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Daily Times Office, Saturday. April 24,

MOXIiY AND TIIAIIE. Buying.—Demand, 10s per cent., discount.; 20 days, 15s per cent, discount; 60 c.ays, 20* per cent, discount; 90 days, 3C< per cent, discount; 120 days, 4Cs per cent, discount.

Scllin'j. Demand, 7s 6il per cent, pre''n 'l" 1 ' days, 2s 6d per cent, premium; 60 days, 2s oil per cent, discount. Telegraphic Transfers to London.-17s 6d per cent, pivniium, plus cable charges. Deposits,—lteni; of Australasia lixed for 12 months, oi per cent., and 21 months, 4 per cent, per annum. Other banks, fixed for six months, 2 per cent, per annum; months, ].o,' tout., and ?A months, 4 per cent, per annum.

speaking U'o.uliy, i lie trade of the month Ji :ls . on the quiot side. 1-h-e policv of limiiat;<«is in import which we foretold in oui' lust summary, Ijeing pursued. At tile rime of writing. however, the onllook (or Ihe future iV, ii,ore hopeful. As indicative o! tlio lerdeney to lessen imports, the figures for thi! month of February are eloquent. Th2*o allow that while tlw imports in February. I'JOS, were some SSOCO above the preceding year's figure;, the imports for the same period in 1909 had (hopped to t.ho extent of nearly £30,000 on the 1908 figures. Th'.s is regarded as a sure- symptom of a ro:ranching mid cfireful policy,* Another factor which warrants a honful'outlook lies ill 1.1k? liign prices ruling for wheat on Ihe world's market, and the substantial balance, lesliinnloil at approximately 2'i million b:nhe.!-i) \vhk-h X..:\v Zealand lias over her i°eal requirements in coiveriueii'.'e of all oxrephoiially fi,:e yield. Indications tK>int to a trade bo open«l up ,il remunerative ratO:. win!" tlyi <-,ut.<:de demand for cats (ako a li'".a.vy crop) wiil likewise swell our export trade,: y.lii'c oilier line.'—butter, <'h.3i'j?, mutton. etc.—show -nine flight, depivcialion in \;;':i.. on the London ma.rk'H, the que.nviiy available should prove, somo comiKMHiition to grovcre. With, tJien, deeroaiing imports and, on the whole, favourable prospects for commodities for export, the tendency undoubtedly is such that the time should not be far distant when the balance of trade will be restored with an eneouraging effect on business all round. The banking returns for the March quarter oiler confirmation of the- accuracy of this view. These show t hat, hyicason of a reduction in advances and an inei<ease in deposits, the posiiion is stronger by some two millions in contrast with December 31. To maintain this improvement and remle.r money easier, it is only necessary for the present movement, to continue. It is expected by all in a. position to judge that a, (inn for the better lias been taken. BHEAIMTUFFS. At our last writing New Zealand wheat was considerably below London parity, but. t.s we indicated at the time, that position could not lie expected to continue. Prices current then and now will servo to show how far it has improved. On March 29 prices ranged from 3s 6gd to Zs 7d in the Ashburioii district-, to 3s lOd given by the millers in the Oaniaru district. Current quotation* now are nt 4s 2d to 4s 3d, while sales at higher figures have been made, one line being sold in 'l'imani at. 4s 6d in stoic. Since then; however, under ilio influence of weakness in London and Australia, prices haw eased somewhat;, and one or Iwo transactions are reported at-4s 2d on Mucks for Tuscan and Hunters, and 4s 3d for velvet and pearl. At Ihe sametime many holders still ask 4s 4d. Millers for the most part, having ample stocks on hand, are rot prtpuiod I<, operate even at the tower level of prices, and, ponding further shipping engagements or another firming movement in London, not much business is likely lo eventuate. The news that two steamers will bo loading grain in Lyltelron ami Tiniaru in May. and another boat at Timaru in June, would seem to indicate ihat a considerable quantity of wheat has already been contracted for; anil, of onurce, the greater the proportion of the eoimtiiln-enls for Great. Britain the Mer the prospect for Ihe balance remaining in the Dominion. Chick wheat is offering fairly freely and in excess of the demand, consequently prices have not varied. (!oo<l whole fowl ieed may be qitoled at un to 3s lid e,\ slore. and from 4s lo 4s Id" f.o.b. for shipment.

Tilt! demand for Hour continues exce.nliiiiflv brisk, very few of llm bakers having iaiil iu stocks prior to the last vise in prist l . 'I'lie laritt of the AV.v Zealand Flour Millers' A«><X'iati<m is unchanged. uamelv:--Sacks-i!U 15*; 100'.-, £12; 50\s. JBI2 10t; 25's, £12 1.55. Tlie shipping price is £11 10s f.0.1i. The'lnveicargill priec is £12. The Diarici.-I. is quilt'- bare of brail ami pol• lard. I'lk l Now Zealand Flour Milleiw' A«sociilhii decided, in consequence oi' the brisk tltmand from

Australia. lo advauc> the price of both bran and pollard. Consequently, the tariff now standi: Bran, £+5s per ion [or local ovik'i.i. and £4 f.o.b. for shipment: poHuril, £5 !os, both for local ol'ders and for shipment;

Some cvcitenienr has taken place in. the j oaT- marker, :on-eqnenl upon brisk demand from liondou, and' the We&t of linglMid sh ippeiw have bwn quietly opsrating for the past fortnight, and large sales have been made on a market that wu.s low in consequence of a heavy \ield and no anticipations, of oulsklj :lem:iud. The Ueti of Du!ln\.ii, now loading, is a. full boat, and all the available 'pace on two boat-, to month has lwe!> taken up, while difficulty is experk'not'd in securing space in the .lune boat loading at Timarit and tha JJlutf. Latest cable advice from Home leports a very firm market. Buyers here liave been operating tiriskly on English orders, ami Australia, wliicii was nor expectcd earlier ill the season lo require any oats, has a!«> come upon the market, and to .secure supplies has had lo abovo the English level. Another faator adding io t.he excitement- was 1 hat New Zealand merchants had entered

into forward commitments earlier in the season il low rales, and these, with a rising market, were forced to cover. Jn the case of merchants with commit.n >!tt6 ,'or May and June and possibly up to September and December next, the problem has been how far to cover, and at what price. Seeing that the present " squeeze " is for prompt shipment, there is more, than a possibility that, when present shipping 'engagements have been filled, the market may quieten down. And the fact that this year's yield is exceedingly largo tends in that direction. On the other waettycerkin tiat cnopsh a&tg yJH

I*' forthcoming to load the IxMls at present 8 chartered. So dial, all things considered, v Ilii' ultimate direction of the market must 9 depend ii|xin any further demand from (< England. Should that continue, prices will st certainly advance; should that fall away, i I here will likely be a slight reaction. The fi fluctuating nature of I lie market is well ! illustrated in the. range of quotation!); the ( demand has heen keenest for Garten*, both j A and 15 grade, and for these it is diflicult. i to get quotations at any price. For B c sparrowbills Is 7|d f.0.b., s.i., is the very J lowest quotation, and at the same time sales 9 of this very quality have been made al Is 2 B£d. and on Australian account at up to e Is 9*l, and even more money. But 6 whether these prices will hold it is impos- ? sible to say until n|>erati)rs anxious lo i cover sales have concluded their purchases, j At previa I he I ra!,saei ions are mainly 1 on account of business already contracted 1 for, and bill- few fresh orders are within i sight. In sympathy with .shipping o|>era- 6 tions the local market, has also "taken a s jump, and good feed oais wom< selling 1 readily at Is fid' ex truck. i In sympathy with the rise in oats the f price of oatmeal was advanced hy £1 ]>er ! ion, ami Is now quoted at. £9 10s. Pearl 6 barley is unchanged at £15. ' I'KOIHTCK .lIAKKKT. Butter anil cheese, In sympathy with Lou- 1 don, have slightly eased, and as the output. for the season continues good lftrge quail- ] lilies are going into store. The new sea- £ son opens on May 1. and activity will bo- > come more apparent then. Owing lo largo j crops chaff and straw are in very full 1 supply; the former lias dropped 5s per < ion for all grades, and the latter is easier 1 in tone. Potatoes are also in full supply, I bill, owing to the prevalence of blight in some districts preventing export, to Aus- 1 Iralia. prices keep on a low icvel. Onio'is ; aro being forwarded lo Australia in large shipments. Quotations are as follow:— t P>utt?r.—Dairy pate, 7jd to 8(1; milled, 9d : separator pats, fid: hulk, S'd to 9d; Taicri and Peninsula pats, IOJd (id rebate for cash); Taieri and Peninsula bulk, lOjd. < Cheese.—May and June, 6d to 6J<I. I Chatt'.—Kxtra prime anion, £?, lGs to £?, < 6d; medium to good, to £2 7s 6d; light and inferior, £2 per ton (sacks extra). Onions.—Canterbury, £5 10s lo £6 pe:ton; Auckland, £6 to £6 10s per ton; Mel bourne, £!) to £9 10s per ton. Potatoes.—Prime Up-to-l.)ates, £2 ICs to £2 12s 6<l; medium lo good, £2 5s ,to £2 7s 6rt; inferior, £2 per ton (sacks in). RACKING. (Woolpaeks and Corusacks: Free.) Prices quoted for March-April steamer are as follow:—Mill, c.i.f., 6s 6d: 44in, 6s 3d. 'l'hes? prices show a considerable rise on last month's figures. This is due to the heavy harvest, the lateness of arrival of the Calcutta boat, which is expected about the end of May, awl the. urgent demand ( or .shipping both wheat, and oats to England. Pending t.lie arrival of-the boat, anything ir, the sack line is cag'frly snipped at, and big deals have, ltcen made in goods that in past years would have had no consideration. CANDLES. (Duty: Manufarlured in British dominions, ljd per lb; foreign candles. 2Jd per lb.) The local manufacturers' tariff stands as follows: —tiold Medal and Exhibition, 6jd; mining, 6£d; Standard. 6|d; Composites (plain and fluted) and Magnet. 6d; Ducal Paraffin and superior Wax Paraffin, 6d; Brilliants, 6d; Adamants. sid; Prize Medal, .Elect ric and Rockets. s«d. These rates are subject to a sliding scale of discount, according to quantity purchased Ogeton's Aberdeen candles, 6jd to 6Jd. Price's brands soiling at the following rates owing to the preferential duty Sperm ini ported candles, 16oz, 6|d: 15oz, 6Jd. Tlio tariff of the Burmah Oil Company is as follows:—Plain and fluted. 6Jd; carriage (B'g and 10'e), 7jd; self-fitting (16's and 12's), 7Jd. CEMENT. (Duty: Manufactured in British dominions, 2s per barrel; foreign cement, 4s per barrel.) No alteration has taken place in the price of cement, and the tariff stands:—Under 20-cask lots. 15s; 20 to 99 cask lots, 14s 6d; 100 cask lots ami over, 14s. mtiK» fruits. (Duty: Currants, raisins, figs, dates, and prunes, free; apples, apricots, peaches, pears, etc.. n.o.e. 2d per lb. Canned fruits. 25 ner rent.; 37i per cent, it of foreign production in manufacture. Almonds and nuts, free.) There is good a demand for sultanas, owing to low stocks and the failure of the Australian supply. Quotations are as follow:—fc'ists: Layers,'to 4Jd; bags, 3^l: taxes, 5s 6d to 3s 9d per dozen. Prunes, 4jd to 4id for 60's—70's; packets, 5s 6il; pitied, SJd for bulk and 5s 6d in lib po.ekete. Frimley pie fruits: Apples, halfgallon, 10s; gallon, 19s. Poaches, halfgallon, lis; gallon, 21s fid. Plums, halfgallon, 10s; gallon, 19s. Seeded raisins, 4s 3d to 4s 6d. Currants: Cleaned Atnalias, 3Jd cartons, 3s 6d to 3s 9d; ordinary 2,d; packets, 3s 9d. Sultanas—Smyrna, bulk 3d to.4d, according to quality; eartons, 4s 3d to 4s 6d; California!), ss; l'llcnies, 3j.d ; Lexiati, brown, 3{<l ; extra, 3id. Dates, in bulk, 2£d; oartons, lib 4s; Ulb 5s 3d to 5s 6d. Jordan almomls (in short supply), 2s 4d to 2s 5d per lb; Sicily almonds, Is to Is Id. Malaga muscatels—Trays lOd to Is; boxes, 9;>d to lO^ti; Catifornian muscatels— in 51b trays,- Bd, and in 101b trays 7d. Evaporated apples—Bulk, 8d for 50's; lib cartons, -9s 3d per dozen; packets, 9jd. Californian canncd fruits:—Pears and peaches, second standard pears, lbs; peaches, 9s; water pears, 9s 6d; water peaches, 9s. FISH. (Duty: Dried, pickled, or salted, n.0.e., IDs per cent.; 15s per cent., it of foreign production or manufacture; paste, 20 per cent, ad valorem; potted and preserved (not. including sardines), British 2d tier lb, foreign 3d per lb; sardines, 2d per lb, not preferential.) Star brand mullet, 5s 6d to 5s Sd; accord- . ing to quantity. Quotations arc:—Host Hats I lis to lis 3d; best talis, 10s 3d; best iJb i . flats, 6s 3d. Ordinary brands of sardines in oil. 3s Sd to 4s for quarters and 6s to 6s 6d for halves. ■ Oilier lines of fish aro as follow: — lied and ivhite herrings in tins: White (selected lish), 24's, 38s per dozen; 100's, 20s to 22s per ease. Beds. 24' a, 29s per dozen; 100's, 19s 6(1 per case. Sardines—|'s, 6s to 6s 6d; i's, H Pd to 4s. Herrings: Fresh, 6s 3d; in I tomato sauce, 7s 6d to 7s 3d; and kippered, ; 7s 9d to Bs. Codfish, 5Jd in 21b blocks and ' sid in strips. Findon haddocks, 9s 9d to ■ 10s; bloaters, 9s; Morton's ling 6Jd; Hay's ling, 6d. i MKTAT.S. i (Duty: Iron, plain, galvanised, sheet, or hoop, 30s per ton; 36s per ton if of ; foreign production or manufacture; iron, : malleable, in market lengths, as iron . bar, etc., free; 20 per cent, ad valorem if of foreign production; fencing wire ' and barbed wire, free.) J'Or pig and sheet lead the price is now 19 s 6d and 23s 6d respectively. I Current quotations are as'follow; fI.C. ; rooting iron, £22 10s, wilh the usual I extras for Oil of 10s. Bar iron, £11 10s for 10-ton IoK up lo £12 10s for smaller ■ quantities. Shoeing bars: P,l', 11, £15 10s; .Vctlierlon's, £14 10s; and ordinary brands ■ £11 10s. Hoop iron, black, £.13 10.i to £15; galvanised. £22 to £23. Wiiv nails, ■ £16; ;>k?h- wire, ordim.ry gauges, £9 - 15* _ per ton; barbed. £14 10s; gal- - vanised. £11 ]5s — special rales for | quantities in al! cases. Wire netting, I £20 ICs per mile for rnile lots; lesser quantities, £22 10s per mile. Siscl plates, £12 lo £13 10s; sled' angles. £12 to £13. Galvanised iron, plain, 24s to 25s 6d—with the usual concession of Is ' per cwt for lOewl. lots. Pig iron, £5 5s lo [ £5 10i im- ton Tee bars. £13 10s. White ,- lead 29s to 30s per ewi. liloek lin: i Colonial, 1; sd; Kuglish, Is fcil. i «»•*■ 1 (Duty: Kerosene and other oils, free.) IVicc.s for Hie following oil spirits vcmain ? unallored: Naphtha. Is 4d; motor spirits, I U 4d; benzine. Is Id; tnrppnlino. 2s 9d. \ Tea Ho'»® koroseno is (pioliMl at jmm* r gallon ex wharf, a:id pxstoro. The prkv i quoted is Mihjwt ui flurtualioiu wiihmn further hot ice. Local castor oil quotations are:—Pinb, . half-pint.s is 3d. liealon's. 7s 6:1 for s ICoz and 4s f.'d for soz. Coaiv-c* fy.-lor oil, t 3s in drums and 2.« lOd in Thi* mrront (|m>!uti<»n fur linked oil is: ]»«w p I<l, Ixiiled 3s 2d. OILMHX'S STOKKS, ETC. a Arowroot, io 4id. Hn!cin«r powder • i Borwicls s. 5s 6d small lin<. tins 10s 9d. lilaf-king- Day and Martin's. 3s 3d lo n 3s 6d. IMucs Heckill.'s, Img hlun (1 yross [> boxes), ils M- 10 boxes or over. 8s 3d; i- blue (121b Ik>\o ; )} 7s 6d. 10 boxes or L over 7s 3d; Keen's batr blue 7s 6d per ■s gross; squares 71d to Bd. Curries—Jlortl ton's, 5s 6d; capers, 5s 6(1. Heans—Haricot n beans, 20s; French beans- lib tins ss, 21b s, tins 8s 9d. Coffee- Palcrson's camp d coffee. 12s; Symin;,'toil's essence - s five-case lots 12s 3d. one-case lots 12 6d; d Branson's essence, lis od. Cocoa—Fry's r homoeopathic. 10 boxes Is 4d. lesser quan--0 titles. Is 4Jd; concer.irateii. 3s 2(1; soluble, e Is 4d; Jams and preserves - ''1C" lib tins , assorted jam, 4s 6d; 21b tins, 3s 9d; 71b n tins (net weights). 42t1; 21b glass jars, n 13s 9d; lib glass jars. 8 s 6d; pred served fruit's, extra r.tandards assorted), y 19j 6d; preserved fruits jgal assorDed), lis; r 21b glass jars marmalade, 15s; ,11b glass II jeffl marmalade, 7s -3d; lernoij ciecse, lib

glass jart, 13s 6d ? lemon chccso 711) *sI weight tins, lOJd; tomato puree, 2|lb tins, 9s; tomato sauce (pints), 7s; tomato sauce ((|uarts), 13s. Morton's strawberry conserve, 19s p«r dozen (glass jars); lieiller'a marmalade—lib 7s 6(1, 21b 13s 6d. Robertson's Golden Shred marmalade—lib ja.ra 9s, 21b jars 16s, lib tins 76, 211) tins 13s. Cro&se wid lllackwel-l's marnialade—lib jars 8s 6d, 21b jam 15s 6d, lib tins 6s 9d. Macaroni and vermioclli —Ttinokli'a (lib cartons), 4J<l lb; Italian (41b boxcs) ( Mutohcs—Mi's Royals, one 9s 3d, less 9s 6d; pla.i<is, one case 3s 9d, less 4s; 250's live ciises 16s, less 16s 6(1. Afedicines, etc.—Wood's Peppermint Cure,, email 13s od dozen, large 2is 6<l. Bonnington's Irish iAloss, lis. Siogcl's Syrup, No. 1, «ix-do7.en Jots, 16s; lesser quantities, 16s 6d. No. 2, six-dozen lots, 28s 6d; lesser quantities, 295. l'ills, 13s 6d. Warner's Safe Cure, <£«, Pills lis. Krir/.e'e fluid magnesia, case lots, 8s; smaller quantities, 8s 6d. Keat,ing's insect powder, 3s 6d for small, 6s for medium, lis 6(1 for large. Epsom salts, Is 6d for boxes. Mill:—Swiss milk (Milkmaid brand) is quoted at 6s 6d for five-eases and 6s 9d 'or less lots. Nestle's milk, 6s; Ideal milk (unsweetened), 6s ljd; Murray's Highlander, 20s per c.ise; "Cowslip," 18s 6d. Mustard—Column's l's 15s 6d. halves 7s 9d. (juarters 4s 6d; D.S.F. 7's Is 3d to Is aid; Durham, 7d; Sadler's rjunrters 4s 9d, halves 8s 3d. lib 16s 6il. Nuts and dates -Barcelona mtts, si<l; Brazil nuts, 8d; bulk dates (good samples). 2id to Patent foods— Neave's food, six dozen and over, 9s 3<l; lesser lots, 9s 6d. Force food, 22s 4d lier case. Hrown's maize. 15 luixcs. 2,-d, 5 Ixixes. 2gd; 1 to 4 boxes. 3d; Brown and Poison's mai'/.e: 15 boxes. 2Jd; 5 boxes, 3d; 1 to 4 boxes, 3Jil. Brown's patent:. 10 boxes, 3d; 5 boxes, 3^d; 1 to 4 boxes, 3Jd. Brown and Poison's Indian: 5 boxes, 5Jd; lesser quantities, sjjd. Duryoa s niaizena: 10 Ikixcs, 5Ad 'ess 5 per cent., le«s than 10 boxes, sid. Challenge brand cornflour, 2jd per lb. Peas-Melbourne split, peas, 18s; Kuglish split peas, 22s per cwt; packet, peas, less than gross, 4s; gloss lots, 2| per cent, oil'; live-gross lots, 5 per cent. off. Green peas, 16s. Pickles.—llayward liros., 8s 6d; lhonison'd "Purity" brand pickles, 6d. Ohutnoy: Madras—quarts 22e, pints Oil per dozen; Sun brand' Chutney, in quarts, is quoted at 235, and in pints at 14s. Polishes.— Donielino stovo pasts (in tins eight, dozen to the box), 14fi 3d, 10 boxes or over 13s Sd; '//sbra. paste stovo polish liu tins three dozen to the box), Ss, 10 boxes or over 8s 8d; Zebra gralc polish, Id packets (one gross lxixee), is, 10 boxes or over 6s 9d; Rising Sun stove polish, sumo l'lutoinctalpolish,% 3d; Cold Medal polish, 7s to 7s 6d; Brasso, small tins, 7s 3d i»l----doien, owe gross or over 7s, large tins 14s, halfigross or over 13s 6(1. Brilliantsliiue live gross lots 81s, one gross lots 84s, lees than one gross 7s 6d per dozen. Incld'a 41 Blacquite," 4s 6d per dozen; Kixey's knife polish, from 4s 9d to 5s per box; Bcofc polishes: Ivverett's .lctta polishes 3a 3d for small size, and' 6? for large. Nugget polish, small tins, 3s 9d perl dozen, largo tins 7s per dozen, small outfits 13s 6d, and large 21s per dozen; Two-in-one, 9s 4d; Court—small 3s 6d, largo 6s 6d; Record— small 3s 6d, large 6s 3d; Everett's 6s 6d to

6s 9<l for large, 3s &tl to 3s 9d for email; Abbey, 4s 6d for medium and 2s 6d fee 6mall; for Durbar 2s 3d, 4s, and Bs. Starches—packets, 10 cases or over 355, under 10 cases 3fc, boxes 37s and 3Ss; Ecru starch (six dozen boxes in case) &a pe: 1 dozen; Robin st-aroli (ca&o six dozen boxes), not less than 5s per dozen; Col-, man's sgd to sid. Sauces: Flag tomato sauce, 7s; Mcllor'6 (5 cases) 12s, ono case 12s 3d, less 12s 6d; Lea and Pcrrins—largo 24, small 13s Bd. Spices: Nutmegs, Is 2d to Is 6d; mixed spieo (loose loz packels) Id, 41b boxes (10/, packets) Is; Morton's spices (41b, boxes) Is 3d, Morton's »Spa®ieli olives—pints 21s to 21s 6d, lialf-pint6 13s; ground ginger, Bil to 10d; white pepper, 9d to lOd; black popper, 8d to 9d; chryatallisecl ginger, cloves, Is 3d. Scda6 and acids: Soda crystalls, £5 10s to £6 per ton; bicarbonate cf soda, 10s; citric acid crystalls (141b tins), Is 10d to 2s per lb; tartaric acid. ..141b tins, powdered, Is 3id; crystal, Is sd; Morton's 141b cream of tartar, ]6; French, in kegs, BJd to 9Jd, tiecordiug to percentage. Twine: Seaming twine, Is 4d; grey twine, Is 2d; medium twine. Is. Vinegars: Champion's brown (10 cases and upwards) 9s 3d, lesser quantities 9s 6d; crystal (10 cases) 9s 9d, Iteser quantities 10s 9d. Sundries: Lily waJiing tablets (three dozen) 8s and upwards, 8s 6d smaller lofs; camphor (icj blocks), 4s and 4s 6d per lb; linseed, 225; bath-bricks, 2s per dozen; clotiies pegs, 4s '3d; tan ties, 275; Ulobo oysters, 8s; Elliman's embrocation (Universal, small) 10s, medium 13s 6d. % lar£o 21s, ltoyal, small 14s 6d, loj-go 255; Alleii llanbury's Food, Nos. 1 and 2 17s to 18sj Ifo. 3 10s to 10.3 fed; Mill's Food-largi} 25<s 6(1, small 15s 6d; Cooper fluid disinfectant (20oz bottles) 275, Coz bottles 10s; .Tay-lor's Okl Port ek>ese, 15s; Quaker oats,- 22s 6d; dttsicutttl cocoanut—chests 4d, lialf-ohests 4Jd, packets 5s Sd; pumieine—fivo eases gs,' ono to foul' cases 10s; packet hops, lid' Ip Is; whiting, 5s 3d to 5s 6d; lieinp seed, 22u cwt, small lots per lb; canary seed IBs per cwt, small lots 2d p*r lbj Dutch carrowa-y seeds, 7ijd to &cl; Hudson's extract, 3Ss per cwt, boxes 5s ;■ Lucca oil— C. and U. 30s, Morton's 245; Senior's linclouin reviver (case lots) Bs, lese 8d 6d • Club cartridges, Ids 6d to lis 6d. : litOß. (Duty: Free.) Quotations: £16 10s per ton for No. 1 No. 2, £16. SAGO AND TAPIOCA. t (Duty: Free.) Current quotations aro 14s for sago, and 15s Gd for pearl tapioca. SALT. (Duty: Free.) We append the selling tariff arranged as between the wholesale and v retail houses for Otago and Southland:— Black llorac Salt. • Fine, Coarso, a-lon lots, per ton Bil .. 72/ 1-ton lots, per ton .. .. 85/ 75/ Lesser quantities, per cwt 4/6 .. if Liverpool Liverpool Coarse Fine anu and Pig Coarse, Castle Fine. Per Ton. Per Ton. 10-ton lots .. .. 0:1/ • 70/ 5-ton lots' .. .. (;■>/ ~ ~ ~ 72/ 1-ton lots ... 05/ ... 75/ Per-Cwi, Per Cwt. Lesser quantities 3/s) 4/3 Parcels may be made of mixed lots. Quotations include cartage to any point within Duncdin or suburb?. The •Sjiit, Company has undertaken not to supply any wholesale linn which does not abido by a tariff agreed upon by the majority. It is ;il-o iindcrstoo;' : 11;;t Ibo imports of Liverpool salt will be kept within a certain limit, so that proportionate quantities of Liverpool and Adelaide may be sold in the Dominion. SIM'. (Duly: Vellow soap, cs per cwt; 6d per cwt if or foreitui production or manufacture; fancy soaps, 25s per cent, ad valorem; 57A per cent, if of foreign production or manufacture.) The loea] manufacturers' tariff stands as follows: — Uundrine, Hlainc, and Blue MoHle-.1, £24: Queen. £23; Prize Pale, Prize .Medal, 'uikl Coldeu Dawn! £22; Laundry, £21; Hilling and Pour Crown, £20; Three Heart,., £19; Three Crown No. 1, £16; Household, £15'; Three Crown N'o. 2, £15, Jlagie, 17 fi Victory, 14s; 1.X.1.., Pis. Swan floating soap, 14s per box; Lover's dry soap, lis 6d for 10-hog lots, lis 9d for lesser quanlil:?s. Lever llros.'Vim, lis for single eases three dozen) and lOs&d for 5-rase IoU. Lever Bros.' coal tar and glycerine soap, 5s per box of one dozen tablets, or at. 4s 6d as part of 10 boxes; and Yo Coode Jirmvn Windsor at 10s and 10s 6d ix.t box of 72 tablets; Lever's Divan soap,- 7s 6d for 10-case lots, and 8s for lesser quantities: Lever's oatmeal soap, 5s 6d for 10-case lots and 5s 9d fot less-'r quantities. Sunlight soap. 12s 6d • Lever Bros.', skin soap, lis 6d for single bases and lis as part of 10 cases, liarilla j f-::ap (Christie's) is quoted a I from 3« to 3s I 6d per dozen tablets, according to qtutui tiiy. Af.E AXO STOUT. (I)nly: 2s per gallon, or 4s per dozen.) The following oriels will l« maintained for the undermentioned brands of ale and flout, and under no circumstances will these rules be departed from, and. further, nothing under fivo cases is to be sold at an in-bond price, and no mixed five-case lots are to he sold at a five-case price: — Five. Lesser case QuanLots. tities. Head's a!n, pints ... .. ■ — S/G Head's ale, quarts . 1-i/ 1:1/6 Head's stout, pints — 8/!t Head's stout, quarts .. . 1:>/ 13/:! following is the agents' list of prices for other brands, the quotations being for ordinary lots per dozen quarts, all duty paid:— Ale: Porter's Bull Dog, 12s 6d; Poster'.*, 12s; Tonnaut's, 12s. Stout: Porter's Buil Dog, 12s to I2s sd; Burke's, 12s 6d to 12s 9d; Hall's Hoar's Head, 12s: Poster's, 13s 9d: Pennant's, lis 6d to 12s; Tennant's lager beer, 7s 6d for pints and lis 6d for quarts. Johnson'sstout. (iirqnarls) has' been tariffed as follows:—Pivo cas-s, 12s; lesser quantities, 12s 6cl; Daggers stout, 12s for quarts, 7s 9d for pints. Si. B. roster's Bugle brand alfV;

firs, 1m; livo-pa.iß pint ]oU. 7s 6.1; le=s I quantities, Ss. ! (Duty: Tii'll;, 16? per *4«!!uii: pm.f, bottled, . j<K j.--r ..-a11,,11.1 ! Mifchril',: ib-lilie'd' :• M'iliskv is fit. 19.1 ill bond for !« f„ r fj,,. eases, .Tiki 495. dutv p:>i,l, fill- M,i lots. A. and B. M::"ktiy'i, ulii-kv. per cmin bond, 10-case loi;, I')- ; fue-e;r-'e fes, 2!ls; l<*se* quantity. 4E< .iliey paid, llavM.ii'-i , whisky, in bond. 101-s ; fivc-t.., j lots, 21s; duty )r.;d, le--er ((iiiiiii:ty. 111. O.'l'. pllll<,!l, M'lliell lias l-r.-ll ill rl supply for jomc lime, is .ic;iin in th.-, market, ai:11 is H'-line a:, \~i< tul j,,.,Till' following pi'ii.-S will be 111;>ini:tiitcl for tin 1 iiUflrTiiif-ijiiuurd brands of suirif.-;, ami miller no circuii Mamwill 11.rat."> be fk'iwirlf<l from, and, in,'■ll:.-:', iiolnin;, under livn cases is to ho snid at an iii-bom! pric-e, and no mixed loss arc lo lid tdld at a live-ease price:--t'lve-c',-;) Tit-«er Lets. Quantities. iHeiinewy's X brandy .. 87,1S ium Jlenncc.v's XXX brandy «,» Denis .Moimie brandy.. c. Wolfe's schnapps .. •Jl/il ,11/11 J.'D.K.Z. 2<,.d Oeupva . ]»,i; lij/ii J.D.K.Z. 3;oil tienc/a .. 11:11 ii 7/13 .1.1). K.Z. 4g:il (i eirvj .. k;0 75/0 .Sir I.', Lurncit'.'. Old T, »" ;:"i - so/o llrandy tariffs 11avt- bc.'ii arrange,! ;is follow:— Boomerang—lo cases, 21s; live c:..-es, 22.1 2d; one c:iv, ,'ijs, duly paid. I'.iscjuit dll llulK-lic -'lO c.v-es, Y?:-; live cases, 22s 6(1; Olio ease. sos. duty paid. Arbnuin Marelt's brandy—uve-case lots, 3ts p.■ ,* CHS!', in bond; I-. -r quaniily, 0-s per ease, duly ii:iid. 'I'll" follow itit; hriif fin' Otago and Southland has been :tiranii-il by the supplying firm :---(;ilbi-y's ,iiy gill—Olio c,i:; M , '455, duty pai.l; |i',e <;■■■■, 15s in bond; antl 10 (as-, s. lis in bund. Ilo.ii- and llaig i' whisky is quoted ill 2,0s 1,.;- five-wsc. lots ami 48s for le.-ser quantities. Tlis v,dinky tariff stands JUS follows:—Ten, 21s in bond; live rosui, 22s in bond; and lessor cjiiiin:itif-s b?'< duly paid. Tiie brands ii.rii:, 1 -.1 in [ lie arrangement are Dollar's Special, I T slu-r"s 0.V.U., While Horse, D.1.'.L., AV.V., Gaelic, Old Smuggler, J'.uchaiwii's llciiKO of Commons, Waium's No. 10, and AVliito and Mackay's. Tho price of Crawford's whisky now stands; For fiveca!*> lot.s, 2J.S 111 hond; Uw;er i|uaiuitics, 52s illll'v fiaid. Walker'.; 1{«I Collar speeial iivliisky is at 55s per ca-;'. liucli;uian' s Black, and Y\'lii,!e tvhislf)-, 555. linrko's Tltrea-titor ft'isli, 10c:i'/j lots, 16s; 46* duty |uid. As an index Ut marlid yalnes we nuoui tbo following a;;pnh' list:— Brawlios: Marfcll's. 26s' fo 57s pei ease. AVliiskie,,: Tlioni and ion's Old lli.di■kml, 7s to Is 6d per gallon; Brown's 4 Crown, 7.s to 7s 6d per gallon; W-biel. ,7s 6d per g ( dlon; Ken .U':eDlnii, 7s per gallon. Cast, ivliiskie.s: I'sber's. Special Reserve, 22s 6d; Sanderson's, 20s; DmiTille'a, 17s 6d; HurkoV, 15s. Hell's I'mili uliiilk.v—lo-c-iiHB 101-s, 20s ill Ik>ihl ; C ease lota, Els in bond, less 50 per cent, tlenevas: Kej-t.wo gallons fls 6(1, Ihreo gallons lis 6(1, four gallons \b 6d; Oilhey's 5e11,v.,pp.,, 15s to 15s 6(1; Lemon Htirl/.s nun, Is to Vs 3d per gallon; Lamb's ],n|X'rinl runi. 3s fell to 4s 6(1 per gallon; Lamb's (Jolden Grove rum, 6s to 6s 3d. Tlio tiuimifactureitt lia-ve ti.\ed the price of Silvurslveam suhnapiis til, '!£«; per case. Sparrow echtapps-Sv(Ha?o lota, 15s per case in bond ; less (jiiantit.y, A4s per case duty liaid, according to quality. SUGAR. IDuty: Free.) Pj'o. J ,p(»lfl for ;u good crop, in Mauritius BI'O favoinabSa. Prims are:— white, (iVos. 1 and 15), £16 pair ton for Ihro;>fon parcels, £10 5s for one-lon panels, anil £16 10s [or snuille.r (|itanlities, with a proportionate advance in 1 lie price of culio, icing, castor, and ration, and also of treacles and syrups. Tlio following arn tlio new prices for syrup and treacle:—Syrup: 2's, 5s to 5s 3d; 4's, 9.i to 3d; 7's 21s 6d to 225; 56*3, 17s to 17s 6(1. Trcaolo; 2's, 4s Gil to 4a 3d; 4's. 7:; M io'is 8il; 7's, ISs to 18s 6d; 56's, 14s to 14b 6d. TOU/.tt'O. (Duty: S.s 6d per lb.) The agents for all llio tobaccos controlled l>y tin- British Kmpiro Trading Company have agreed in future to striclly adhere to tbo company's tariff, and coiiccesions hitherto given to retailers in the Klnipe of mixed eases will bo withdrawn. Brands of cqiul v.iluo will, however, be allowed to bo included in Hie sune package (for cut. tobaccos onlv). WitU's (lolden I'oppy is tpioted at 2s 5d Tor 51b or less, al, 2s Id for 501b, and at ?.s 3d for 1001b or more, all in bond The T. 0. Williams tariff stands at follows :— Ono Les?.et ««.s 0 Box QuailBrand. Lots. Lots, titics. Victory (aromatic) .. y i',l 5/l» 3)iadcm .. .. .. 2/ 2/2 ii/iu Nosegay 2/ 2:'J ii/l« Piojal Colours .. 2/ 2(2 fi/UI Ooktcn Kagle .. .. 2/ 2/2 5/10 Luev ltiutoa .. .. 2/2 2,'t Hi "Jiul'.v 2 7 2,8 1 ti;.| AVelcnine Nnggei- .. a? 2/8 U/i tu L'or.d I'riccs. ulb. 501b. ltialb. ■ Victory 3! :)/:! 3/1 aJWeut 3ft 8(8 till Lucy JI in ton .. .. :!,7 3/6 :!/ ! Wdconw Xdggft .. ;t/Kr 3,9 3/7 I'l'iic last four quoted lines are in ?.oz dec. •tins, wiili liiiiged lids.) 'Pit'! T. C. Williams (.'onipany (loldcn l'aigle-t':il Col,l liiuv is quoted ai i)il for 2(« tins, iioval Saluie tobacco, light iiiul dark, iu 2os tins, in quoted at ss'3d per lb in Imihl. Current quolalions for other brands are ns follow:—Derliy, Is lid to Is 10(1; Harlequin, l.t 3.1 d per ea.-e lols. Is 4.1(1 for Ixix lots; os, duly paid, for lesser quantities. Derby mild tobacco, in 2oz tins, is quoted at t-: fid. duty paid. Kirsl, Water Aromatic, Is G.I to 2s: Triniiipli (dark), Is 2d 1o Is 'Kl. White I,'om: loblicto—Case kits. 2s 2d; box lots, 2s 4,1. The lariil of the Hrilisli-AiMtriilasijin Tolxicro Comianv .siiimls as follows: — Less titan Five One One one Cssr;. Ca«e. Box. Box. Jlavelc!;— Dark plus .. 1/s'. Ist I/IO 1/10J Aromatic plug .. litl l/lt 2/t 2/;! Itavelwl;.-I)arl:, 2n/. mid -!»z tins, lnVcd lids, from :i/ {.. llavelu. k.—Mixture, 2o* • mul 4(.» tins, llinged li(i-, ft (in i llaveloik. —M:\ii;'e, 'J. ,: air-tight tills, from 3:;; to ;m;. •'Htm tol.aico:-I'ire e;i-es. Is 4,1; one c.'.usi', 5,1; „i lt , 1 :o\, is 6,1; h'-scr iittantitics. Is bid. lied .I.K-b't: I'i ke, fj W p<'v lb. Swiss cigaiK iu jiackets of 250, 27s per box. or 11 KXPOitT TliADi:, Tlio Custo>ns retnrib, fiirni-'ning evidence /of-t.he pleutitul .-eason, sjnnv -t nie rillv-tan-lial itie.r.'.tMs in tlio values and (piantitios of the exporis from ibe pnri of Diine»|jn for tlio ([itarlLi 1 ended .Mareli 31 last. The •value* siikl qtwmiiie.., ;i,s (imipiifcil with the i'ovri't.po'i:ling ( !a-i .tear, are a.i folic,v: — Mareli tjir., Jlardi ()lr„ liHl.l. lOuantity. Value. Quantity. Value. l'l'edllci. i' ' e }Veol, lbs :.,!il!i <17 20!,.>' l 8.572.207 255.507 Meat", cwt .. I.K9S 2,'703 4,831 G. 657 Oois, bus. 2.:.(it :i!2 :t;.u:iu ::,t:u Tallmv, tons ... 170 5,C07 SO 2,067 aiciup. , '•«« — - 37 1,152 Butter, cvv; ..■ 7,tot 35,710 Llof, Ciice^c, cwt .. 11, Sit; :!2,77j 12,1:11 :!3,SiG Tito h:do? fhi;iis:d fr,.in Diuioiliii ilill'tng (pi.-u'tiT ntmtbercd 4053. attd llwir valtto wm ostimalcd at £i 557. The skins lmnibercd 465.055, ai:d wfre valued at £22,912. Tito export. ~f «il :; for tjie quartet' just olvsvcd is in excoss of that for the cofiespomlinjr q mir tfr of hist voar. 'I'ho o.xphtnatiou is this: In the March quarter h;st. jvar prico.s in the Dominion wore high. ntiHiing op to 2s 6,1 or more, couseo.nomly iho export \v-.u- small. Abour Ociolx-f Itc-'t. the market, tool; d downward -tendency, with largo stocks on hand, a juospeotivo good han-ot, and 110 demand from iho Noah Island or Australia, in lxitJi of vdiioli j>!a(vs tlnto was a flush of grass. Tlu? shipping ooiiipanie.s roditcod thc-iv I reikis l*>fcre tbo wol stvison opeiwd to 15s a to:i deadweight, whieh g»vc tlie ltoldcra of oaui an omoruitiily t<i ship to 1/utidon, as vcty foiv kllo.s (x>nld bo effeck\l iu New Zealand. Oeo linn shipped Homo 5000 stick,; (>f B pratk' sjiirrowiiiil (xtt.s from iho Bluli', v.-hicb on proved to lx' M go;«l as A. gr;Mk, mißiiig t-tui lAipix'j' & 1(1. SiIRM til'-' !10W ViUL - <svt s llilV-0 tteftdily rcim c : ov,,n; timrM is a roevrd co))!, I lrilh little d-jnsuid k»iii tbo Noriji bikiinl cir.l Aisstxalia, and it is j>i«lub!o Unt tb« bnik of tlio uraiu wiii have in l*t fJiippod io liirgiawL As for the wxJ. wfekh shows an inere.', ijir.irtvr, \.o nvo iiifcmnod thai fewor j.hcop went io uorii»!rn lnarkuts during 1908 usual, fcawicr a largo nnmljci- Ui !>a ttorn m tbo ISOB-9 sWring. lt«ki>i, vv.'-re :\ci'uallv nwt sour-It f.-wi Oaatwfc.Jry, vind Oifgo «w»U Sot;vtoi>d .»nswl mom duri.'ig 1905 -Jsui em Wok. 'ifes is this to the jßatacol xe* l»is<s new- v'ilt' iwiw t*or«L»>. sad

iVpil in ilio poiiHi. Tlio hrooiliiiitMip of tlio Inrjjcr hik! tlu- incr,iu :itrricitlitira! o]i' rri!i:iiis I iiioii<<!;rMl iho riu, is making th« t(»uiit;*y < ?>K' of carry U llUllih'T o( Hut r :r. on ibeoiber hand, show.- afrlling. oil'. Till , is ai counted for by Hie fact that the Taieri and l'en:ii-nl:i Mil!: Supply (.'onipany bus be-n noring its Imttcr this yrar in-.toad of .-iiip.iing, as i( did la.-t j-#r. Kiirthcr. a hirwr (|inniiiy of cb-esc l:as mado <mi account cf the high price paid [or clc-e ar- c.nipa'.cd with butter OiIKI4SK AND I'.l''l "J'Kl; KXI'OItT Mch->i's -I. I!. Al'l'.ivan and ('o.. of Dnn(•(lin. lira informed by l.ondon linn (M. =Ms A. Ct<-iiiciit« and Sou*) thai tile itnj,urts ieio London of butter and checfe from dilt'ercnt eountries for the eighi week-.: eiidin l .' on or about V.'.ib b'cbrna,y iu th'j tltu'.-i'f-in-'illi<:lit'l years were loliov.>:Duttcr. OiieeH'. 19'i7 . 7C:1,105cv.t 2)1121!l,".vt l'.tnS . tilil.js? ~ 2II.« ~ . . 7„ 2:>M,4i;t ~ Tiio total cxpori of bulier limn tlio Dominion iu tic y.-ar ended March 31 was 12,35!) lons, as (onipaied with 9350 tons in it:.; fire-e-'diiig year. '.I he. tot-.d export of in the came year was 32,70U ton-, as c;,n:pared v.i;li JO,60!) lons in lltp pmt'iiitig year WILLIAM K. IiI'VXOLD.S AXI) CO.'S Dl'.XKniX MONTHLY I'.Kt'OltT. We ri'iKut as fill tows tor tits month Hiding Qtidi April. Itltitt: — tl in vesting operations are i.uv practically coninleted with the exception oi some very laic eiops ill the sautii. t'liloituieiiely lliere. liave bi'L'ii sevenii bad breaks in the v.i.iiher during the la.-t iw.' weeks, and we lear that a ywl quantity of damaged and di-calowtil i-raiii will be the result. far ilie new Jilttlt oat grade- have net readied u«, but we antieipalii lltat lliey will 1 e sjinewliat. tiarktr in c.ik;itr than for seine t ea--oiis pa-i, but otherwise the quality as regards weight, add condition should lie about he average. Wheat.—\\'o referred in our lust to tlis strange prsiiiou of the lecid market—values then ruling be'ow London parity. .is we anlicipiitcd, this condition of aifairs could nd lust, mid there has been a gradual advance oi priecs till we have to-ouy readied about London values. Freight to the t'niled .Kingdom is new otTring f.,irtv treely, milt heavy sliipmrnls will be leaving the Dominion during Im» luxl i.u- t'jjJit present, e .iuiiliotis ov.r market, is entirely ruled by values iu London. We quote prices, with not much business passing, as .follows • Long-berried, -Is 7(1; she, i-berrkd. Is t!d; fowl feed. 'Is :t,l per bushel of GOIb, sack; weighed in, f.0.b., net cash. Oats.—The ltnexpseled has agnin come about in this cereal. Shortage of sacks ntid London inquiry, eoiuing through alt „,m sim . ,liy, even Melbourne houses, have caught Jiuiny lucrclmut-* with cver-?ulcs, juk! it, is difficult to get quotation at the moment for tiny supplies. This has forced merchants to rush the grower, who holds closer the more offers are advanced. (lartcfns of A grade quality are exceptionally scarce, as rain in both Canterbury and .Southland hits (liscoloured a large proportion of tho crop. We can to-day oniy quote Utc-e nominally at Is •Jd to is to; A grade sparrowbills. also not too plenlnul, up to Is SAd; n grade. Is T.'.c Io Is Sd per bushel of -toll,, sacks weighed in, net, cash, f.n.h. Bui'ley.—The local crop is now oft'erirg, and notwithstanding the grain being m ratiier luttev. condition than for some years past it is mosl difficult to sc-eure an outlet As prices are now nominally down io such a leasonoble level, it is Io be honed that, an export market will ultimately he found, \\e quote to day, without any busin-s passing: Choice, 4,:; best malting, , l 5 : it l to :ts 0,1; memiini, 2s I'd to 3s per bushel of oOlb, f.u.h.. 1 sacks extta. XOTth^Ttad-S 1 "" -, k ™ 11,uI f '' om t ho over we nro at the very quietest litm'o] be year, and business is at a standstill. Lyegrass is still oHering from the connlrv. and a little buying is being done in hcuvyivi'ight seed, bill, lighl seed is almost tinsale (tlile. Cocksfoot has receded in price during the month, and at the moment no business is passing, values are only nominaJ There is uo trade m clovers, cither immrtcd or tulrmwl. Butl«r.—Prices have come back considerably in Loudon the eqitivalent, f.nb. value o-day being 9A,1 to <)-'d. The bull; of the factories are still delivering on co-iii-aet at lmcca that show the. buyers a lie,ivy loss, llioso whose contracts are imining out do no. care to look at the above prices those being realise! by other factories sti'i under contract.. If London keeps at iirn-en' values fill after tho end of Ibis iLm.!, •II 'f": l;i tlu ' l ' ;,ntni '" ts "in out, factories will be forded to lace the position, lu sympathy with Loudon values the market las dropped kick, and mill; may be ntiotcd to-day at IUAd, f.o.b. ' q Chwse.— llip same rrmarks apnly to smile e.Minit, especially as more of the iaetories liave sold till the end of April. The Lon(011 market has shown a slight, fnmbi" t,.,.--ncy dnring the last few ta So I, Tt X ? " t " 1 I,liS ° !l '' <>,Uriref l ,llr<l lnises fimie factories are ol'ierii:g their uuintni, gtra.e'asswsy ivt.,ll, f,| Io (|,,1 |l(r 11,. I lour-1 rices have bivu aftecled bv the liove")! 1 " V f- 1, a ' ul are 110W n |H '" r fon ac e those ,ng a month ago. To-diy's 1 -f, ils f«M»w.= :—SoiVb. £11 lO.s; lorh, to'b) ' " S: 25a ' 112 " )S ( " el casl1 ' Oirtmeab-'Tbe market. Ims been dull till u ide it eI7V i' ly3 ' V h , n "- 11l t p "'lvanee in oats M In, 1 xi s V;,,11e? f " r (Hi bulk) is HI Ills per ton of OM/.'b. diirinTq 't lr '!"";*' x r rt il " 1 " ir - v ilas dtu ug ast 10 days and all the availv IT C noiniUj \.,1u0 lokluv is i'l p ur ton, f.0.b., but i> V s i 1"""™ 1 ? - v available, lollard.-lh.s continues somewhat scarce al i,i IDs per ton, f.o.b.

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Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 1 (Supplement)

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COMMERCIAL SUMMARY Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 1 (Supplement)

COMMERCIAL SUMMARY Otago Daily Times, Issue 14507, 26 April 1909, Page 1 (Supplement)