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His Excellency the Governor of Tahiti, M. Gabrie, returned last night from Kotorua, where be has boea spending tha last eight days in company with his wife, M. Bouis, Private Secretary, and Mrs A. Miller, wife of tho French Conßal. M. G&brie is very much impressed with tho mnrvela and beauties of bhe wondarland of the North, Hi? Excellency leaves for Tahiti next Wednesday. The election of three members to fill the vacancies on the Board of Education caused by the retirement by rotation of tho Rev. J. Batog, Messrs W. Latnbe and J. Muir, takes place ar an early date. The following Rro mentioned as candidates for the vacant seate :—Messrs J. Muir, W. Lambe, ,R. Hobbs, J. R. Reed, A.Campbell (Matskana), and J. Bagaall (Thames). The Rev. J. Bates does not intend to seek re-election. The Devonporb School Committee decided la9t nighb to support Messrs Mnir and Reed. At the Police Court to-day, Mary Ross, alias Mitchell, was sentenced to 14 days' hard labour for the theft) of a cruet stand and four cut glass bottles from Laurie Solomon. Annie Robertson, charged with her second offence of drunkenness within six months, was fined 20s, with the alternative of seven days. Under the Destitute Parsons Act, John Carter was sued by bis wife for maintenance. His Worship heard the evidence of the partita oad dismissed the case. Complainant had not lived with her husband for about 16 years. Mr Napier appeared for the defendant. Wm. E. Grey, charged on bhe information of the Charitable Aid Board with being in arrear under a maintenance order, was ordered to pay the whole amount forthwith or servo six months' hard labour in Dunedin orison. Several other cases wera also dealt with. The final result) of the Rawllngs Scholarship Examination is thab James Bishop, with 60 marks, won tke scholarship. Bishop belongs to the Newton East School. Edward Croasby, of Moant Eden, who " tied" with Bishop in the first examination, .was in the final test awarded 58 marks. The scholarship is worth £10 a year, with free tuition &b the Auckland College and Grammar school, and books. The united picnic of the Auckland Provincial C.E. Societies takes place on the 29th of January. This year the picnic will be held ab Pine Island,

Laafe evening Superintendent J. Hnghj* o! the Fire Brigade, waa entertained J dinner in the Albere-BbrDofc station by ty afficers and members ef the Auckland jry Brigade, in Honour of bis 65th birthday,^' was presented with a massive gold tins surmounted with shield, helmet and cro»! axes, with the letter* "A.F.B,* fcnj^ inscription inside as'follows: " Presented to Superintendent J. Hughes by th« ifficera and members of the A.F.E. on tha 65th anniversary of his birthday, Janujry 15tb, 1897." Senior Foreman Harleymad e the presentation, and the health of tha Superintendent was duly hoaourad, Mr Hughea brietly responding and thanking the brigade for their gift. Mr S. fi. Mai!1 thews, in responding to the toast of "Tig Visitors," said that both brigade sheds and appliances in Auckland were far from np to date. The other toasts honoured doring the evening were those of the Hon, Surgeon (Dr. Dawaon), Capt. Field, of the. Salvage Corps, the hon. members, tb« guests, fche ladies, and the officers and members of the brigade.

Word has been received of the death of Charles J. Dearie, formerly of the Thames, which took place at Te Aroha. Mr Dearie was an old colonist, being a resident of Napier in the early days, and subsequently of Coromandel, wharo be managed » battery. For about twelve years he resided at the Thames, being employed as Govern. mon.t Land Purchase Officer and Allocator of Native Revenue, bub throe years ago failing health compelled him to relinquish his post and proceed to Te Aroba, where he had a email farm..

Mr T. B. O'Connor left for Gieborne to. day in the s.r. Anglian, having secured a contracb to blow up a rock at the mouth of tho river. This contracb will take considerable time, and, therefore, Mr O'Connor has resigned his office of Com* mittee man of the Auckland Amateur Athletic Club. However, ho will return, here to take part in the competition for putting the shot and throwing the hammer at the New Zealand Amateur Athletic Championship Meeting on the 10th and 13th February.

Migg Edger, general secretary of the New Zealand section of the- Theoßophical, Society, returned to Auckland this week,; after having been travelling for the last four months, visiting the different branches of the Society throughout the colony, and lecturing on Theosophy. She reports considerable activity in the branches, and alga speaks of the spread of Theoaophieal ideas all through the country. The first convention or the section waa held in Wellington. shortly before she left, and was highly successful; delegatea from the different branches attended, and there was a large public meeting ab the dose. As will ha seen in another column, Mies Edger leefcureg tomorrow evening in tho Mutual Life Buildings, Lower Queen-street, on "Tbeosophy in New Zealand," and there wiU_ probably be some interesting information given regarding the Tbeosophical Society and its position in New Zealand. -

An inquest was held yesterday afternoon before Dr. Philson (coroner) at the residence of Mr Thomas Ed. Fitzgerald, Eldon street, Farnell, to inquire into the circumstances surrounding the death of Mrs Catherine Nicholson, who was found dead on the previous afternoon in a bedroom in the dwelling. Dr. Laishley represented Mr' Fitzgerald, end Constable Hutehinson wag present on behalf of the police. Mr Thos. Edward Fitzgerald deposed he bad known deceased for SO years, and she was his housekeeper. She was the wife of Mr Edward Nicholson, stockman, who was sob in Auckland afc the present time. Dr. Gordon deposed that deceased was fully clothed, and thai; there were no marks of external violence. He made a post-mortem. Death was due to fatty.:.degeneration .of the bearfe, intensified by valvular disease. The jury retureed a verdict of death from heart disease. At Wellington yesterday, Herbert Allandale, who was arrested on the 6th insS. at Khandallah, with burglar's tools in his possession, was charged with the offence, • and also with having committed two burglaries — one in Wellington on December 8, and the other at Grey town on, January 5. Accused was committed for trial. Mr J. MeNamara's dwelling at Waipipi was burned on Wednesday night. The housa and furniture wero insured in the South British for £100. Part of t& ' furniture was saved. v. The paragraph in lasb night's isßue with respecfi to the Typographical Society, referred to the Wellington, not the Auckland Society. . \ Messrs Miacky, Logan, Sfeeen, and Co.: are appointed agents for thai wonderful: invention of Edison's called " Electrine," which has worked wonders in electroplating. The marvellous rapidity with which re-silvering is done by this compound is such that no thrifty housewife should despair of turning old and worn electroplate ware to look perfectly row. Spoons, forks, cruets, and and all such necessaries i are immediately changed by its application. To be had wholesale from the above firm, or from all grocers and storekeepers. The canvassing for the ladies' whaleboat race at the coming Auckland Regatta, which is being undertaken by Mr A. Cox, is proceeding very satisfactorily. Four crews have definitely promised to enter, one from Taranaki and three representing rowing clubs in Auckland. As the time before the race is now very short, ladies who intend entering would do well to pick their crews and coxswains as soon as \ possible. Thore is, we understand, a probability of a Maori crew from the Bay of Islands entering for this race. Parents and guardians would do well to bear in mind the existence of Mr Harle Giles' Business Training College, Lower Symonds-stree!/. On entering the College. a visitor would beat once struck with the methods adopted by Mr Giles in preparing hia students for the practical business of life. In one part of the College may be seen a group of students engaged in bookkeeping by single and doable entry aa applied to all classes of business, in another* a number are engaged in business penmanship, commercial arithmetic by the newest, and quickest known methods and business correspondence which, of course, embraces grammar, composition and spelling, in yet another part of the building shorthand. is being taught and the typewriter maaipnlated, thus each itudenb receives all the advantages ef private instruction, and is'i being fitted and thoroughly equipped to enter on ft business career, noo as a mere office boy, but as a capable assistant, able to command a fair remuneration. Tha outcome of this strictly practical business training has been most, satisfactory in tbe past, Mr Giles' pupils being engaged i» all branches of commercial pursuits, in banks, insurance offices, warehouses, etc., not only in Auckland, but in many other parts of th 3 colony. Mr Giles' firsts principle in teaching jp that the student not only known how to do a certain taski he actually performs ib, thna combining theory with practice, and secondly, that the student's time and energies are nofc wasted in acquiring knowledge which is, for all practical purposes, useless. In addition fe> the boys' commercial class, insbruction °o similar lines on two afternoons por week k imparted to ladies who may be deiirous of embarking on a business career. Adult male classes are also held on two afternoons each week and on Saturday morningß, while (or fcho convenience of those ffl?0 cannot attend during the day, evening classes are also held by Mr Giles ab n« private residence, St. Andrew's Lodg9« Alfred-otreet, next Choral Hall. P"P» 8 are admitted at any time, the term beginning from date of entry. College dntfo* resume at 9.30 a.m., Monday, January 18.

A lino of men's heavy tweed trousert

-nrreßpondenb wires :— P»ero»-, cT Mr FD. W. Me Arthur ..The'iwte^Tthe Ohinemuri County * e^Jjived at the Council meet--soncU*fSS Mr Me Arthur having JJon TtawdCf. lucrative position S^'SS Fr^old Gold Estates .fader *■ S regret is expressed on :J o mP^y- ifioss the County will sus--sl»ideßßX ab this juncture, when so ifo^rtU worka worn progress "»•' [rMcArthar'B direction Water ander Mr M°*r being oarried opt for inoplT'Sand Karaugabake, whilst .n j>»irt», VVaim H Jeviation between Owharoa i<^ n£n at «nder way. Mr Me jn d W«i«» » ' *U him3 olf an ideal county H Uir P3 his position will be difficult * ""*' j tfc.t- Mrs Tinfley, the leader »*£*"£££ C v.ada n now visiting Auckland, v »»' £in Auck land, those •"''•'.rfhSJher should sot mi BS .^. wi of attending the meeting anJ$S £«***"• No charge „ '^^SronheCornmitteeofthe I A!- a ?Pifle Association held lasb even■■.^tfiSoiilnß.New Zealand. Rife in!J' ■ !•«„ Meeting waa as;ain diacuesea. li'soC' Btl-lnJ was asked to communicate Tht2TSnJe Minister re tha quality of *'th * >£ to be supplied for the meeting. sni mnn't'<> n to do m* M an(J Me3sr rilmen having subscription listta h firaa are reported to have caused •f,»hle damage to property in several (oMderwJ"JJc *j n the Waitekauri diBW «n unde 1 flomes, and the buildings hsY? bHiD have run considerable risk h.S.'Ti&i. On the morning of m kc tot two small cottagea recently "■"tftf Mwrs Faulder and Elliott, •"'tats canght, and though efforts were the flames, the buildings HsSv *»**"** little water being •, Mo Tho cottages were insured in rf^d I—cc* Company for £33 \ The bush fire which caused the out--2 has been burning for about three \ A meeting of the Auckland Cycling Club « evening, Mr H. Young pretT Vnrioos business in connection with tbe forthcoming carnival was dealt Sb Entries for tho events close next htndn ak the Metropolitan Hotel. In Sion to the prize money, ft cup and a told medal will be givon to tho winners of he wheel race and handicap reppeotively. Th« fall programme of novelties to bo introduced ab tbe citizens carnival, on Fabrn»ry 6th, in the Domain, appears m ■oaradvertißine columns. Seeing that the Auckland Cycling" Ulub have decided to denote the set receipts for the renovation si the Domain pavilion, their efforts should pee! with a Itrce amount of public suppott1

Mr Georga Dorrell is announced to open in AbboU'B Opera Bouse on Saturday nexb, the 23rd inßb., for a Beason of 12 nights, in a magnified spectacu'ar drama entitled "The Queen of Coolgardie," which depicts life in varied phases from bhe society drawing-room to the ruoh at Coolgardie. The play is full of brilliant dialogue, and is produced with entirely new scenery and a specially selected company of first class artistes. The "Queen of Coolgardie" was produced in Australia to crowded houses, and proved an immense success. We are requested to call the attention of parties furnishing to the sale of valuable household furniture on Tuesday next at the residence of Mr J. C. Smith, Arney Road, Bem»era. The catalogue contains a large and usafnl collection : Fine American grand piano, handsome carved sideboard, leather dining ■ room suite, massive fMhugaßy table, Doulton, Crown Derby and other China, electro-plated ware and tut glass, and general household requisites. Catalogues at the office of the auctioneers, Gabriel Lewis and Co.

The Ferry Company notify through our jdvsrtisamenfc columns that they will run excursion steamer a next week to St. Helier's Bay and Lake Takapuna, running to Sb. Helier's Bay on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, and Lake Takapuna on Tuesday and Thursday.

Messrs Chan. B. Alackio and Co. announce fcbat their Rontgen X Ray apparatus will ba on view in Quesn-efcroeb on Monday evening next and thenceforward till further notice on bhe premises next Mackay's, stationer, and opposite J. Tonoon Garlick's. To-nighb ib is on view at the Bxhibltion in No. 4 annexe. Attention is drawn to the advertisement In another column of the Druids' sports at Paeroa. An excursion train will run from Auckland, and a special steamer will be despatched by the Northern Steamship Company,

Thefall programme of bhe Anniversary RegaWa to be held on the 29th inab. will be found elsewhere in this issue.

This evening, ab the City Hall, the specialty Company will give their second entertainment. The Hat of artistes incmdea Misa Amy Rowo, Misa Polly RobertBon.Measra H. Crawford, C. Hugo, and *■■ Brinkman. The programma contains entirely new items, and the prices ara at a popular rate 3. Another bumper house is «pocted.

™A, "meeting of the Committee of the Aorth Shore Amateur Athletic and Cycle wad held last evening ib was decided to mannas tho protest entered by T. Roberts "gainab C. Motion in tbe 120 Yards Hurdle ««e at the Ulub'a laab meetiac

To-morrow evening i n the Davonport J "tytonan Church the Ret. K. Ferguson WU deliver b» monthly lecture. The eIL,- 9 Wh° haa vißited the Industrial E f£ B n°W aboufc t0 c!os° likely to '"jet the munificent display of electro%l I' 0' an, d ,? ickel P»»fced articles in Wrt n M "Obyi a8 Well as tbe 'apWary S On,B T fl' A< Nielßon and of 2 ?h« n r tr,- Ot'u lb wa3«mply superb, fiat f* 10 hair wor^ of Madame fero;VividwiUnofcr«Dt°R^»l'avt?Au a M ,chi'°P» d«^ notifies, that he »»S gi nil t land. Bhortly. and intending 5 v °Uld Waib "P0" him without

-(Advt) °Zler 8 ' Viet °"u-Btreot East. iV£. t>ptfdi-.tnw hal ß for b°yßor W soft fel hata 111 £ "R Cheap- Hard jAdTt.) at9' all sha P9« and prices.Lovely £1 la i ??. Ruarintoed or m * painlesß extractionß London dSSi t T,. ney rßtu"ed, at the I4dvt.) BnUl Inßtlt «'c, Quwn-Btreot.--I^^;^^. 3ob, 5 3 d, the Sat the d" S .c .HA dv \ 8, 6 d J f°r a few 0!i- D.5.0.-( A dn vbi 7 les coatutQe9 ab lOs

To-morrow afternoon ab 2.30 the p.e. Osprey will leave the ferry tee on an excursion to Ho wick, calling ab Sb. Helier's Bay both ways. The Eagle will run to Lake Takapuna At the same hour, and steamers will run ab ehorb intervals to Caliiopa Dock Wharf for the convenience of those desirous of viewing the German warship Buesard as sho lies in dock. Ab tho last general election there were 5,521 names on the Parnell districb roll, 2,655 being thoßO of men and 2,866 women. Of the men 1,877 voted and 778 did nob, while 1,908 women exercised their votes.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 13, 16 January 1897, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 13, 16 January 1897, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXVIII, Issue 13, 16 January 1897, Page 4