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[Bi liiooen:


Wedding at Mangamahoe. A wedding in which much local interest was centred took placo in St. Colombo's Chiurch, Mangamahoe, on Wednesday, August 5, when Miss Elizabeth Tildesley, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I!. Tildesley, Mangamahoe,' was . married to Mr. Walter Larson, of Haunui, Alfredton. The Rev. H. A Walke officiated. The Wide, who was given away by her iather, jroro a beautiful dress of ivory and brocaded satin, with an overdress of point lace draped with ninon. The court train was also of brocaded satin, lined with the palest of pink silk. She wore a Toil, and oarried a pretty shower bouquet. The mdosinaids were Misses Lydia and May Tildesley (sisters of the bride). • They wore maize and pale blue charmeuse satin frocks, trimmed with shadow lace aiid pearla. They also carried shower bonnuots. The little flower girls were Miss Dorothy Friend (niece of the bride) and Miss Rose Percy ' (niece of the brideBToom). They wore dainty eilk frocks With overdresses of lace. . The bridegroom was attended by Mr. Will Howard best man), and Mr. L. Grey (groomsman). The ohurch was "prettily decorated for tho occasion by the'bride's girl friends, and Miss B. Grey played the Wedding Maroh. ' After the wedding a reception was held in the local' hall, whero numerous toasts were duly honoured. The bride and bridegroom left amid ehowers of confetti by the afternoon's, express, bound fpr the South', the. former wearing a tailored costume of navy blue and a set of fox furs t(he bridegroom's gift). In the evening the Misses Tildesley entertained a number of their young friends, the time being happily spent in dancing and musio. Mr. Hartley Meyers played the piano, and rendered excellent music, Wedding at Havelock North. .. . The marriage took place in' St. Luke's Church, Havelock North, on Wednosday, of Miss Jessie Dorothy Crosse, second daughter of Mr. T. E. Crosso, of Woodlaud, Hastings, to Mr. Richard Chilsoii Abraham, second son of Mr. E. S. Abraham, of Pahncrston North. The ceremony was performed by the Eev. J; A. Lush. The-bride, who was given awiy by her father, wore a gown of ivory satin draped with lace and net, and trimmed with silver-threaded embroideries. The court train was of silver brocade, and her long tulle veil was fastened with orange blossoms. The bridesmaids were,' the -Misses Audrey and Marie Crosse (sisters of the bride), and Misses Sylvia and Borothy Abraham (sisters of the bridegroom), and Miss Cicely Hindmarsh, all of whom wore white crepe de chine < frocks with violet tulle, sashes and white crepe de chine hats, trimmed with bows of purplo tulle. Mr. ,G. George, of Wellington, was the best man, and Messrs. Frank Newman and' Hugh Crossa the groomsmen. ..Mrs. Crosse, mother of the bride, wore a bluo charmeuse gown with Oriental embroidery, and black hat with blue feather; and Mrs. Abraham was in a black moire gown and. black hat.. , Women, War, and Police. The- monthly meeting of the Welling, ton District W.C.T.U. was held on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Svans, president, presided over the meeting, which was well attended. The. following resolutions were carried unanimously: (1) "That this union deeply deplores the present conditions of warfare in Europe, with all the horrors attendant thereon,*and the consequent probable set-back to Christian-or humanitarian, workj'*- and 'expressing' its tamest hope tliat-.peace may soon bo restored, urges its members, while holding themselves prepared ■■ for any emergency, ibtstandiifirm'rinCvtheirJwinciples of faith and devotion?.to-their Master, by restraining all-undue excitement, alike in tliemeelves and as far as they can in others, and by discharging with fidelity their daily duties and responsibilities/ assured that this .is the best way of : proving their patriotism and loyalty' to , the King ■ and the Empire.". (2) "That the Wellington District. W.C.T.U. desires, to'express its satisfaction, that the matter, of women police has been brought up in the House of Parliament by the member for Wellington East, and while thanking Dr. Newman for his action, wishsa to nrgf that every endeavour bo made to pas: legislation for securing the appointment of women on. tjie Police Force." Then was also an interesting debate oh "Shoult the franchise Bβ Limited?" For Service Oversea. ■[-''■ -'■ Tho Mayoress ■ publishes: an announce ment in our ad-vertising columns to thi effect that, she is calling- a ■ meeting fo'i Monday, afternoon oaext, August, 10, in the Concert Hall, at 3 o'clock, to organist tho women of Wellington-in the mattei of Lady Liverpool's appeal for necessaries, etc. It is hoped that there will be i splendid response to this appeal. Al ready many people are actively bestirrini themselves,to assist with the equipmeni of .the. members. of •■', the expeditionarj force and offers of socks and shirts, etc. have been, received in dozens, and even;ii fifties. The Victoria League is anothei body that, is taking active steps to provide whatever may be .required. ■ The Victoria League Executive met ai Miss Coates'6 yesterday, when it was ar ranged that, all members of the league should be asked to attend the meeting called by .the Mayoress for Monday noon, to consider the question, of privid; intr various comforts and necessities foi .the expeditionary force. The • meeting begins at three o'clock, but Victoria League members are asked to meet Miss Coates in the vestibule of the Town Hell at half-past-two. The Plunket Society, , .-'•■■•' The committee of the Phinkefc Sooietj desires to express its sincere thanks foi ihe follwing donations • to the Plunkei Home:—Collected bv Mrs. Fitchett, M 95.; donated by Her -Excellency tlu Countess of Liverpool, £1 Iβ; j Mr. XV F, Vallance, JElj.-Mr. Rotheram, 10s.; Mr H'Cabo, 10s.; Mrs. Eichellaum, 10s. j collected by Mrs.-Winder, .£lO 145.; donated by Mr. G. Winder, £1 Is.; Mrs. J. Brodie, 10s. 6d.; Messrs. Bnscoe, MTfoil, £i ls.;.Dunlop Rubber Proprietary, pei Mr. Brinsdon, £2 2e.; Mr. Jenkins, £1 la.; Warehousemen's Association, £2 25.; Mr. S. Gilmer, Is., Messrs. Smith and Smith, 10s. 6d.; Mrs. M'Dowell, £1 Is.; Mrs. J. Smith, 55.; Miss Pefuo, ill Is. Gd. ; Lady Godley, .-61 Is.; Mr*. F. R. liussell, ss. The following annual subscriptions havo also teen received from Mrs. Macnrthy Reid, M Is.; Mrs., Shepherd, 55.; ,pMrs. J. Smith, Ss.; Misa Cablo, ss. TO THE OLD AND YOUNG. You oan kbep your face healthy. and free from wrinkles and withered skin for all time if you will uso Miss Milsom's "Cultene" Skin Food (Regrl.), Bs. jar. Surpasses any cream over used for the ekin. It builds wasted tissues, cleanses the skin, and cures blackheads, reduoos large pores, leaving a fine smooth surface, "Cultono" Balm (K«gd.), Bs. Gd., to Ik applied during tho day, for golf, motoring, etc Prevents eunburn, freckles, and tanning. Keeps tho skin 000 l and free from perspiration. Milsom'a Face Powder, 2a. Grt. box, which ie a skin food it powder form—feeds and nourishes the skin. Parisian Lip Food,' 28. Gd. jar poeitivoly prevents chapped nnd ereosec lips, and Rives the natural flojh tint. Al other, rctiuisitos in stock. Write for pric< list, MISS MILSOM, 94 Willis Streol (opposite Shortts' l'icturo Theatre), Tele phone. BU. . , ■'...-. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, Mra. Hullen. Boulcott Street, has re ceivod. tho following testimonial, which hoa been abbreviated:—"! have much pleasure in recommondinit your "Rusihu 1 for tho removal of superfluous hair, Having been treated,'per'medium of cloa trolysis, also depilatories,' at great eiponeo, without receiving any relief, 1 am gratefully thankful to you for yoni troatmont of my case. Since undergoinf vour treatment I am pleased to state that not only has your remedy romoved nil traces of superfluous hair, but >Lo addition hns improved the complexion won derfully. (Signed) Joan Lang." Original copy of above can be eeon at my address, Mrs. Hullon, Boulcott Street. ' C. B. Fry says: "M'Clinton's'HibernM Shaving Soap suits my skin better than awythinj I have used. It in first-rate."—

Doublo Wedding at Ratana. , - . A pretty double wedding,, which Jaused nvucn interest, touk place at Kalana on July 29, when Mr. iioraoo, Willard, sou of Mr. Stephen Willard, fof WclUngtoii, was married to Miss charlotte Lek'li, eldest daughter of Jlr. Charles Leigh, of ltatana, also Mr. Duncan aTLacniau eiilost son of Mrs. JU'Lachlau, itataua, to Mas. Annie .Leigh, second. daughter ol Air. Cflarles Leigh. Tho ceremony took place - at tho residence oi' the bruin's parents, tho KeV. Mr.,Wilbon officiating, xha brides, who were" given away Ly their lather, wore navy costumes and black oats, and carried; jpretty bouquets of li«ezias./lhe .bndcßmaids were Mis-) Molly and Miss •Maud' Leigh, sisters' of tba bndes/and Miss Ivy Vviiliird. Miss Molly Leigh waa dressed, in a white eiabroidered .frock, black hat trinuned with ™|ets; Misa Maude Leigh nnd Mis 3 ivy ■ Willard-woreiin lace dresses and pretty black hats, and all- carried posies' of violets. The best wen were Mr. C. Leigh; and- Mr. A. Oaineron, and the grooms, man Mr. \V. Koirnan. ' The brides' mother wore a black velvet gown aud biack hat. Mrs. Willard was in a black eUk; dress, and black hat with ostrich feathers. Mrs. MXachlan wore a black - silk dress and black hat, and all three carried posies of violets. A. reception was afterwards held. Alter the-toaste vrntt lououreu, tue bridge ana bndegroomj eft on their honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs' Willard going south, and. Mrv and Mrs M.Lachlan north. In\<!he tevt|ain«'a dance was given in the woolshed, \vhich was decorated with green foliage and pink and white flowers, and the supper room with yellow and white. There was a very large attendance of quests from all parts of the North Island. ■ . Richmond Free Kindergarten Unloti. ; The 91th meeting of the Richmond Free Kindergarten Council was held this week at 125 Molesworth Street. Mrs. Gill (presu dent) wae in tho chair, nnd those present were: Mrs,vßurnett, Mrs. Hannah, Mrs. M'Laren, Misses lingland and Hisoock, It wasjuoved by Miss England, seconded by Mrs. Burnett, that all new'appointments be considered at the August meet, ing of eaoli year. It was moved by Mrs, Burnett, seconded by Mrs. Hannah, that ' ' Miss England -Iβ authorised .to sign cheques. Subscriptions to the amount of £iS 3s. 6d.lhave been received by the council duringHhe past month, and bills amounting , to -Mi 19s. 3d. were passed for payment of salaries, rent, etc. Ladies' Billiard Tournament. The ladies' tournament was completed last evening in the showrooms of Messrs; Alcock and Co., before a. packed audience. Miss 0. Stace (owe. 20) and Mrs. Porter (scr.). were the contestants, and Mrs. Porter ran out a, winner' after a. hard-fought battle by 27 points. The Hon. T. M. B. Fisher presented the trophies- to the winners, also handed to each competitor a cue, with, a ' silver plate suitably engraved,witli the name, from Messrs. Alcock and Co. The ladies then presented the coach with a goldmounted tobacco a.silver card case. ... Miss Marian Marcus Clarke, a member of the Niblo Comedy Company, is t>. daughter of the late Mr. Marcus Clarke, author of 'For The Term of His Natural Life" and other excellent novels and sketches. ■ • '...--.■••. On Wednesday-afternoon a gift tea -<n> gauised by the Ladies' Auxiliary, Commit, tee of the Persbyterian Orphanage at ' Berhampore, is to bo held in 5t.... John's Snhoolroom, and as the object is r to raise funds for- a deserving cause, it. is confidently anticipated; that the public will : accord liberal assistance and attend in considorableif:numbers.')3"i'An announce-' menti?appears^ekewherey? to-'*rhlch we would, draw the attention of our readers. The' , ' marria'lje fcok" place.-. in.-Christ Church, Wan»anui,.on Wednesday of Miss Eileen. M'Kechnio,, only daughter of Mr. J. D. M'Keahniei of : Sedgebrook, to Mr. Sydney H.- Hague Smith, only son of Mr. G. Hague Smith. of,Wanganui. Miss J«an M'Artney (chief), Miss- Dorothy M'Yinish (Wellington), and. Miss Alexander (Napier) were the bridesmaids, and two little girls, Mis 9 Nita Crane and Miss Kitty M'Lean (nieces of the bride) were also in attendance. Mr. D. Gifford Moore ivais the best man, and Messrs. 0. Swan and D. M'Keihnie the groomsmen. The Rev; H. Reeve performed; the ceremony, and' Mr. Webb ployed the organ. The annual danje of Munt, Ctttrell and Co. was held in the Sydney Street Schoolroom last evening and was well attended, clese upon two hundred dancers occupying the floor. The committee responsible for the undoubted success of the occasion consisted of Messrs. C. Hathway, W. Chetter, T. M'Gee; G. Robinson, J. Griffin, G. Newton, J. Hamilton. The M.C.'s were Messrs. T. : and J. Munt, C. Bennett, and P. Smith. v . .■..'.■ Mrs. Guy Williams .(Masterton) has been playing in the ladies'golf championship meeting which has been played , ia Auckland this week. ./' -...., - \ Miss Merton (Christchu'rch) is visiting her sister,-Mrs. , Reeve, at the Vicarage, Wanganui. /. ■' .; ■■; ■ .. Mrs. H. G. Avery and Mrs. W.'J. Strat-; ton (Hastings) have left for Christchurci to attend the, Gravid National Meeting. Miss Ulrich (Dunedin), who hasi been staying in Napier for some time, left yesterday for the wuth.' ■ .. Miss Elsie Bellinger, M.A., recently on the Stratford High School secondary staff. Mid Miss F. Smith, recently mistress, of ~ tho Kaimixo school, have been on a visit - to the Continent of Europe- for 'some weeks.' They last wrote from Germany, and their parents in New Plymouth are . anxiously awutisig tidings lrom them (states the "News"), fearing they may have been detained in Germany. . , At the monthly meeting of,the Petone Society for the Health of Women Children; held yesterday at Petone. (Mrs. R. 0. Kirk, president, presiding), it waa resolved that with a view to nicstingthe expenses of «ho Plunkett Nurse now visit inc Petone on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, a thorough canvass of the Hutt and Petone districts for funds would be made during the first two weeks in September. Nurse- Pascoe reports that 36 cns.« are under wire at Hie orient time. Miss Kohn is visiting, Sydney. Mis. Sidey has returned to Wellington , from the south. ' Mrs. Nosworthy loft for the south last ovening. ',' , The entertainmont which was to have stnto of matters occasioned by me nients will be niade. ; The engagement is announced of Miss • j Gwen We, eldest daughter of Mr. Arthuj Br Vile, editor of the "Wairarapa Agn," to Mr. Donald 'King, of Hastings, Hawke's Bay. •_ ■Mi™ Kelsey. who has been paying » .■ brief visßte -Wellington, returned to Dunedin on Thursday. ~ ;, For Face. Massace, Shampooinß, all Hair Treatments, and Electrolysis, Mrs. Rolleston's is recommended. ■ Spacioue Private Rooms, Qualified Assistants, and Personal Attention. Switches and Transformations of every shndp a; speciality Hair guaranteed to keep its colour. 258 Lain...bto'n Quay.* ' For .Wedding's.—Appropriate Bonqneti for either largo or email wedding! nr» being • continually deeigned, and embody the unique distinction of all Miss Mop. ray's creations. Flbwere for all occ* 6ions forwarded to any. part of tho -Dominion by MiBR Murray, Florist, 30 Willia Strt'et.-Advt. . A Chill, Sore Throat, Tightness of the Chest—ia.nd misery! The way to remove it is eimnly'this: take'a lump of eugas% - saturate it with "NAZOIi, ■' and let it dis» solve in the mouth. •Or use the Nazol Inhaler.'-rAdvt.

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Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2223, 8 August 1914, Page 10

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WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2223, 8 August 1914, Page 10

WOMAN'S WORLD. Dominion, Volume 7, Issue 2223, 8 August 1914, Page 10