss. per Share on application.) Callß not to exceed 6d per Share at intervals of not less than one mouth, aa required. The principal Office of the Company Will be at Nclbod. Provisional Directors : F. W Irvine, M D. David JouNs'jklv, J.P. P. B. Adams M. Davis H. D. Jackson BUKCHARD FRANZEN Capt. W. h. Wmin R. S. Locas F. Hamilton (Buxtou & Co.) A . 1). Uatfeild J. Rochfout, C.E. . Hauliers : Thr Union Bank op Aostrama, Limited, Solicitors : Adams and King don. This Compauy i 9 formed for the purpose of workiugihi eippcr deposits withiu the lease to be tra )9fcired to the Company, rtnd more especially the copper lode known oh the Champion Copper Lode, discovered in (he rniner&l belt near the bead of Aniseed Valley adjacent to the junction of the limestone and rnngnesiun locka, and running paiallel with an Elvan djke. This discovery has proved the opinion expressed by tbe late E. H. Davis, the eminent Government Geo'ogist,- to be correct, which will be seen by tbe following extract from bis report on tha g ology cf.the Aniseed Valley district, Ndsor, published in the year 1871 : — '•! am fu'ly. convinced that thtre ia a deposit of corp r ore somewhere in tbe district, : but the sirpentine so completely obliterates all incHcnbnß of. its locality that it is difficult to come to any conclusion." The bearing: of the Champion lode is about uoiih-east, with an apparent dip to the eastward, The ore coosistß of red oxide, grey ore end carbooatep, very rich in quality, assays sbowitg 30 to 80 per cent of metal ; v. ins of na'.ive copper have also been found plentifully runtiag through the ore. '... ' The outcrops of ore are found on tbe face of ih> mountain, the lowest outcrop being about 55 feet from the creek, and at au elevation of about 40 feet. A cutting bas been made by the present proprietors a little above the creek to the "first outcrop; with tbie result that the ore is ua •'< r too , and a face 25 feet in height is now ore. The second outcrop, about 40 feet from the first, ccn inues for about SO feet. The tnird put . crop is about 65 feet from the second, avid - the fourth outcrop about. so. feet from the third ; there are various other indications of copper, shotting the copper-bearing nature of the reck. Ths great extent of these outcrops ; ike rich quality of the ore ; the facilities offered, and consequent cheapness in working the mine., render the undertaking one ot exceptional value. A very considerable quantity of ore can at once be obtained and brought into the market aa soon as the road can be completed' to trie mine. The road at pre&ent used ia about 15 miles from the Hope Railway Station to the copper outcrops, the first six milee being a dray rca/3, then a borse track for about six mil;?, and/the last three miles a foot track. The present propiietors have expended con* tiderable time and money on the I '; ■' Trie proprietors to receive 6,500 paid-up abates apd £l,oooin cash, of which £500 is to be paid on the registration of the Comrany and .£SOO from tbe produce; of the mine, 25 per cent of sums realised to be devoted to this purpose until tbe .£SOO is paid. -. •■ The* Boo- acres oE land to be transferred to the Company ora held by lease from tbe Crown for 21 years from tbe Ist January, 1882, with right of renewal; also the right to ibe timber on half tbe surface, which is abundant in quantity and suitable for all mining purpose . There is also a good supply of water, on the ground for dressing ore and for working machinery, i Applications for shares to be made through tbe Company's Btuiki ra in Nelson, or through any branch of the Union B >nk in the colony < It i 3 anticipated that the share-'i^t will be completed. and closed ia a very ehorfc lime, when Directors wi 1 be choseu and operations commence with vigor. At a meeting of the Provisional Directors , held on Thursday, fith October, the following ltesolutions were, paesed :— •',..' 1. To add to the Prospectus, that all the Proprietors have pledged themselves, not to sell their proprietory shares until the whole of the Companj'd shares are j Bold, or until tbe expiration of 18 months . from the date of the registration of. the' ,■ Company. ; ; ' ■ < 2. That the Company . shall not be con-: . gidered formed until 12,000 shares have been ; cold exclusive of the Proprietor^ shares (6,600.) ... „ 3. That no works be entered into, .the 1 ..estimated cost of which exceed £2000, without the consent of an extraordinaiy gensral meeting cabled. for tbe express purpose of sanctioning such expenditure. 4. That Mi W. H. Webb, of Messrs Bay-, feild and be Secretary io ! the Company fifo tern. , . "'• ■'; Apents for the' sale of shares have bf4n appointed in most of tbe principal Towns in the Colony. NOTICE-FRED MAIN thinks his Customera whofßubmiti,ted toothers atten- : tion during unavoidable absence through his late accident, and that he has NOW RESUMED BUSINESS. . . „'. / ' September sth, 1882. TO BUILDERS. nnENDERS are invited for. the. ERECX TION' of a~ SCHOOL-HOUSE in 88 .Valley. , . . . : . Plans and Specifications can be seen at Mr Thomas', Bootmaker, Wakefield, till October 14tb, aud from that date till October 28th at the Education Boabd's Office, Nelson. . . . Sealed^ -Tenders marked • ! " Tender for School," to be sent to. tbe undersigned on or before October 28th, 1882. SAMUEL CLAYDEN, : '. Chairman of the 88 Valley 3720-12 School Committee.

NEW_GOODS!I! JUST EEOEIVED : i*KAA worth of New Jewellery) ouu Watches, etc., Consisting of Lad s' and Gents' English and Foreign WATCHES m Gold and Silver; Gold and Silver ALBERTS ; Ladies' Diamond Dress and otherRINGS ; LOCKETS, NECKLETS, BRACELETS, and SUITES in the best Gold; with Precious Stones ; BROOCHES, EAR-RINGS, &c A large assortment of CLOCKS, Marble, Ornamental, and American. SPECTACLES to suit all sights, from l/-j BMAZI LLI A N P E BBLES, 7/6. The above jirticles > being of the Newest Designs, intending purchasers will do well to pay a visit:. N.B.— Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, &c, carefully REPAIRED: by Competent Workmen... ...... , A- 'TITTTIXSniI^'CIf WATCHMAKBEand JBWELtEH, i 1 /4; : MUI« lijilfc Next the Old, Stand,

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVII, Issue 232, 14 October 1882, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVII, Issue 232, 14 October 1882, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVII, Issue 232, 14 October 1882, Page 4