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the total Jroilgiug returns from Otiiwo Ime a fallinir-off durij'S J"" past, many t ,[ tin; tl,ir»e illou;;-.n have experienced » temiwarv wok own,;, ,o ih, , ;l| ,i,| lis,. i„ lbl . April 5. n j, . st ;il at too hi"l, '<■ level U. perm I - tdredges io XV trrk to adwiMge ».,«! v,ry 1it,4,, improvement WU 1)0 <>X|)pi:!n! ~, ih-r-11- returns till ti, stifci ~, iiml ,| m n v ,,,. ..,,| t |„ 3 ,| W|| ' L«| week the returns fro,., the Uail;;,:;, Iji-I,] .-bowed a. distinct all-round i ~, pro von, on l, The Ivupumi dredge headed , „!' "f nearly ll)2oz, iiul Ho \\ a 11; a ia- jiml Maslerton divdges a I™ "howed marked adv.w.'cs „ii rewiit"li-'iir ■< ■ hp week before the Rise and Shin.. No. i ""'"f :ho h,. ;H | „f tl,o lisi with exrellenl return of over l(Koz. There were iiiin. fhvdgcs i„ operation <>it the Clut.liu Kivei about a. week ago, ami il,* lipid IS exacted soon ,0 lie much ktri'er Al ,-t meeling held ~t Tuapeka uLhuu 'cgiumng of I lie mou'h, it was uiianimuiislv tlecidod ,o form a mi,: ins ami ijr<ispi-ctjn- r ■issoolatiou for the Tuapeka district. ami i, si-ronff euniinilW'f' snitsi'ijuoiillv j'M up '7'u f.' 1 ' 1 "'"" of 111,1 , ' l ' l io>i.l,«ul.s of Wittkaka !v,i nlp a lih'l,l i'ui'iv.s|:ombut KL'Miuv), that 11 jo district, piosporous a.*, ll lias lio.-M (,t ivccui yiMi>, 'ha; still a future Mure ii- i,|i|x<iirs to contain a ni'visure of truth, as |,y pr-cit indications more gold is lo I'D Uih'ii from our valley limn lias yet come om of ir. Ono enierprising company has discovered thai a rich lead exists lielou- the level which lias already be.?>>. dredged, sj> it means a big thing for (lie district, if all these claims are dredged over again. As consequcnce of this liml, several claims have boon out ill the township, and furl her developincuts are. awaited with interest." The Preservation Inlet steamer arrived nack al. .Bluff on April 10, bringing ww* from ilio wliioli is cousiifouxl important. Tito Morninu' Siar roof, which jimumxt out ye;ir.< ;iiru, io ih<> dotriment of thi* miot, Ikis, h- ts iimltMvi'jot!, Ikvij found about 20ft above the balterv site and pieces of gold-bearing wo| . (> p i o |. o( | 01|| front tiro underlay. The lluminir is e:>iupletal, and ihe oiher works are re|Kined to be well ii, hand. At. tlio. end of last mom',, ro i, lni of 126r,z of gold from live weeks' sluicing wa.s reported from tlu« Company. x \l. Uio timo tlio .s<vr<»(orv <>f tJio Panu-a!^ Coi„|);iuy ls-land.-ij r««ived news of a. ivturn of lTlon far 124 horns' dredging. Ahoiit o. H r wk latflr w<v\l of ;i iviurn of ESov. for 120 hours' work wn.s reee.ivwl from tlx* same and on April 11 a further relurn of 1920z fur 11? hours' ~;u riiportod. The latest return of JSCV)/ for 104 hours' ivai re|,or!ed last Friday, making ii wtid of SSlor. ilie pasi. [«im- \\ l v.' KN , The from the l'mluiuil<\l Siiukinir rompany for tJ:e first of the voar aiiiOt.'tiKsl lo ljooz. and for tlie month <»f Marril llff Koxlnt.-L'h Aimdwiuafcd ComfHJiyV washed-up tov HSoj. A fyrir.ivrht ,s t>hnVi:iif at. lire N'okomai I!yur:ii|. lio tijiupanv's No. ? (lain, early in Dip liKmtii in a. iftaru of 4.W, aiul sw.i 3dwi. km sul*s".n;-intly oln-atiittl from tk" jos. for the month of Ma:vh tho Ruewood lioi.t Mil,in;.' Company t,ti,ic(l 624 ions of ore for USoz 13,|wi. of ieiorU'd jrold. t)ui I of theffi» tons millod. ZM tons were obtained f.'OUl tiw whilst t he kdaiu,. oousisU'd of k>'<v-!;n>de -jic sUtfkod on (.lie surface from »ij;io to titue. During last. moui!i Xew Zealand exported 10,W40z of gold of the vaJtw of £156,522, as iSJuvpiEod with 41.5850z of tho yaiuji-of in ilarch[ -of lat-i ytxtr. '

Tile export of silyorl.isl nionllt was 204,00°0z, valued at £20,3-13, as against 89,0380/., valued tit. £3051, lin llio corrr-spcndiiig month of year. AVKST COAST NOTES. Tho Ooldon Arcli i\liuing Company, a. new vent UP', eru- he,l 101 ions for a return of 510/. 2,lwi. Th:. 1 Mttif ireatod by il;<; (■vanido pioc'.-s was '.'Xp'x-iod to yield 250/. J be keep it-D.'irk (Vjiiqiany. which recen'.ly adfiod £000 to Iho reserve fund, has purchas.'d the machinery of llio Al dredge, lo b" 11-oil in supplying an air compressor lo work ini! rock borers in the reef iu ilie lowi-l levels, which lias broadened lo lift. The Cousuliilalod lloldiields returns f, r lh'.* monlh of March are as follow: Progress: Crushed 3703 tons, yielding bullion auitiuidiu» to 1074,1/. 6dwl, value.!':,!. £1305 L~s fcd; cyanide 26i0 loiis, reitiriiiug 3520 ? 3dwi, valued at. £995 10s. Wcilth of Nalions crushed ]2bo tons, yielding bullion amounting to oSloz ]2divi, valued at £1620 J s 11,1; (-yanide, 7SIO ton-. vie!.li:i.r 2f;2or. lOdwt, valued at. £707 13s. The Jiiac.k"ater miiio crushed IEO 7 tons, vieldim' 99ioz 6,1 I\l of Mli.'lti ;! gold, valuud ai £4!)42 2s 4d, and cvanided 111.) Inns, nlinniii" 147,1/. lS'dwt, of bullion, valued at i:m 13- »d. AI'CKLANI) XDTI'jS. The Waibi uiine has produced iu tii<? pM- 18 year-; nearly £7.500.(1(10 wonii oi gold, end paid lo shareholders over £3.U-J0.0!)0. is again entering upon an iu-l.ii-tinj -.t-'ige ol ilcvclopmeiil by o|>ening up ils No. iO lev,'.'l til a dentil of lUtiifi, ConM-i"Iil with llio developinonis of tiie upper levels llio rcsulls of the or.frations ai-:.> inosUatisfaclory, the exploitatinn showing Ike two loot's— the I'.oyol and lb." !'mpire—of ihe series of 16 inel with in the iiighet' levels, lo lie of pqnal siiflugtlt and value, 'lite pve.-eut k'tuloiK V ntdicitlos even ini|ir(ucmeiit. 'the adjoining property, tlio AV.tihi tirand Junction, sit.ialcd but a stone's throw from tho main workings of iho Wailii mine, is also now entering upon an impoilant. stago of (Isvelos.iiout in opening up its Ko. 5 kvol at i.r.icii'jally tlm saiito depth (100!)!') a.-, Ibe Waihi mine. Cross-cms to tiie west ■'111(1 east from the bottom of the shaft (No. 5 level) are being prosecuted to inlerfect the woll-known Martha reef and the No. 2 lode, already b?mg csplc.ited iu the upper levels. Tines winzes from t.lij No. 4 level jii'2 being sunk on the Kmpiro, and ot.o winze, on tire Royal. The™ opcralions htt'.'o disclosed bigh-givulo minoral cxtoiuliiig owr tho full width of the winzes. The enhanced v.ilito oi the Kmpiro anil Royal reefs in depth points, lo valuable disclosures being mol with at No. 5 Icvol. Tiie Talisman Company's battery crushed during the month of March 4140 tons oi' slone for bullion valued at £10,473 5s Id Tho lolal average cost was £1 lEe 6d per ton. iJiinng the period ended March 20 the Wailii Company crushed anil tieitsd c.0,770 tons of oro, for a rcv:i"n ol bullion valued at £73,515. This shows tin increase as compared with the return lor Hm preceding monlh, when 3] tons yielded £73,135. The total amount won [rout the ti'iino to (kilo is £7,420,458. On April 1 an Auckland tele-gram reported Iha I tlio Wailii Grand .luneiion Company had treat'.;,l 4411 tons of stone, for £5133. During March tlio gold returns from the. mines of the Auckland district reached a total value of £105.021 19s 4d. This is a considerable increase on the February vield (£74,217). COMPARATIVE DRSDOIXG TtETURiXS. The following table shows the number of dago and Southland dredges at work weekly, with their returns, tngdhcr with the figures for the corresponding periods of 100S, 1807, Slid JSOO. Pennyweights and mains are emitted in cacli instance: — JIM- 1803. 1907. 1900. 0*- ()?■• Oi. Oz, .3 9(1 3 G9 3 5:1 8 251 " 267 H 2<2 22 559 30 901 a 7i>7 23 1)55 ,12 701 ,"9 10S7 715 20 S7B ;it S'Jti 41 1005 20 (>l2 21 Gfc:i 59 7-J8 33 107'2 25 est ■ 31 9;ta 3S RKt SI U69 25 lIS7 Sti G59 H-t <t) 11?,) 27 73; i :u 081 "5 ICJO . -12 Ufa .Tl 822 .10 073 ,17 1157 It Ipfl 31 SIC ' 28 885' .11 788 37 024 Set 211 973 28 748 3t iiuft •'ll oiß 20 903 2(1 GSS 38 11)27 35 874 30 10 JO 31 7111 37 1017 02 715 iO 047 31 71G -II H72 22 032 22 810 .10 750 12 1199 21 KM 25 8G:( 33 620 10 1300 I'l.ol!) 12.887 12,315 IG.ISS Tuk Wkst Coast. IS®)- 1008. 1507. 190(1. °z. Oz. Oz. Oz. 3 lilt — — 2 43 2 28 3 lot 2 208 8 .131 G 254 ; 182 8 Ml 8 373 G 217 0 204 s 202 S 4ft 6 U5 3 Jsl 0 2C2 7 "82 5 136 5 192 7 259 8 283 ® lsil -1 144 o ;ti) in :cis ■t 91 4 122 0 222 9 271 ji S!) 5 141 G 233 9 21",3 ' J 7-1 7 On'.l ii 212 tl -?7,j — — 7 302 8 213 4 i's 6 104 8 191 8 253 8 >'5 5 155 <) 21,8 ~g s 0{J;l 77 4 190 3 135 5 hi 2 02 4 102 G 2W 5 177 " 1 110 G 200 G an ™ MM KM AUCKI-AXD 1! RTURNS. AUG'[CI,AM), March 31. During March the gold returns from the .nines o, the Auckland district reached a total value of £105,021 19s Id. This is a '"'-''ease on trie February yield j), and is a.lso an increas" on the to,wsl,G,!dins! " l « mh ot GOLD ;\D SILVER KXPORT. , WELLINGTON, April 2. 1 urutg las,- montj, New e.xporled 40,0440z of gold oi the value of £156 522 as compared with 41.585,,/. of ||,e value of .-.166,2(6 111 .March of last. year. The export of silver last month' was 204.003,./, valued » « as against, 89.0380/. valued at. £9051, i„ the corresponding month of hid. year. DIVfDK.VDS. -iuce th? of our hist .Sntntnarv Ibe following ilividemls have been (leclaietl: - Rise and Shina. Is; Alexandia. Kureka, 0,1; Roxburgh Ainalgiiiiiak'tl. 6,1; N„ Town Creek, 1.-: Rising Sun, Is; Chicago. Is 61; Rise and Shine, Is: Koputai, ss ; Msv-rv I'lal, 2s; Waikaia, Is.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 2 (Supplement)

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MINING SUMMARY Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 2 (Supplement)

MINING SUMMARY Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 2 (Supplement)