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Lyttelton Timet Office, Monday Evening. The Customs revenue collected at Christchurch to-day amounted to £93 17b 2d. The following were the items:—Spirits, 144 gals. £B6 10s sd; dried fruits, 480 lbs, £2 ; arms' fees, £5 4s; light dues, 2s 9d. The Customs revenue collected this day at Lyttelton, amounted to £lsl lis Bd. The following were the items:—Spirits, 73 gallons, £44 14s sd; Wine, 188 gallons, £37 12s lOd ; beer, 108 gallons, £5 8s; silver plate, 1 pkg, £7l3s; tea, 317 lbs, £7lßs 6d; sugar, 2972 11)3, £l2 7s 8d; opossum rugs, 6s; basket ware, 6 pkgs, 5s 9d; jams, 2 pkgs, 9s 7d; shingles, £G 7s; palings, £l2 10s; timber, £4 19s; light dues, £4 13s; pilotage, £5 6s.

The amount collected at the port of Lyttelton for pilotage for the month ending Jul}' 31 was £B3 ( Js.

The Customs revenue collected at Akaroa for the month ending July 31 amounted to £B4 16s 7d.

In our issue of yesterday, in Mr W. H. Ilargreaves' advertisement "Sale of Wines, Spirits, &c.," several items were printed " cases " instead of" quarter-casks."

Messrs Wilson and Alport sold the cargo of timber, &c., ex Pet, from Ilobart Town, by auction, at the Railway Station to-day. The attendance of trade and other buyers was large and the biddings brisk; but in consequence of the arrival of two cargoes of timber yesterday, and the expected arrival of several others from Ilobart Town, a considerable reduction in prices had to be submitted to.

Mr Charles Clark reports a marked improvement during the last month in the attendance at auction sales of household furniture and effects, and that all goods brought forward have been cleared off at very high rates. At the two days' sale of Mr Stewart's effects, at Riversleigh on the Avon, the biddings were very brisk; and at the sale of Mr Hamilton Ward's furniture on July Ist, the whole was cleared off at satisfactory prices. A sale of live and dead stock took place on July 24, at Mr Richards' farm, Race Course Hill, and capital prices were realised, The halfbred South Down ewes fetched 12s 6d each, an inferior lot 8s 3d per head, old ewes 5s 6d, and 4s each, and lambs, 5s per head. Drays, £l3 10s each ; ploughs, £4 15fl; pigs, 15s; turkeys, 14sto 16s 6d per pair; geese, 16s per pair; and fowls, 6b to 9s per couple. The lands offered at auction have commanded more attention than they have had for the last two yea s; and in all cases where properties are producing a rental, they have sold remarkably well. Thus: an eighth of an acre of land with house, in Lichfield street, realised £285. Town section, No. 41, in Salisbury street, with cottage, sold for 200 guineas, and 30 acres of land in the Lincoln district, brought £ 180. 100 acres of land at Racecourse llill, offered at auction on July 28, was bought in at the reserve of £BOO, and a block of 500 acres situated on the West Coast Road was also bought in at the reserve of £2700.

The English May mails via Suez reached us on the 18th July; those via Panama, with dates to Ist June, on the 23rd of July. Intelligence to hand is generally satisfactory. Prices of wool were fairly maintained, a slight rise having been established on the better classes of washed and scoured samples. Wheat was steadily declining. We note that the Light Brigade sailed for Ljttelton on the 19th May; and that the ▼essels on the berth were the Blue Jacket, Hydaspes, and Lady Jocelyn, The Coleroon txrvred) on the nth July, after a boisterous

1 piissage, nutl brings n cargo of genera! merchandise. Considerable delay lias token place in the discharge of lliis vessel, as well as general inconvenience mid loss lo the public, in consequence of the sudden stoppage of trafllc (lirongli (lie tunnel, llie reason being ft disagreement between tlie Government, and Messrs Holmes and Co,, Hie eonlraclors; we are pleased however, that all obstacles are removed, and regular (raffle, resumed, The usual dulucss existing at this period of (lie year has been added lo by the iihovcnientioiied unfortunate eircutustanco, and a continuance of wet weather. The import market, if we except transactions iu ut few scarce articles, has partaken of the same general inactivity. Stocks cannot he said to be excessive; but on the oilier hand, consumption appears on the decrease. Credit is sound—a happy circumstance lo beattribulcd perhaps to the caution displayed on all sides, The rates of discount and exchange are unaltered,

Au; in 15m,K.—A very limited business has been done in luiglish ale during the past month. In our last summary wr referred to heavy shipments of the Dunedin and Oamaru brews into this market, whilst we expressed n hope that our local brewers would prodncs such an article as to put a stop to these coastwise importations, During the past, week we have sampled a pale bitter be ir of Canterbury brew, that we have no hesitation in pronouncing equal to, if not better, than any other provincial production that wc have seen.

Ale and Pouter in Bottle.—Nothing but a semi-retail business has been doing iu these articles, whilst stocks are very heavy, Counsacks.—The season for sacks must now be considered over.

Woolsacks.—Stocks held over from last season arc very light, but some time must elapse before a demand will set in, Meantime, we may look for fresh supplies per Light Brigade, now nearly due. Bacon, Hams and Cheese arc quite neglected, the market beiug well supplied with the Canterbury production, and that at exceedingly low figures.

Candles.—Transactions are still on a limited scale, and prices have a downward tendency, although present stocks are by no means heavy. Groceries. The importation of many articles under this heading is quite neglected. The duties thereon arc out of all reason, and the heavy losses sustained in shipments for some time past have thoroughly sickened our merchants of the business.

Hops. Brewers appear tolerably well supplied, and are uot to be induced to speculate at reduced prices. Wc quote 2s, to 2s 4d per lb for Iveut's, 180 7. Supplies we consider ample for immediate requirements. Malt.—Local production, which has been on a hitherto unprecedented scale, has led to an entire neglect of importations. Provisions.—Colonial butter aud cheese are in good supply, and prices have a downward tendency. We would recommend holders selling the former article at present quotations, say lOd to IOJd per lb.

Salt,—Coarse is in ample supply, whilst fine is getting scarce, aud prices are fully maintained. Recent losses, the consequence of shipments on a scale out of all proportion to our requirements, have led to a ueglect of this article. Shippers must bear in mind our limited requirements, aud if they would only moderate their shipments instead of glutting the market, importers might look for a fair profit instead of a loss.

Kick continues scarce, but no improvement in value has taken place. Spirits.—lt is difficult to comprehend why importers have allowed stocks to become so reduced. Hennessy's case braudy, geneva (in red case), Swaine and Boord's old torn, are scarcely obtainable, whilst other lines are in very limited supply. Teas.—ln spite of reduced stocks and every prospect of a rise in the Australian colonies, we are unable to report any perceptible change in our market.

Sugars.—We cannot hear of any stock of crushed loaf in the market for immediate delivery, whilst shipments to land, ex Coleroon, are very light; we are, however, unable to quote any advance. White crystals, and Melbourne and Sydney No. 1 pieces, are in limited supply. A sale by auction, advertised for next Wednesday, will test the market for all kinds of sugars.

Melbourne.—The Argus of July 24, reports " Trade generally continues to present a most unsatisfactory aspect, for, with one or two exceptions, sales to-day have been trifling. The utmost dulness pervades the market for breadstuffis, and so apathetic have the larger buyers become that it is almost useless to offer flour at any price. Small parcels have been quitted at up to £l9 10s ; quantities, however, though offered at less money, can only be disposed of with the utmost difficulty at a considerable concession on the rate named, say £lB 10s; one parcel, however, is reported to have changed hands. No sales of wheat have come under our notice; 8s 6d is looked upon as a top quotation for best Victorian. Maize is quiet, pending to-morrow's auction sale. The Formosa's cargo of Mauritius sugar, comprising some 9,800 bags, was offered under the hammer this forenoon. The biddings proving very slow and spiritless, little or nothing could be sold from the box; but subsequently, in the room some 6000 bags were taken up at the following scale of prices:—Nations realised 27s to 30s 6d; brown crystals brought 325, and low yellow crystals 335. Low to middling white crystals realised 37s to 38a—prices which sustain last public sales rates. Sales of candles are reported at 10|d. We note a good inquiry for hops, and business is pending in Tasmanian, several large parcels being under offer. In kerosine oil we hear of a line of 600 cases of Photolite having met with a purchaser at Is 9Jd. A pan el of Chinese oil has been placed at 3s lid. Fencing wire,Nos 6,7,8, is quoted at £IG, 17, and £18; we hear of a shipment of 20 tons having been taken up at close on these figures. In provisions, some 40 cases of cheese in parcels were quitted at up to 12Jd. A shipment of candied lemon peel was placed as high as 12d. Salt has improved, though attempts liave been made to talk prices down during the last day or two. Holders have met to-day, and by letters which have been sent us, we observe that they have agreed amongst themselves to make a firm stand at £7 as the lowest rate for parcels. A line of fine Southern tens tobacco, 200 packages, lias been placed on terms withheld. Bass's ale in bulk has been disposed of at £8 to £8 ss. A sliipment of Machen's stout, in champagne bottles, realised 9s 3d. A decline of nearly Is has been submitted to in Hennessy's case brandy ; sales arc reported at 28s. _ A meeting of the creditors of Messrs S. Benjamin and Co., importers of slops, &c., was held this afternoon. No statement was submitted to the meeting j but the liabilities to local creditors, as far as could be ascertained, were set down at £4,500, chiefly for goods purchased within the last five weeks. The assets were estimated at £BOO. An offer of Os 8d per pound was made. The creditors at once expressed great dissatisfaction at the treatment lliey had received, and after some discussion, a committee was appointed, with power to take any proceedings necessary for the protection of the estate, BREADSTUFF'S AND GRAIN. Since our last notice, operations in breadstuffs have become inactive, The inclement weather and heavy rains together with the closing of the tunnel, tended very materially to produce this result in the early part of the month, and later reports of the Californian ; harvest induced a very cautious spirit amongst merchants, There cannot however 1 be much wheat left in the fanners' hands at i the present time, although as a natural conse- ! quence a threatened fall in price has created a desire to quit, and samples have been more numerous, Up to the middle of the month, 7s 3d could be readily obtained , for good wheat, but we cannot now place it , higher than 7s, and must add that in anticipation of Californian shipments, it is ex- ■ tremely dull of sale.

The new crops are being rapidly sown in the drier districts, and a much larger breadth of wheat than in any previous year has been put in. Flour was in brisk demand at the commencement of the month, but the purchases were chiefly made by speculators; this has almost subsided, and it may now be quoted as dull of sale, and the old quotations

of £l9 to £2l arc barely maintained. Bran and sharps have been much inquired for, anil have risen accordingly. The former has advanced from 7d lo *9d per bushel, and the latter £5 to £<i per ton. Chad remains without a!(('ration at lOn. Outs have receded slightly during the month in consequence of exportation having been temporarily Mopped by the closing of the tunnel, They are now very quiet, ami an early improvement is very questionable. We quote them ill. lis for ordinary samples, and but. little in excess of that for the best. Barley was iu improved inquiry during the first, fortnight, but the reaction was only temporary, and it is now in little better position than at the dale of our last, notice. The ruling prices are from 3a 9d to 'is, I'eas and beans are almost without purchasers, and may be quoted at 3s per bushel. STOCK, STATIONS, AND WOOL Messrs Miitnon and (Vs monthly report:— Since our laßt the transactions in stock have lieen of a very limited nature. In fat cattle the business more especially hears unfavourable comparison with the preceding month, the continuance of bad reports from the West Coast having almost, entirely put a stop to purchases in that department, In many instances the cattle driving across the range to the coast, do not even realise the first cost, to say nothing of expenses incurred in their transit. This is due to the number of fat beasts on the coast being very considerable at the present time, and with this fact, before us we cannot anticipate any improvement in our own markets for some mouths, We quote beef as follows:—Really prime quality, 37s 6d; medium, 355; and ordinary, at 30s per 100 lbs. Store cattle are dull of sale, more particularly iu large mobs. Small lots of steers are in fair demand. We have held several sales of store cows, but have a great difficulty in placing them at owner's limits. Our quotations are Mixed lots, £6 10s to £7; 2 and 3 year old steers, £8 to £8 10s for good, and £7 to £7los for medium.

Milch cowa meet with ready sale, especially if of a good class. They may be quoted as follows:—Superior, £l4 to £l6 ; and medium to good, £lO to £ll. For inferior there is no sale.

Fat Sheep are in good enquiry, and any description brought forward to the yards sell readily. They are quoted at 2{d per lb, but 9§d and even 3d has been obtained for prime heavy weights. The demand for cross breeds is brisk.

Store Sheep,—We have nothing to alter in our last quotations for this class of sheep. The enquiry is limited, and holders are firm in their determination to hold until after shearing, rather than accept the rates now offering. Stations—There are a few enquiries, but no sale has taken place.

Wool.—The reports from England by last mail being favourable, we hope to see considerable business transacted in this market during the coming season. The following is our detailed price list, arranged by last Customs' interpretation of the tariff. Quotations are for first-class articles only, delivered in Cliristchurch at a cost of from 9s 6d to ISs Gd per ton, from ship's side iii Port Lyttelton:—

ARTICLES, Per. Price. Air & Poetbb, in wood, (Duty £2 10s per hhd.) (Duty paid &• delivered.) Ale—Bass's No. 2 & 3. „ E.I. Pale ... Allsopp's McEwans' Porter, Taylor & Walker s stout Guinness' Whitbread's (In glass, Duty 2s 6i per doz.,paid) Ale, Allsopp's, by Friend, quarts M. B. Foster's Bass's, trademark ... Tennant's, pale Ind Coope's London & Col. Co.'s Porter—Guinness' Itf. B. Foster's ... Barclay's Bvass' Bobt. Porter's Other brands Bags and Baggikg. {Duty, Is M per cubic foot, paid.) Bags, 3-bushel Woolpacks, 10 lbs. Gunny bags Fiocb. (Free.) Adelaide Chilian Malt. (Duty, 6d per bushel, paid.) English Building Mateeiai8. Timber— (Duty, Is per 100ft superficial, paid.) American T and G ... Scotch flooring, T and G Deals, Baltic, red, 11x3 run Deals, Baltic, red, 9x3, run (Duty, 1 sper barrel, paid.) Cement, Portland, best ... (Free.) Corrugated iron, Phillips and Hill's C under 3stars brand, 7,8, and Oft Do., do., Flag brand best Fire-bricks, SlatesDuchess's, 24 x12 Countess's, 20 x 10 ... Ladies, 1618 Boots and Shoes. (Duty, 5s. per cubic foot, paid.) English best, new seasonable goode Cahdibb, Duty, 1 d per. lb., paid.} Price's Belmont sperm ... Hale's sperm Stcarine, full weights ,. ClGABS. (Duty, bsper lb,, paid.) Manilla, No. 2, Cortados... do No. 2, Havanahshape Swiss, Orraond's Havanah, genuine I'OAIS. Free. English, afloat, in Lyttelton Now South Wales, do CoFSEE. (Duty, Uper lb,paid] Plantation Ceylon, fine Do do medium ... Cmcoby. (Duty, Uper lb, paid) Hurry's or Wallis Drysdale's Cocoa A. Chocoutb. (Duty 3d per lb, paid) Fry's or Taylor's homco cocoa Do., soluble chocolate ComcTioHKBr, (Duty, 6« per cubic foot paid.) Reiner's assorted, best, in 7 lb,tins Wothorspoon's or Gray's Candied peel (duty Uper lb. paid) bost quality assorted M Com. (Free.) Velvet, winoi Common Lomonado Gingorboer DBUOB, ClIHMIOUS, &C (Frco.) Blucstono, in cask (Duty Is per ewt.,paid Sulphur flour Soiia crystals 2.cwtcask8.„ (Duty 2j per cut. paid. Curbonato soda, in jars ... Saltpetre, refinod (Duty Id per lb., paid) Cream tartar, in jar Tartario acid, do Fbdiib, Ac. Duty Id per lb., paid. Aluionds, Jordan, good to ® ne ••• ... Do, soft shell Applet, dried, American hhd J) » i) » Jl II doz. U ii u ii n a H II » ii )) doz each doz ton bushel 100ft J) ft IJ barrel ton 1000 ii n II invoiw lb II if 1000 II 100 ton II lb IJ M II It grosa » ti ii ton H lb ii ii ii ii it £9 to £9 6s £9 10s to£9,'15s £8 15s to £9 5s £87stidto£816s | Nominal 12s 6d to 13s 9d to 13s 6d 12s 6d to 13s 12s 6d to 13s 3d Nominal Nominal 13s to 13s 6d 13s to 13a 6d L2s 6d to 13s 1.2s fid to 13s 12s fid to 13s 10s to 12s L4s 9d to 15s 6d Nominal LOa fid to lis Sono None lis fid to 12s 20s to 21s 20s to 24s 6Jd to 7 5£d to fid 20s to 23s £35 £38 £11 to £1110s £16 to £16 £12 to £12 10s £10 to £1010s 20 to 25 poadr. jlsldtolsljd £515s to £0 6s £610s to £7 £4 to £410a 26s to 30s Nominal 34s to 80s Is lid to Is 2|d Is to Is Id fld to Old Is 6d to Is Od Is 4Jd to Is 61d lsOJdtOls lid lid to Is Is 4d to Is 5d 6s to 6s Od 3s to 3s 64 2s to 2s 3d Is Od to Is Od 5d to 6}d 20s to 22a £12 10s to £18 6d to Od Od to OJd li 8d to It lOd 2s 3d to 2s M Is lOd to 2t Id 8d to 9d 7Jdto8d

ARTIOIHB, Per, Prioo. Curranta, now, (Ino Figs, do l'runos, in bottlo Sninina, Klmno Mviflcalols, in layers Sullnnns Nuts, Barcolona Walnuts Glabb. DutyUpor W[)ft, mpor. .filial, paid) Crown (ind Shoot OltOOBBIKB & OlUIBN'B Stohhb, Duty 2s (Sri j)(i' cit/iic fint paid.) A'rowroot, in tins Capers, French, pints half-pints qr.pints Curry powder, gonuino EI, Vb Second quality Fruits, bottled, best ... Jams & Jollies, lib tins ... Mnrmnlndo, lib tins Maecaroni and Vormicolli Mustard, Column's (according to quality) lib bott. or tin ... i do do ... in 71b tins Oil, Salad, best, pints ... i-pints Castor, pints, 1-pintB Pickles, best brands, qts,,, pints... Saucos, assorted, i-pints Loa and Porrin's, pints i-pints Tapioca, tins or jars Sago, do do (Duty, 2s per cwt. paid.) Blue, Column's thumb i-or Starch, Colman's No 1 ... Sago, pearl, small grain, in bulk Tapioca, in casks (Duty Is per cubic foot fail) Blacking, Day and Martin's paste and liquid Groats, llobinson's lib tins Maizena, Duryeas [Duty Is per cwt. paid) Pearl barloy Peas, split (Duty'id per 11. paid.) SpicesGinger, Jamaica, bleached, fine Mace, good bright, in tinB Nutmegs, good brown (Duty Id per lb. paid.) Pepper, black, best wnitc, best FishSalmon, 1-lb tins Lobsters, 1-lb tins Oysters do Sardines J-lb tins ... i-lb do ... (Duty 2s per cwt. paid.) Fish, drica— Herrings, red, S.dozen tins 1 dozen tins Ling TwineSeaming and roping Shop assorted (Duty Is per cubic foot paid.) Matches and vestasBell and Black's, as-*| sorted ...J Letchford's do Bell and Co.'s do (Duty 0<i per gallon, paid.) Vinegar, m bulk, Champion's Do, do, Hill and Evans'... Oils. Colza, in drums Linseed, raw, do Do, boiled, do Kerosine, do Spirits of tar, do Turpentine, do (Duty hper barrel, paid.) Pitch, Stockholm Tar do Do coal (Duty \d per lb, paid.) Provisions. Hams, prime English, no demand Bacon, do do, no demand Cheese, dodo Tobacco. (In bond.) (Duty, 2s U per lb.) Barrett's first quality ... Other brands Teas. (Duly paid, 6d per lb.) Congou, fine best good ordinary Souchong, fine to finest... fair to good Hyson, fine to very fine... middling to good ... Gunpowder, good to fino Pekoe 6cented orange, do Winks. (In bond.) (Duty is per gal.,) Port, Sanderaan's, choico Medium Hunt's medium Hunt's best qualities Sherry, Sandeman's dry Amontillado, choice ... Burdon's medium ... superior ... Champagne, Euinart'a, Moot's, and Albrecht'a qts Sparkling hock, mosollo, &c., fino, qts Clarofc ... ... (Free.) Salt—Fine, in lib bags ... Coarse, lewt ao ... (Duty, 12s per gallon, proof.) Spiritb, &c. (In bond.) Brandy, Martoll's, dark & pale Henneesy's do do ... Jules ltobin'a do do... Hennessy's, palo Goneva, J.D.K.Z. Key Gin, Booth's, Swaine Boord's Do, do, do, Bum, best brands W.I., 30 o.p. "• dol0o,p, Whisky, Scotch, best brands do cuo ... Liqueurs (Duty, 12s per gallon, paid.) Orange bitters Stoughton do Somas. (Duty, £9 Cs 8d per ton paid.) Loaf, English Crushed loaf Mauritius crystals, fine whito do bright, yellow counter do dark, ... ... Molbourno Company's 1st counter Sydney Company's 1st oounter lb ii it M M n invoice lb doz II lb lb doz » it II II H lb lb lb 1) invoice doz lb lb cwt lb »> i) doz. » » i) ii doz, lb Jy » invoice ii j) gallon H J) t) )> it i) n barrel ii lb » i) lb J! lb II M ii 11 » n a gallon II it if » 11 doz. u ton »> gallon it cm i) ii gallon »i » ii ii II doz. it ton 11 II II Gd to CJd 0(1 to Ojd Is 4d to Is Od (JJd to 7Jd 10(110 Is 1(1 8J(1 to 0d Od to8d Od to fid 30 to 35 p o adv lOd to Is 14s to 16s 10s to lis 5s to 0s 17s Od to 20s 12s to 13s Nominal 12s Od to 14s 12b Gd to 13s 0(1 Nominal. IBs Oil to 17s )s Od to lis lOd to la 2d los to 15a Od 8s Od to 9s Od 14s Od to 16s 7s Od to 8s 3d 20s to 21s 13s to 14s 12s 6d to 13s 22s to 23s 13s 3d to 13s 9(1 9d to 9Jd Od to fljd lOd to Is 6d to 6Jd 4d to 4|d 3d to 8£d 10 p. c. adv. nominal 7Jd to 8|d 3£d to 4d 20s to 28s Is 4d to Is Od 3s 3d to 3s 6d 2s 3d to 2s 6d Od to 0£d lOd to lid 18s to 18s fid 12s to 12s 6d 14s 6d to 15s 10s to 10s fid 6s fid to 7s fid 36 to 40s 19s to 21s 6d to 6Jd Is Id to Is fid Is 4d to Is (3d f 10 to p o I adr C 7J to 10 p c ( adv C7£ to 10 p c { adv 2s fid to 2s 8d 2i 6d to 2s 8d 7s to 7s 3d 6s Od to 6s 9d 08 9d to 6s 2s 6d to 3s Nominal 6s to 6s 3d 66s to 68s 18s to 60s 30s to 32s Nominal do Nominal Is lOd to 2s Is 2d to Is Od 2s lOd to 3a 2a fid to 2s 8d 3a to 3a Id 2s 8d to 2s lOd 3s to 39 3d 2s 6dto2s7d 3s 3d to 3s 6d 3a 3d to 3s Od 108 to 20s )s to 14s 3s to 12s 14s to 18s 20s to 22s 6d 7s Od to 10s Od 12a to 16a 66s to 70s 46s to 60s 40s to 00s £6 6s to £6 los £5 5d to £6 3s 6d to 10a 9s 0d to 10s 9s to 9s 0d 32a to 34s 19a to 22a 18s Od to 20s 16a to 10a 6d 4s Od to 6a 6s 0d to (13 3d Is 9d to 5s 3d 6s to 0s Us to 16s Nominal 10s to 42s 28s to 80s £03 to £05 £00 to £03 £52 15s to £53 £49 to £50 £45 to £40 £53 to £53 10a £53 to £5310s

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Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2376, 4 August 1868, Page 2

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COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2376, 4 August 1868, Page 2

COMMERCIAL. Lyttelton Times, Volume XXX, Issue 2376, 4 August 1868, Page 2