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This ilistinguished traveller arrived here I in thu Airedale, from N ilson, on the 22nd, iiud after a brief stay will proceed overland to Napier, and thence to Auckland. Sometime since we published an account of the wanderings through many lands of the great pedestrian, who, without private resources to aid Tmn in any way, left home to go through all the countries of the world, and obtain materials for a book of travels, which he intends publishing oa his return. The following sketch from a contemporary is reproduced, for tlie enlighten m ent of our rea* | ders :—: — I Mr. Sehafer is a native of Hesse CasseL He was born in Carlhaven, on the 23rd c» November, IS3(S ; and his father was a hotel. ! keeper. When eight years old, he was run ! over by a coach of some kind ; and was so injured in the back, that he is permanently a cripple. He is now only 4 feet 8 inches or 4 feet 9 inches high. When he became old enough to work, he was taken into a lawyer's office ; and, while there, he resolved to do that of which he had before conceived the idea — travel over the world, walking as a rule, where walking wa^ possible, and always keeping in mind one great object, that of writing a book of travel, which shoukl be unique in so far as being only a record of his j>ersonal adventures and observations. But from the first, Mr. Sehafer has done more. He has carried with, him a book, which is now, perhaps, unequalled as v collection of autographs, and of official seals. He has everywhere sought, and has rarely failed to obtain, introduction to ruling men, to lesser authorities, and to men of eminence in different ways ; and his book contains thousands of signatures, and very numerous recommendations. He has also, we believe, collejted GOOD ph»tograplis of notable people, not a few of them having been sent long distances after him. The autographs, &c, Mr. contemplates having lithographed, when he produces his book of travel ; but the origluids, wit'i the photographs, will probably tivl a resting place in s mis German Museum. It was in 1552 that Mr. Sehafer recommenced liis journeyings ; and he devoted seven y-itirs to the different German States. Between ISo9 and ISG3, he travelled through Denmark, Holland, Belgium, England, France, Spain, Italy, the northern part of Africa, Palestine (including Jerusalem), Turkey, tlreece, and Russia, and back into Germany. Thence he sailed to Aineriea. Hu visited 24 States ; and, in crossings of the continent from east to west, he journeyed 1C 000 miles, of which distance about two-thhVs was dune on foot. He walked over the Rocky Mountains, suffering very great hardships amongst the Indian trills : and in IStiG, he arrived in California. Thence he went to Japan and to China ; he visited the islands of Batavia, Sumatra, and others in the £>re:\t eastern group ; and thence he reached Sydney. From Sydney, he proeeedel to Melbourne and to Adelaide ; thent<> Tasmania, visiting Hobarfc T->wn and Launcest- >.v He returned to Melbourne, and came to N«w Zealand in the Omeo. While she lay at the £hn% he i

went on to Invercargill, and arrived on Feb. 17- From Christehurch he went overland to Hokitika, thence to Nelson and from Nelson to Wellington. From New Zealand he proposes to start for the Mauritius, and thence to visit Madagascar, the East Indies, Siberia, and to make his way through the northern portions of Asia and Europe. This, he calculates, will occupy about three years travels, he has gone over about 130,000 miles, taking the distance from, city to city, in a straight line . He states that of the 150,000 miles, he has walked quit 100,000.

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Evening Post, Volume IV, Issue 88, 27 May 1868, Page 2

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MR. CHRISTIAN FREDERICK SCHAFER. Evening Post, Volume IV, Issue 88, 27 May 1868, Page 2

MR. CHRISTIAN FREDERICK SCHAFER. Evening Post, Volume IV, Issue 88, 27 May 1868, Page 2