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English News.

i ;Bride ; ourselyos as ; me , may..' oil ;the \ -. growth of ad vertising as- a. f ea^ure >f or ' • our advanced age^," it;, is; oor.question!. r . question! whether, after all, the art.^of^effectivei posting is so modern s ,"sdrDetimesi thought to be.- It appears 1 that on the ! various dead walls of Ponip^ii. there; are no fQwer,than;lyoPP,ai»nquj\c<3inents ' painted >relative to the municipal elec-tions-for the ybar 79.» -The; candidates, by their own account, were all excel-! lently suited for' the pdst of sedile ; but \ by reason of. the, unfortunate eruption: pf ,- Vesuvius - rival cjaiins-.are still unsettled. Yet their live still. There are 'but. few. amrtngl -the advertising a'geiits ; of- the !r pr'es6tit J day who could truthfully >; bo'd,s't' r tHa't £ ( t ilieir bills would stand irauiprsioii ;m ( bpiling lava and he legible I^Bo.o years. iaft t erwards. : ;- ■„ ,;. ti _ > „. „5 ? : s The press of rival American towns are constantly sheering at : each ; other's deficiencies. This •is the 'way -' tho Selina (Alabama) Times refers .to 1 ; a neighbor : — \ What has Birmingham' 'to offer that it should de'inapd a college ? What sort of an environment would a college at Birmingham have? , Why, it is a notorous fact that nine-tenths ; of the hialc^ ' population of ; that 1 'city— -We reflect. not upon their women-— sit dqwn to their meals with napkins, .tied" in tUeir ; collars,, and -past tfo.od± mouths with knives. Are the. .youths of the land to ; be- allowed to grow up among such barbarians 1 And all because the barbarians are erecting a few tall chimneys with other people's money.' A ( fad' which is just now receiving considerable suppovfc from a certain class of people is the formation' b£ what are called 'bungalow tillages,' The idea is said 'to ' owe its origin' to a Jew ladies. whp,j desirous o.f... living. ln the country,' were preycnteql' from "doing, so on account of the highf rents, and hpajvy railway fares. J; Accordingly, a scheme occurred to bn^'ottheni to erectjwoo'den frame houses (orironif preferred) in a retired spot, miles awaylfrom an ordinary habitation,... and ,it /has since been carried out, two ,qr three, this description being now iiiiexistence abo.ut twenty-five miles from Charing. rCrdss. The ground, of course, is pitlier Obtained on lease or the freehold bought, and the total expense 'is said to' 'lie considerably under L2O a year., " L / "■ ( , A Cork correspondent' reports an extraordinary scene 1 at*, an attempted eviction. A force; of thirty ■ : jpdlijce, accompanied by a Sheriff's i pafty, ' proceeded for the purpbse qi^eyicting '. a tenant named Timothy -at Castleview, near Cionake|ty... , The residence, which is; partly i used as: a mill, .is a large and lofty structures iiWhen the bailiffs attempted- to ' enter ; they were assailed by a party of -men, jvylio .occupied the upper . floor, 'and ,',w|io threw do jyn, boiling water-, and • missiles iof various:; cleWiptions.,; . /JL-he lqwer ipart of the house was entered by forcing ', a window, but was .th^en found that jthe staircase had..been cut away, and holes made in the. !flopr, through whjph stones and brick-pa'ts^Vere,; tKroWjn. The police threatened;, tq above, but the tenant said he would fight for his horne 0 till ,death. f . A large crowd assembled and cheered the re- , sistirig force. ' J Eventually" thks SKeriff's party 'had' ! to- ; 'retire 'without 'effebtuig .tihe'evictioni- v-. ),-?", ■■'■,-,; -,•■, ■■^;)\ .,.»,.;.-•., 1 ,-,Thei.death. o£rthd) Marquis of I ; Ail es-j bury raises to tfye,. peerage,- one qf,-pe\'-t '■ haps j : tlje most . extraordinary specim ens of . nereditary rank , that, even, . repent, jd'ays^haye' seen' ! '(writes tlie ?s Lbridoh' icorrespori'd'ent 1 ' of .the : Liverpool' Post).'' ILord Saverriake'jt who <h6 wj.hecomesi.the 1 of r ;i Ailesbury, „id.i?tinguished himself i iappearing in public as !He wore the usual "stiff .'cloi;n cuiawaV 1 ffa'sh ; J Boai;, pearl ;biJi>toWy ' x the' 'taghfa'-cordtivoy ' '.with; belli bottoms!;- £bh&* guady/r,gypsy; j Ineckerchief^aijd^h^ s,mall peaked cap. iin which the well-known 'London" 1 Icharacter disports, and ho also drove' , WWall %£h Of tKelrfoster i[ 6y'pe: JU(! kA r^g Ihis other idiosyncrasies was his^mar- f; 1 'riage, when.S^feeMe't'ed^s.'the future * jmarghiQi^es^fione of the young ladies "K^'^MiSpiJfP-gfto? used t0 T iproduce in., the burlesques of the f f Gai^f f»tre. *-*

out in ,som.e jierds of pillocks in, Lcicoster- ' shire, "causing 'heavy' losses. 5 Through t\o! 'dea^j _QJj ;»jfc^ rp^'pal « ; A^e, , disease has" also been, a number vof people, through' T the carcases being sold as human, icxkl. Ori&M:otvn;' 1 who cv.t ..his finger, with ,a 'bone, died the disease. A large number oi tamih6s in Leicester ate the meat, and grave results are apprehended. The London correspondent of the, Irish Times says :—' lnformation has been received at the Home Office from New York that agents of the dynamite., party* have loft America for Paris the intention, it is supposed, of waiting in the French' *ca£ital f aft opportunity; of making their way into this country.; The Frenclv jGroMrnrnent haver already' been corh'municated with.onltne subject.! I am assured that the movement is' 'regarded 1 rft^Dowhiiig'Street'as a mere demonstration' by P'Bonovan A company is bqing formed in N"ew> York* & 'cqriWW'fteef ta#°riy| nieatiS ' bf ' a f ' tie w' • inventtoii-or- clisdovery j •of r .a Frenchman. 1 ; lißhe; prjupiplflvisj^p, v^tOT l) jth^ l j.^p^ o aH^, 7^^m^qfty_yj .seal it in huge cas^s, the meat thus ! keeping six months' without T ica'6r the application of any antiseptic. Thej company has; l^t^] [the process, and; find that so^Ear it has given great satis-; factjio'h. '• • Where' 1 it^h'o'w ! costs. 1 10 cents; 'to? transport western sdressed i beef, this | new. I depat!ture.4cqsts.,l?ut t one,.cent,. , and • its promoters enthusiastically, claim, to j have hold of. one of the' greatest dis- 1 coveries of the age. Specimens 6i the; meat' have b'eeri sent' to different wholesale firms in New York, and a number: 'are so favorably impressed with thej keeping qualities of the specimens that , ' they stand ready to take stock without j urging.' The London correspondent of the! Sheffield Daily Telegraph writes : — i Early in the year the question of the income \ pf ? \ a", successful < was raised^ '*'Tlie<surve£or of. inVohieHtaxes - for Newmarket j r as ( ses§ecL, Archer at LI O,OOO a' year";' " 'but' 'that ' gentleman, I beliey^ jrgsenLfeedf^the-; char-ge. It cannot, however, have been much over the mark, It is announced officially that .Watts !is -to receive, for three years to come a retainer of LSOOO a year from Mr ' Baird, 1 ' who races ' 'as sMr Abington. ... For this the oSvner is, not to have sole claim on the. services of the jockey ih question. On the contrary, another owner is. before him ahd he can only have Watts' services when the first claimant dock' hot require them. A i .retainer , like, this by no means represents the chief source of a jockey's income ' (i ' "" There was some little* vjtalk* in , the) American newspapers, and some anxiety felt by the average citizen, on account of a pipphecy made by a Canadian astronomical 'professor to the effect that on the . 2.oth September ' one ' of. the most terrific subterranean upheavals ever known' would, -take place on the North American ' Continent,', and that California would- jbe ehgulphed! 1 Several legitimate scientists handled Wiggin without anc} in, a measure, confidence among 'the "timid in the earth's solidity; .: The earth trouble at Charleston suggested .the. prophecy, together with a Mesire "*for notoriety. An Atlanta despatch- of the 29th Sep- ; t'einber\ isays lialf-fi-million people >ii^ [ Georgia, South Qarolina^ Florida, and Alabama sai^up^all niglit 'watching for tlie predicted) earthquake. ... There has not been such excitement throughout the- Atlantioanclj.Gulf.jßtates since, tho war. „.,„. If we are 'to accepV'the theory just broached, ,b^ ajiFreneh, astrpnoiner, M. Maurice Lespiault, , on^ the subject of the novel arid" iinaccountable'' appearances,discovered ilTy.^ignqr^Schiaparelli : on the surface of tlie planet' Mars, they read ;a,;less.on n .tp h oursejves. . TJie,/discoverer took them for canals ; but M. Le'spiault 'refuses to J believe' in ''canals' a thousand; mj.leSflong^and] fiftyi:inilps| 1 broad in Mars or any other planet. ;The :matherriaticaL:> regularity. df>'<the outlines forbids jus. regarding them as natural phenoWna,'--nowever, ,and his conjectured is that.they are; vast .stripes .of forest created to remedy the incon r venience to j which the people of tnV pki]aet'fouT\d -tliemsplveSy. exposed affcev. having denuded the surface of th6i» globe of the provision- made by nature for' their 'defence' against' the fury^of the" 'elements', ' as'nve are '--on the.ihigli, road: -doing ourselves. — S&' Jjaraosfs. i'Gazette.; ■-,__. „,.;...,,.. -. „ . ',- _ _. ,- ;' Mrs Livingston, of New York city, recovered- 25, d00" dols in' the Gourts •about a 1 year ago^from; a, rich. man who .hstdjflpne. her, a: wrong.; .No^.^she na.t^rall^ coniplains,'. because. her t lawyers lhave'talcen .of this sum for .their services. Three "Milvvauiie^e law;yersionce^ptitin a.bill -, of ■-, 25,000,'jd01s SfprpS.Qryiges.iJß .settling^an.e^ate wp^tli, ! 3*2,pQo/d01,5j, . :, Judge Or um.niond at 91100 Jad ministered' "to' tnese cormorants ''tlie if ollowing _stern rebuke : — /? (jßtitlenieti, a \j ou corisideV^ ybiirsel yes ' good 'lawyers. jHowf niudhiNiiflore are your services worth to your clients than 1 to me t^^he 1 ipeople % iYou Jiave. 25,000 .dols .f0.r ; :60 jdays' sarvice; Could you- not -be content eaoh of-'Y Oll take /ray pro rdM for the same time ? _These charges anf infamous. They are such as men who a^e^sctiuntFeis^aTld 'ihievy «atf :B lfe«rt would mak;^..,' n! SEhis o jjharge, ; 9ft, [l2^oo,o^ dols is cut down to 1200 dols ; those of 5000-11013,^ 500. ,d015. Rep .\s ( such a piece 'of rapine" in' this Court, and I wilPdisbUr Everyone of you.' J j "

The " -Kr'rilfifiut!a« • Pi-esicl Cßit< '-'-has ap-j fpoinfocl his "wife's cousin, "Mr Benjamin' Folsom Consul at Sheffield. " ' A Chicago man has applied for a 1 uptUpnu.-for a bath-tub, .jllq ,sceuis,to think it a new ldoa. — Omaha W orldi > Th« skeleton oS Bishop Covn-tei^ay, Edward T T f ; s<Eoi<aT?r'ivy Bedl', has been* discovered in a coffin built up in masonry in the crypt of Winchester Cathedral. Oourtenay was at Bosworth, and is nfentione'cV by SJialfespe.are in Richard' HI; # -/, ■]/? ; ■■■-•;•».:.■."; * { It is ; iinders^ood the Earl of Airlie has arranged to two of the more outlying portions of his estates — the ( fine deer forest of the Tulchan, in' Gleiiisla, and tfye property ; pf plunie, including" fthenb.eau,t!iful lj^cli J jaiid the old .castJe,K! ;■ > w-, n ;, '/ iiv! : i . : Rev.i Alfred r^A. GWhitmorej > pastor; of the Congregational Church at Anita, ! lowa, United Statesi fell dead in his'; pulpit; , lately ..|>vhilej , , preaching. „ ( He^ hail just ;utt,erejd! fhe{ wpr^s., / I^4^ we' ihave j passed' ifromi deatjii /unto;.; life.' ' He; was ; 69 year's" .oldii i tj// , \,;j ; Dr Sir Andrew Clarke declares there 1 is ' not an unsound'spot in all Mr Glad-> stftnej's^p^iysical beyig,' ..andj-.that^tho 1 gr,eatl staiesman will probaplyj )ivG'';at least 1 1 5 years ' longerj' ifc :he, ' .d,oes; not I •'work 'more than three mcii usually do ■ when the three men are very busy| men.' ' ' ; The United .States Supreme .Gourti has,:decided; that' the ip>y4, .railroads' cannot ibe' ; compelled > to , carry; .liquor, ; as coratiioh 'v^rHers- hav6< Ho i l igHt to violate the laws of tho State. The effect of this judgement is effectually; to; prevent the transit; of Jiqupr^th^pugli , low.aito: otjier<; IFhjß<{ dealers will; have to. dodge ithe-'State,. {carefully walWih'g- 'it,-' nbf^ %tt)e'nip ! bing- >to i set a barrel within its sacred circle. On a recent Saturday, in a suburb; p£< Perth), a, man /who ; ;had j /beeiv ; p,f , weak; mind for, several weeks, isuddenly went ; mad iri> the '4ti-eet. ; ! He' attacked a"' w6m : an } with 'Ms^kiiife/arid wherii on her calling for help, several men ap- ' proaohed, his being among them, he ran his knife three times into theKßreast of thellatter, and" inj.ufed the!?o"tnefs sevoFety^ The wopan was lalfed.r.*«'Meanj^hile J gmore <peopte cable up and tried to secure the madman, but without effect. At last they beat him with cudgels until he was fairly overpowered.,-, . •,._ „ . ; . ■ • ... f ,, ; -.- Alexandre de ifcothe,' an cnginefar, who has been . working at Panama under M. dp Lesseps, has presented to tne' Governments of " 'Denmark' 'and Sweden a project for a submarine railway tunnel under the Sound between Copenhagen and Malmo. Tlio tunnel is to have a. total 'length of twdlve kilometers. The ground to be worked much resembles that in the Channel between England and France, and is said to oiler' np difficulty to'tlie execution of the work.: The cost of construction is- calculated"; to amount to 30,000,000 f, or L 1.200,000.. 200,000. ■lAl{ i woman '„- Jn. JPifcfcsburg, made 'a terrible' mistake tile-- other dd!y. '- She became . .greatly, frightened., ."wjien a terrible storm broke over the town, and ran .up !to inert, bedjdhainfcer for a vase" of holy water with which to sprinkle herself. ,In the excitement of the moment she seized- : 'a"bbctlc'''fille'd with sulphuric 'acid, 5 "and- dashec} the contents4nfkr &ice anc^oVeVhei'iiead. X)m . physicians , , who , attjen ded lier . say v that she will in all probability lose her eyesight, and 1 ' that : hef ■ f a^'e nVay ; ' bd disfigured. , The acid, had eaten Jnto the -'flesh'' before' its course was stayed. ' Long life to you, sir,' said Paddy, the other clay to an agent of tho conventional type, upon the occasion of his" "s econd ' visit' to ! 'prdp'e'rty! 'Why .do you say that ?' asked the astonished, agent, ' Nvho f was not ; conscious of having ever , done, anything to , earn the blessings '6i the poor. ' ''Weil', sir;'* said the [peasant,-, '.'since'; I. ;.firsi , knew the .place, , the , gentlemen they, send' down ' to 'collect tHe 'rent liave f I been getting .worse sand I now that your honor is in it, may the : Lord i preserye you,,- for. if. any -accident. ;were ,to^ tp^yo^, ,'tis th,e devil himself they woultl be putiiiig over us.' ; A correspondent; sends; to "the Standard some particulars respecting the , report which r was mubliahed recently ! staging that alcook Jin. [the SGr.wce .oix |the E,ev. C. G. Lane, rector of Little ! Gadf3esdeo, : l »«0W MftamQ a I fortune of L300,00g. . The Jpcky person : is a widow named" Adcock, and she has been wjtihfMu Lane only -about a year. The' statement that €i she ' has received the. money is, p^rernature, but. there .is" iiio reason to "d6ul)t that 'she* will do icit iSho has received . assurances that her title- is >un disputed, and ; she has* been 'accepted by *-h r e Court ,pf Chancery _ as ; one of tlic heir's 1 . ' Nor'has the ''amount' been oversfetedU.t.The legacy 1 is part •of the proceeds of an estate in .London, of the value, it is said,' of between' two .and thteeimillidns,- which suih is, to^bo divided . /r a,mpng >w 10 , pphp iestaf:e belonged to Mrs Adcock's grand-' fatHerj a gentlemati nanied Atwcll, and, was priginallVj very, much larger ; but m tKe H-£otime o£ tlib testator" sornc 16 'houses' weire- gi^en'to one of the.Londoiii shospitals. Since Mrs r Adeock. received intimation 01 her tortuno, she- has left her situation, and is at present residing* in London. Although she is about^o years of age, it is said she has already received 13 offers of marriage....; vT< rectory has -b^e^nj jbp ? <sieg^!i . with shoals of letters '£rpm persons soliciting doimItious fov'-"' : air 'sort's of charitable and ''othetf'pu'tpbses. '■ IM

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Clutha Leader, Volume XIII, Issue 649, 24 December 1886, Page 3

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English News. Clutha Leader, Volume XIII, Issue 649, 24 December 1886, Page 3

English News. Clutha Leader, Volume XIII, Issue 649, 24 December 1886, Page 3