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EARMFBS desirous of forminp a CIUB for tha DESTRUCTION of SMALL BIRDS at HOPE sre requested to meet at tbe Hoi-K I)E3Abt, en FRiDAY EVENING NEXT, cth January, at Seven o'clock.. Hope, 4th January, 1882. 34— -S THANKS. I THIS Um'frsigr^d, br-pr fco return my tj iincere THsMi to the Members of lha Pire Bricaie md those neighbors who rfniered roe such valuable assistance at the Fire this morning. 40—1 PAUL FUSCH. GOLDEN POINT GOLD-MINING COMPANY, lisjiTED, AT a Meelin^ cf the Company held on the 26th December, 1881. ft CALL (the 15 h) of FOUKPKKCE ptr fr-hare was mada parable to the Marager, at the Compiny's Office. Gbktmouih, on WfcDNE;;January 11, 1882. G. TEHOTTI, Manager. Greymouth, December 2!) IFBI. 28 CROESUS QQARIZ-MINING COMPANY" [Limited]. AT » Meeting of Directors of ths above Company held this dt»y, a CALL (Hh) of THREEPKWHE par Share whs miiie payable to tlu Manager, at the Office of the Company, lYEi,r,, on WEDNESDAY, the llih dayof January* lßß2. - - ' J4MES -IHGHS. Mauatrcr. Lyel],3othDecemlrer^Ber; Ss— l STATEMENT of the AFFAIRS of the " GOLDEN POINT GOLD-MININtJ V - * COMPANY, Limitel. Nam« pf the Company — The Golden Point G'ofd-mlDing Company, Limited . . - When formed, and date of RegistrationSeptember 18. 1878 ; November 15. 1878. Where bu>ines«i is conducted, and name of teßal Managfr— Greymouth ; Gerald Perotti Nominal Capital- £24.000 Amount of Poid-up Scrip given to Shareholderu— Fil Number of Shares in wbicli tha capital is divided— ? 4 000 Number of Shares taken tip— 24,ooo '~ Amount of Calls madi— £(,800 Total amount of subscribed cspital pnid up — £IS2S6 5b Number of Fhoreholderß et ths titae cf registration of tho Company— Eleven £ Amount of cash in hand— Nil Whetter in operation or cot— ln operation \ Total amount of dividends declared— Nil i Number cf Shares unallotted— Kil I G. PEROTTI. Manazer. Greymouth, December 10. 1881. 29—! i COUNTY OF WAIMEA. Election of ConncUlor for the ; Waugapeka Bidirg\ IN pursuance of the provisions of " The Counties Act, 1876," and " The Regulation of Local Elections Act. 1876," I hereby giv« notice that at a POLL this day taken for tke ELECTION of ONE COUNCILLOR for the Riding of WangApeka, the Number pf Votes received by each Candidate was as follows : — William Henry Phillips, Junr. ... 24 ; Alexander Thomson 21 And I hereby declare the said WILLIAM HENRY PHILLIPS, Junr., being the Candidate who has received tbe highest number of votes, to be DULY ELECTED as such Councillor as aforesaid. Dated this 28th day of December, 1881. R. KELLING, 36 1 Returning Officer. IN BANKRUPTCY. In the Nelson District Coukt, i Holdbn at Nelson. j In the matter of The Debtors' and Creditor*' Acts, and of the Bankruptcy of JOHN AVRHY, ot Collingwood, Saw- ; miller, a Debtor. "Vf OTICE is hereby given that the aboveJLM named Debtor will make application to this Court for his discharge on MONDAY, 6th day of February, 1882, at Eleven of the - Clock in the Forenoon, or so soon thereafter aa Counsel can be heard. ! Dated this 4th day of January, 1882. I CHAS. EDWD. BUNNY,. 37 , Debtor's Solicitor. JLon don Wine and Spirit Store, TRAFALGAR-STREET, j J. Shields Having purchased this business is now prepared to supply the public with WINES and SPIRITS of first class quality only, coneieting of WINES. SHERRY from good Dinner Wine to very fine old Amontilado and Yin de Pasto. Also, irery old Brown East India.— POßT from first-class shippers, Family and Dry to very old Tawny.— CLARETS, Madeira, Marsala, Hock, Sauterne, &c — CHAMPAGNE : Roederer, Moet et Chandon, Veuve Cliquot, JA-ckerman, etc., etc., in pints and quarts — JSPARKLING HOCK, Moselle, and Burgundy, in pints and qrts. — AUSTK ALIAN WINES : A choice variety, Shiraz, Constanjtia, Verdeilho, Burgundy, etc., etc. j SPIRITS. I HENNESSY'S One Star, Three Star, and V.O— MARTELL'S Pale and Dark, Dubois, and Three Dagger Brands, Old Jamaica Rum^Old Irish ani Scotch Whisky, J.D.K Z. Geneva, Old Tom, Unsweetened London JGin, Schnapps, Scotch Ginger Wine, Raspberry Vinegar, liitne and Xiemon Juice, &c. I And a rare assortment of choicest Foreign |LIQUEUBS and Aromatic BITTERS. ! Also English BOTTLED ALES and STOUTj best brands. Apollinaris Water, &c, &c. - ' qgf Any of the above can be had by the single bottle or dozen. Detailed Price Lists : on application. ! J. SHIELDS.

Holloway's Ointment and Pills. — Diseases of Advanced Years. — When man has pa£sed to the borders of, old age, the di- . gfistion becomes impaired, the! nervous syetem grows feeble, and the physical power shows increased weakness. Hence arise congestion of the liver, lungs, or head, followed by dropsy, asthma, or apoplexy, which too frequently .afflict-the aged. ■• The liver usually . first becomes torpid, but its activity iniay speedily be revived by rubbing Holloway's Ointment thoroughly over the pit of the stomach, and right side, at least twice a day, and taking the Pills at the same time. This treatment also cures all other congested organs, by varying the parts rubbed according to the situations of the congestion; I

TO LET— CLUB HOUSE in Selwyn Place. Apply to Mrs. MACK AY, Rose Lodge, or to Messrs SCLANDERS and Co. , 50—3 LOBT.p»ir Gold-naounted BPECTACLBP. Finder will receire 5/- reward by leaving them at ff Mail" Office. ■ 4fi WANTED imtnediatey DRESSMAKERS and MACHINISTS. Mrs. MELHUISH, TrdeJgar-atreet, NeJgon. -30—8.- ■„ -•■ ,^y ; •-,-.•-, c ;;-.:. ,-■ WANTED a COOK and 1 Hi USIiMAID. ....,-, Apply Mrs. SHARP, {■ ,- r , . 32 ./-,:'} j,. ;,■ ' ■' J FelWorth. Tjrr AI9TF D ' a . MARRIED MAN to. taks JjjVi 3 charge pf a'Smal) *Farmi vBe 1 'iriußt. s be able to Plough and willing to make himself generally uaofal. T.-R. HAOKET, , ;; ; 3^Ll-1 • : : : [ .!..•■;.• 'l• '• ■ A ; B^eed Valley: Athletic CiuS. MEETING at MaboniO Hotel TOMQHT, at 7.80. Important Business. T. A. ASKEW, 42 — 1 Hon. Secretary. THE FIRE BRIGADE will be happytff play tbe SALVAGE CORPS a GAME of CRICKET at'any;tiir!B BUitableX T/ __. Z ~1 . .!.„. .. jr.. cqqksey; " ~ ' Secretary. 41h JSnuary, 1 992. v "VS W \ V/ ( €ricket Challenge. THLEVEN Licenßei' CABMWN are willing play Eley6ri.':CAßTßßS'ir"Game of CBICKET on MONDAjf.NI.XT. . , 44— lp Waimefc'llif&gP^ -mnV.-i:-:^ MEMBERS »i reminded that the ... yr'.m 'j^^xf-j^,- bmNP.R will beheld at MAjntiN'J'Hk&Bii.Brfihtwater, TO-MORROW (Friday) .EV*SISG, fc t H»lf-pmt Seven- o'clock " i " > '" '48—1 rJ |; ,:, . . Hon Sicretary. CIT J; ,OF; . NELSP^, OWNERS of-DOGS''Te»ta ) eriV' ) within the City of Nel«f>n,ar^ hereby;, required to REGISTKH them for the^curr.-nt year. Deg- Collars, wiih Tickets attached, can bo obta.nei Dt the Tcwn Clerk's Office, Nehoa, or of the undersigned. :rr ■ > ; T 'TiJ. R OXLBY, r— : .: :.: v -~: r:: :.: ~~.~. Registrar Of Dog 9. Sth^ Januaty* 1882. , „,, i^ r '.: -r 8 * : Provincial Hall. TUESDAY, .JAMUABY 17, 1882. Mts. George Cbtterell aßaisted by MAJDAMis'SUM'MEII- ; j /HAYES Jand Lady, arid Gentlemen Amateurs) will give a GRAND CONCERT IN THB ABOVE HALL, Admission— Body of Hall 3s ; Gallery 2s. Tickets can; be obtairiedji at \Mr*;SxA^TON's. Doors open at 7.30, commence at 8. ;■■::-; '. :::>:-. :--,i '■. 45—8 Special. Notice. \\ THB INDUSTRIAL AND ART ! : " ~ Exhibition -:■; '■■■.■ r \l' rvf ILl b;^ c-rz/^t'-'' NOT^be CLOSED until SATURDAY, ..that evening being the last ; thu» giving the vCduntry Settlers another opportunity of visiting the Exhibition. -■ . - « > ( Besides a iiumher of 3 NIJW EXHIBITS, the JUDGES' AWARDS will be placed on all the successful exhibits TO-MORROW a^d SATURDAY EVENINGS. Admission— l/-. I s ;: 'AM rmmsci^L buildings, from Eleven a.m., until Ten p.m. j . *"\ - r • IN> BANEiRTJFTGiY. l< *l$ TlffE. [Sfo^SEME Court pv New Zealand, JNelson Distbict. „ :n (.[;-: a aoovr milt ;-•; -TheDsbtorM' and Creditors* Acts. Bnd of the Bankruptcy lof FRED n- iO^RtC^iiOAiWVBLL the yoangero of T , ..^oxbjill, Carter. j v TVHIS 1 llilCtftP notify/ r that FEED KijlCK I CARyELIi tbe younger, «if Fo^tiill, Carter, has ihis day filed a ttatement thh.t he is U"&bla to meet his engtgemvnltß with hii [Cl;edito(s jlb'^Firrtl Mating of ojeditore to ! be held at the Court-house, Nelion on TUESDAY, the 10th dayof January, inst., at tbe-bolf~of "Threar of thf «lbcfein~th"e iZUAI.'IUprHL 1 Dated tbia sth day. of. January, 18P2. | v-isv,) ni r L' Xl)t6tb'r;g Solicitor^; ::) '>'■'■[ ' ; :[ " ok)1 W

\ £ ACTfIB7B." _ - 7 : > •'; [^i wi! ■ :l! •'^■' : ,:'" ' .:::^EfeSP^'. DISTRICT. R'^W^ I " 'w.i^B^ourfcli .Qu9X^.af;iß8 J l,VlxL 'aocoxdanca with Seetion>l9 of "The Sheep . ! "Act, 1878,^ that there' "be "published' once in every three months, in one or more newspapers withm the v distrio c t, ; 'a"n(i''in : 'tlie Gazette, a list, certified by the Chief Inspector, of all runs on ; wbich there "are at ;thaibiime any infected sheep and of the particular flock or flocks iwhichj are so jnfected.'' ,, 7i , . v- j ;.:., :. . i \\:v..:i <:W,\ <r:i :;•;■, :■■; ii-., .: -;: ; :- : : |; ;: -:,pi : : ;Naine of Run and' of .Owner. • Particulars ["Eun? means ;any sheep-fltation.orfann, or othWlaba being under ■ ■ ■ management and managed from one homestead.! or Mocks. „;;;: ....■■ iNELSO^'ANP MOTUEKA SUB-DIVISIONS. ; HarTey,:J.,^akapuaka :...■: nv.v: >'... .., ... Mixed 300 . Mackay, T., Drumduan; ...,..: ... .i. „ 400 Jordan, A., Eanzau '...', ... '.".. „ 15 Max, D.Hope : .1. : ; V.. .., ; ... . „ 125 :. Wells, W., 88 Valley: -!v...-- ; . ;••:'•• . .. „ 225 Hunt,.T(, Qtiail, Valley w:...,j...;: ... ... ... „ 719 Holypak,.B. ; Sandy Bay,.. :^ ... . '.'; „ 16 McNabb, E., Sandy Bay ;'..'" ..', '"" ;.. „ 27 Kerr, 1 John, Eo'tuiti ; •"' ..i v ;.j ; ... 3000 Kelling,C., Neudorf ; ... .;. ... 380 Bossebiian, Neudorf ... ''..-.' ' 12 Max, P., Brightwatef ;,...,■ ... „ 220 I herebj certify the above to be a true and correct return. ■■■■''■ :■-.:;■-:.. ■■:::■■.:<■■.■,. CHAELES CANNING,'^" Chief luppector of Sheep. & 3Jst Pecembq:,J§Bl. » ' gg

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVII, Issue 3, 5 January 1882, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVII, Issue 3, 5 January 1882, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XVII, Issue 3, 5 January 1882, Page 2