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THE Marlborough Express. Published Every Evening. MONDAY, APRIL 16,1883. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS

» i Bradlauqh.— The trial of Mr Bradlaugh, for the issue of alleged blasphemous books, has resulted m his acquittal. j

Business Chanob.— The buniness <s*r tied on until the present time by Mr William Evans, Market Place, has been #urohased by Messrs Eirp and Young of Nelson, who will carry it on ia the future, Messrs E»rp aud Young come hero with an excellent business reputation, and being direct importers from England, will be m a position to supply every description of merchandise on the most favorable tenn3. We wish the firm success. Mr. Bbycb's Trip.— lt . is repotted pfrom Alexandra that Tanonui, a powerful Ngatiamaniopoto chief, is unfavorable to Mr Bryce'B journey, Archdeacon Butt.— Large congregations attended the morning and evening services at the Church of the Nativity yesterday, on the occasion of the Yen. Archdeacon * Butt's resumption of his charge after his lengthened stay m the Old Country. Accident at the Wakamarina.— Our Havelock correspondent writes : — On Sunday last as Mr Henry Header, was riding towards Canvastown, he had to pass some paokhoraes also returning from thetfiggings. While urging hia horse past one of them kicked out viciouslyjand broke Mf Reader's leg below the knee. Fortunately a trap arrived on the scene soon after when the sufferer wa» lifted from bis horse and driven with »U speed to his home m the Eaituna. Blenheim School Committee, — A special meeting of the Blenheim School Committee will be held this evening at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of nominating a candidate to fill the vacVU seat on the Education Board. - ' : The PHffisix Park MuRbERS.-The trial of Brady, the first of the prisoners charged with the murder of Lord Cavendish and Mr Burke, has resulted m the prisoner being found guilty and receiving: the more than deserved death sentence. Tile trial of the other prisoners is proceeding. New Guinea.— We are glad to learn' that the Government of Queensland formally took possession of New Guinea on the 4th inst, and have thus prevented the talked of Annexation of that country' by Prance; or Germany^ New Guinea: will undoubtedly, m a few years to come prove one of the best of the .British Colonial possessions *for pushing ' 'and enterprising colonists. ;. District Court.— The quarterly sea. sura of the District Court will commence m the Court House on Thursday next., .There is only one case set down for hearing; namely that of Oreaoh V. Hyde ' claim £152, for breaoh of warranty of a ! bull sold by the defendant to the plaintiff. > Mr Sinclair is solicitor for the plaintiff/ and Mr M'lutire for the defendant. ; Mablbokoughtown.— A Concert will be given at Maryborough town on Tuesday' week, the proceeds of whiph will be devoted to the Spring. Creek Church of England Parsonage Fund. The entertainment will be a varied one, and as the district poßsesseisqme good moaioal amateurs, we have no doubt a very pleasant evening will Jbe spent.; R.M. Coubt.— ln the RM. Court this morning the following bye-law oases were disposed of:— Edmund Slattery,' mtray 1 cow m. Kinross-street on April 6th; fined 5s and costs 7s; John Smith, three stray cows and a oalf m Main-street on the 6th mat, fined 5s and costs -.7a i' ,M.i Hennessy, tethering a horse m Keiss-j street on April 9th, fiuedi6s kud T <s6ata 7a '■ The civil .cases disposad pf were :— W Freeth n v. R. .Ham, claim ;&1 els 6d ; judgment for' the' plaintiff by default,, with 10s, coats, ' ... H. C. O'Leary y, Maddock arid':M'Donald, claim £ 15 ; Mr Sinclair appeared for the plaintiff. JLuo defendants had confessed judgment, but neglected to give the plaintiff notice, they were therefore ordered to pay costs ■ Le Grove and Grant v. A. J. Norberg,' claim £5 6s, on a judgment summons. Mr {Sinclair appeared for the defendant ; An order waa made for the payment ofi £2 a month. D. Rawlinga v. M. Lodge, claim £5 Is Bd, on a judgment summons. The plaintiff stated that the defendant was getting 10s a day. An order was made for the payment of one-half the amount claimed m one week, and the balance m 14 days from that time, or m default 14 days' imprisonment. New Hotel, —We notice that Mr Casey is now about to erect his now hotel and invites tenders for the building m our present issue. The hotel is to be situated at the corner of Halifax and Walter-atreets, facing the Max well Bridge It will have two storeys. The plans, which show provision made for about 3Q rooms have been specially prepared for Mr Casey by one of the beat, known pub-lic-house arohiteots, and when completed the building will be foand a most convenient one v every respect. Prom past experience who haie no hesitation m saying that Mr Casey is an excellent lank h«M 3n lat'?I at '?. Ws h^ ds thia or at) y hotel will be well conducted, and eiva every satisfaction bothtothelioensinacommittee . and public. The sbot Mr Casey has selected astbe site, though- near town has been long negleoted m the past, aud hisjmwent enterpriae will no 4>uot resalt m generally increasing the value of property m the neighbourhood. ; OBiruAßy.-We regret to learn the death, at a quarter to two o'clock to-day; of Mr Arthur Clark, son of Mr B. G Clark, Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands for this province. The deceased, who waa employed m Messrs Pell Bros. . store for a onmber; 6t years; » f/^ ni ".^ Mng fin* attacked by meaßleß, and afterwards by fever, to whioh he unfoi Innately auo^ onmbed. this aftaraoon. The greatest sympathy will be felt tor the their sad beareavement. OBiruAßY._We regret to record the death of Mr Alexander Scott Duncan, whioh took place at his residence, Pioton on Saturday last, at midniirht The deceased gentieman who came to' this colZ Hn y t t at w g ,r fr ? m Viotoria - Betu ed at H» t?«n „' WeUln Bton, for a short time. He then came on the Grove, near Pioton at which place he finaUy decidedVmake his home. Starting a sawmill on an extend nZS Mr ? Unoan oarried o" Ss bul ness with mnoh energy and enterpriae^ for many years, distributing timber m"h vessels of his own and others to all parti of the^ colony. Subsequently, when the Grtve was denuded of timber for sawmiU purpoßea Mr Dunoan moved his plant to Keneperu, where for the past seven years he, m conjunction with his sons, oarried on the timber trade. Many of the old settlers at tha Gwve speak m .the highest terms of Upraise of the uniform kindness and assistance they have reoeived from Mr Duncan and his family during their residence »t that place, and there are few of the masters of coasting vessels, to whom Mr Duncad was well kaown. who will not hear of his demise with feelings of deep regret. As a Bettlar, Mr Duncan was one of the most energetic amongst the early colonists, and his honest;' genial, straightforward businesslike manner won for him a name which the large family he leaves' 'to mourn hia loss may well be proud of. Many yeara ago Mr Duncan was appointed a Jnstico of the Peace for the Colony, and m this capaoity proved of much service to the settlers amongst whom he reaided m a sparsely populated distriot. Amongst his fellow mill owners his opinion, always ready and reliable, was frequently oalled into requisition, and no project for the common weal was 'ever entered into, within hia district, m whioh Mr Duncan did not take a prominent part, and for some years he represented the distriot as member m the Provincial Council. The immediate aauae.Qltbe

Aeceasecl^entleman's death, at the a»e of 62 years, ' was brought about by an accident which happened to him some six or seven years ago. When pulling a boat m the Sound he ruptured a blooa vessel m one of his logs, land was, later on compelled to undergo an operation m Wellington, from which he never recovered, his health from that time gradually failing him. Mrs Duncan and family will find many sympathisers m the irreparable logs they have sustained. Land-Laws.— The " N.Z. Tablet " remarks as follows on Major Atkinson's/ Inßuiance ; Soheme :— " It is a noteworthy 1 fact that ' the wealthiest country m the world has the moat poverty^ Many great thinkers hold that the land laws and tha consequent unfair distribution of land are the ohief cause of this. Certainly the contrast m respect of poverty between countries, such as England on the one hand, and Fiance and Belgium ohtho other, would seem to confirm this view. There is greit reason for thinking that the land system of the United Kingdom is largely to blame for the enormous extent of poverty there side by side with enormous wealth; There it a wide field for Major Atkinson's exertions m the reform of our land laws and land system, and if we might venture to give anadvioe we would say that his new project will keep till our land laws and our tows of succession are put on a satisfactory basis." Yes, when the land laws are on a satisfactory basis, there will not be so much reason to legislate for poverty, \ Home Rule for Ireland.— Mr Herbert Gladstone, speaking at Leeds on February 12th, reminded his constituents that wiso legislation for Ireland re-acted beneficially for England | he branded the English Government m Ireland as a complete catalogue of political blunders, condomned the repulsive selfishness of English merchants who had crushed Irish' manufactures for their own benefit, denounced the traditions of the Castle, and denied that the confidence of Irishmen could be given to an Executive Government which occasionally came into conflict with the people by means of official magistracy and an Imperial police force. He added that as England had given a Parliament, .with beneficial results, to all Jier great colonies, and has lost America by ' withholding from her elementary political freedom, there were, m. the abstract, strong (reasons for granting Home Rule to Ireland. < ■ , Lord Wolseley.— A cablegram states that m the House of Commons on Friday Mr Gladstone announced that Lord Wolseley and Lord Alcester (Admiral Seymour) will - *e<)eive pensions of £2,000 ayear each for life. A Surprise Arranged by Mr Gladstone.—VVe find tho following paragraph m our mail files. Nothing has been.r^en- ■ tioned m bur cablegrams yet about tlio cPriemier's little surprise, so we may conolude there was not much truth m it : — It is just possible that during the present session. Mr Gladstone will have a, little Surprise, tho'oaly parallel for which is to •be found m; the disclosure of the Suez Canal share's.' ! It ' is said that Lord Dufferin, aotihgunder instructions from , the Cabinet, has arranged for' the com-' mutal of the yearly -tribute whiah Egypt .pays to the Sultan, and whioh amonnts to £705,000. Tho sum named as the/ purchase money is six' millions, and If tiie .story is true an unconimonly.gooJ bargain has been made. England will, of course, have to find* the money m tho first- in-, stance, but, England Can borrow on terms open to no other nation, and a financial arrangement 'will be made, as m the case of the pu'robase.of the Suez Canal abates, m which no demand for ready money, will bo made : upon the Exchequer. Threshing.— The " LYttelton Times" records the following big threshing feat : — la a day^s threshing, of 13J hours, Mr Muirhead, on Mr Robert Millar's Winchmore farm, near Ashburton, got through with a Clayton and Shuttleworth maahino 282S bushels of oats m a crop that went 62 bushels to tho acre. Fire m a School.— A terrible. disaster has occurred at the German Catholic 7 School at New York. There were' about five hundred girls and two hundred boys m the school when an. alarm of -fire ! was given. The building was five storeys high, the upper floors being approached by narrow stairs. When the alarm was given thesqholars began, to leavo the building m an orderly .manner, .under the care of their teachers, who had previously drilled them with the special object of averting panic m case of an outbreak of fire. Disorder was first produced by the inrush of parents and .other friends with the objeot of rescuing the children. At the angle of the stairs a child fell, and others falling upon it, a blockade was at once produced. A panic then set m, and a fierce struggle for life ensued which baffled all efforts to .restrain it. The confusion was climaxed by the breaking of the balustrade. Many children fell: into the spaoa bsneath, which was soon halffilled with writhing bodies. Fifteen young girls who were at ths bottom of this terribl«>heap were suffocated, while many others 'sustained fractured limbs and internal injuries. The school was situated among a dense population, After the'panio was over the scene witnessed outside the bnilding was of" the most distressing character. .The parents of tue dead and injured children we're nearly frantic; and even the. police as well as the ordinary spectators were moved by the grief displayed on the recognition of the little corpses as they were^brougbt out of the building. The Jersey; Lily's Book-keeping. ~ Mrs Langtry, according to the irreverent Yanks, : keeps a careful account of her expenditure. This is how the account stood for one of her best weeks -.—Receipts : Amount from sale of tickets, 62,000dols; from sale of photos, 8,000dols ; jewellery from' F.'Q;, v i7,oqod6la ; value of one pair jewelled garters, left behind by Mrs Labouchere, 175dol; estimated saving .of advertisements through scandal, pars, 2,800dols ; intaglio ring, given by Oscar. Wilde,- 35c; flowers from F.G., 25d015. ; a leoture from Mr Abbey on propriety, value 15o. ; a book of pcems given by Oaoar Wilde, weight lib, 2c; flowers from F.G., 40d015. ; estimated value of presents, , jewellery, stockings, gloves, and hairpins, from young men who tried to be introduced bu& couldn't 850dola 90c : flowers from F. G.,, 12dols. Expenditure} Hotel Bill, 800dols ; lib taffy for F. Q., 1"; ; damage to furniture daring quarrel lOOd ils ; postage on letters to Prince of Wales, 60 250 , value of time loat conversing with Osiar Wilde, 1500dola • lib taffy for P. G., 15c; postcard to Mr Langtry; 2o ; one pair No. 7 bronze shoes, 9dols ; spelling book for Freddie, 70o ! amount paid tp have Mrs Labouchdre's garters reduced to proper size, 2 dols • taßy for F. G.. 20c; newspapers, day after the quarrel, Hdols , 2 pair Btaylaces extra stout, Idol ; driving gloves 3dols ■ sawdust 250. ; - TOWLE'S PENNYROYAL AND STEEL PILLS for fesiales quiokly oorreot all irregulantes, and relieve the diseasing symptoms so prevalent with the sex. Boxes Is lid ? nd , 28 Th d> r°- Sole propifej tors-Tho Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Co Lincoln, Engalnd. Agents or New Zealand-Kempthorne, Proaser and Co., Dnnedin, Auckland, and Christ.ohuroh j J. Montieth,: Manners-street Wellington ; Wm. C. Fitzgerald, Man ners-Btreet Parmacy, Wellington. "-[Advti Mr Green's Scheme.— Of Mr W m Green's scheme for the abolition and prevention of poverty, the Lyttelton " Times " says :— " The financial basis of Mr Green's scheme is about as sound as a bottomless Irish bog. If tho scheme were to come to anything, protection to native industry and village settlements under famulus of loans (a good thing m itself)

would, onlw aggravate its As td m& arinking, doe 3 any man suppose that m a connt'y of drinkers,, where' alcohol is Bold by men having no personal interest m its sale, and therefore no reason to care who sells unlawfully, any large number of public-houses suddenly blosed by enaotment would not ooutinue always' open aa grog-shops kopt np by sly trade? Mr Green's scheme offers a paradise of sly-grog shanties, maintained by drunken bankrupt people. Mr Green then is not m any more hopeful position i tfian the Colonial Treasurer." ANOTHEtt EdCLB3IASTIOAL SWINDLE.— Liwronco (Massachusetts) is undergoing the throes of a financial orisis, very similar to that which overtook Cincinnati some four years ago, by the failure of the Archbishop Parcell and his brother, who, m addition to their eocleßtastical datieß, undertook to run a bank on ( the savings plan. They took m savings to the amount of a million dollars and then, closed the doors of the bank, and the simple dupes have not since realised one cent. This time it is the Angustinian Fathers, who, doubtless having m their mind the success of the Bishop, tried a Savings bank among the poor mill operatires. After absorbing from them about £100,000 m deposits, the Fathers mortgaged their real estate to secure the rich oreditors for £40,000, and failed— dosed . their doors, their eyes, and hearts against the poor simple people who trusted them beoause of their cloth. They Bay, m explanation, that the money was used m buildipg ohurches. Will that Bare them from the Penitentihry ? We shall see. A CcßlosiTVi— A strange curosity was captured on Mr R. Elliott's estate, Beanmont, a few days ago (Bays the " Tutfpeka Times ") m the, shape of a full-grown rabbit; with ita under incisors turned up like a, boar's tu9k, and fully two inohes long; : the upper ones meeting 1 them and being about one and a halt inohes long. One of tjhe grinders had also pierced through the' tongue, and how bunny managed not only to support life, but to be m fair condition under saoh difficulties, is a problem not very easy of solution. When found, its stomach waa well filled, which it must have done by getting its food atone side of .the mouth by^ some means or bkher. ;. Mr J: Christie^ [into whose hands this strange curiosity fell,: presented it to the president of the Athenaeum, to be preserred as a curiosity; in.'theiMusetfm;.; "f ; : j; : Teacher : " Why how stupid you are, to be snre. Can't multiply eigbty-ei^ht by tweoty-fire? I'll wager that Charley can ■doitinlesß than no time." Pap: VI shouldn't Be surprised. - They say that fools multiply very rapidly nowadays., 1 * Women, as a rule, are honest and truthful. But we should like to meet that worthy dame'who, upon being complimented upon her boots, will not immediately' redly "Yes; but they're two sizes too big for me." , : i, ( v ',

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Marlborough Express, Volume XIX, Issue 85, 16 April 1883, Page 2

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THE Marlborough Express. Published Every Evening. MONDAY, APRIL 16,1883. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume XIX, Issue 85, 16 April 1883, Page 2

THE Marlborough Express. Published Every Evening. MONDAY, APRIL 16,1883. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS Marlborough Express, Volume XIX, Issue 85, 16 April 1883, Page 2