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BUSINESS NOTICES. , ESTABLISHED 1801. Barry's Tricopherous FOR THE HAIR, Will, positively restore hair to bald heads where tha roots are not entirely deaa, which is seldom the case. Will positively make weak, thin and falling hair grow soft, glossy and long. Will positively remove dandrufi, and make the scalp white, smooth and clean. As an elegant dressing there is nothing in the world equal to it. Patronized for over fifty years hy the nobility of England,France,Gennany and Spain, and all the first families of America. Beauty Within the Reach of All. Y% *%wm**!m Gives a beautiful complexDfIiXTV S o n > removes every blem- ■**** J ish, and enables ladies of n^.A««l flwAn wn forty to pass easily for rGariureani twenty. && y it. ryEALANDIA CELEBRATED KNIFE Jj ■ POLISHING POWDER, Produces a brilliant and lasting polish upon knives or steel work, puts a nice edge upon the knives without scratching or unnecessarily wear* bag the same, can be usod with any kind of knife board or maohine. One trial of this most effective Powder should convince the most sceptical of its superiority over all others. SENIOR'S WASHING POWDER does not' injure the most delicate fabric, {whitens the articles washed, is composed of concentrated ingredients, and therefore goes farther than most other washing or soap powders which in appearance are more bulky, has only to be tried to be appreciated, is highly reoom. mended as a safe and economical time, soap, and labour saver. _^^_ ________ _^__^________^^____ SENIOR'S FULLERS' EARTH is beneficially used for tho nursery or toilet. Protects and softens the skia, and improves the complexion. SENIOR'S INDELIBLE MARKING INK. Needs no preparation, and is highly recommended for its permanent qualities. MIRROR BLACKING has been most carefully prepared to suit the Colony of New Zealand, gives a most durable and jet black polish. In its manufacture particular care has been taken to prevent its injuring the leather. Softens the leather, and is most economical in use. BLOOR'S FOOD FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS. Prepared upon Baron Liebig's principle; approved and tecomniended by the most eminent of fche Medical Profession. Surpasses all other substitutes for the natural food of infant., and effectually promotes nutrition and health. "A child deprived of its mother's miJk can only be fed properly when the food given is equivalent in power to that of woman's milk. BARON LIEBIG." The great success of this food ia a convincing proof that it perfectly fullils its object, MEDICAL CERTIFICATES. "After a careful trial of Mrs Bloor's Farinaceous Food for Infants and Invalids, I feel no little pleasure in recommending it as the best subntiiiute I have met with for the natural food of infants, from its being highly nutritious, easy of digestion, and not irritating the alimentary canal. In my opinion its more general uso would tend greatly to dimmish the excessive mortality whica has hitherto existed in tho Colony. "John Singleton, M.D. "Medical Misaion Dispensary, "Wellington street, Ci-llingwood." " Having tried Mrs Bloor's Victoria Pat-at Fa.riuaccous Food. T-uan safely recommend it as being well suited for infants, children, and invaiida, and as it ia manufactured from Colonial grain, jfc i*« fre«h, smeefc, and vorj fielicinus. "John Wjlkins, IT.R.C.S., Eai^huul, " 121 C.-.lht!* ftrcoi, E." T7" RUSK'S iaSECTICJDE. Persian. Insoufc Destroying Powder. Sold by all Chemists, in packets at; la, and in tins at Is 6d, ss, 10s, 15a, and 20s each. This powder in unrivalled in destroying I' '», bugs, ants, flies, cockroaches, beetles, g ■ >', mosquitoes, motbs iv furs, and every <- '-r species of insect in all stages of metamorph i h; whilst ifc has no qualities deleteriouo to hu ..a beings, and is quite harmless in its applies ■ n to dogs, cats, poultry, &c. We ask but ono trial for this Powder to secure confidence, no other l>r_ad will be wanted hereafter. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers, and wholesale by FELTON, GRIMW.ADE & CO., KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO.'S NEW 1 ZEALAND DRUG COMPANY (LIMITED


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Otago Witness, Issue 1456, 11 October 1879, Page 26

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Page 26 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 1456, 11 October 1879, Page 26

Page 26 Advertisements Column 2 Otago Witness, Issue 1456, 11 October 1879, Page 26