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NIATIOVAI. THEATtta "Gamhllng 1 n Scale" attracted many on Saturday, when it was screened for tlhe first time. The pl«y is one of a woman's scheming for revenge. She and her husband and daughter have been financially ruined by a crafty Wall Street broker. Her husband kills himself through shame. Then Mnrcij Dunning (Madlaiu. Traverse), mho Is the daughter of a gambler, begins planning the ruin of the broker -who cheated her husband. In the end stie strikes him throi:gh his son. ruining botili win ami d"f-. n<ll hesitate to <-heat, just as the broker hail cheated her ibuxliunu. A Fox comedy, -The Rebellious Bride." starring Peggy Hylnnd. is included in the programme. TIVIIU THEATUE. "A Romance of Happy \nlley" is the title of the leading feature ,if the programme. The til in is the work of I). W, Griffiths, ami abounds with dramatic situa tlous i-haracterisii.- c.r this prodiu-er. Laughter, tears, and many other human touches are introdii-ed into the nud arc Mended to form an appealing lihotoplay. The interpretation of the theme has been left In the hands of a very capable cast, at the licnd of which are Lilian Gisli aud Robert Ilarron. in addition to i.bis Him suitable supports are ills" RiTeene.!. The cuuied.r. "The iHoyseed." featuring Uo.scoe Arbuckle, is greatly appreciated. KVERVBODY'S TIIKATRK. J'uulluc Frederick is very much appreciated In "Madam Jealousy." The role she assumes in this photoplay is a powerful one. being thai of a woman who is a victim to tits of jealousy. This affords ample scope for dramatic 'aud emotional work, which Miss Frederick accomplishes with success. She is supported liy an admirable cist, who, Iv their minor roles, help to make the picture complete. In the course of the evening setf-ifoiis the orchestra contributes witii some Hue musical items. LYRIC THEATRE. "Woman and Wife" is the title of th>fllm version of Charlotte Bronte's masterpiece. "Jnuu Kvrc." The story concerns the trials and 'sorrows of a young sir! along the muny path of life. It has a rln X of sincerity tlint is the result of actual experience. Alice Brady is the star performer. Her characterisation uf June Kjrro is very pleasing. I'RLNCHSS TIIKATKK. Kulil P.euuili. I he popular nrtist. assumes the leading role Iv I higripping phiitii-ilruuia "The Haunted Beilroom." The Him Is full of thrills and exciting incldenls relieved by moments when comedy has full play. The plot ha* been cxcciiled with skill and wrought to a powerful aud impressive climax. The minor tilms ~f the programme arc cxc.-l lent, while the musical selections of the i orchestra an ist acceptable. SlitANl > TIIKATKK. "The L.-sson" gained Immediate favour when it was scr id on Saturday evenlug. The photoplay cerns Itself with the advent tint, of a young girl of an Inde. pendent nature, who refuses Jo accept the cruel knocks of late, bill determines to set <iut and carve a fortune for herself. Her method of accoiiiplUlmiK this end forms the theme of the Him. Constance Talluadge plays the role of the girl ill iiuestion, with Tom Moon; as her leading IiRAXII THKATUK. "Coax Me." mi absorbing photoplay i:i which June Elvidge luiikes an appearum-c. .She phiys lli» rola of Nnncv Uivejoy. the daughter of Colonel l.ovcjoy. who wishes and set's up an opposition which Is relinquished ouly after a series of entertaining Incidents. Q U E E X • S TII 1C A T It E. "liver the Garden Willi" abounds with incidents that will appeal to many. The Btory tells of a girl who. when her home is broken up. makes a living liy working as ii gardener. Ilossie Love assnmes the leading role, which siie plays to advantage. GLOBE TIIKATKK. The late Harold I-0.-kwood is the star in the tcl'ing .photoplay "shadows of Suspicion .The role i,e interprets Is one to which he does the fnllest Jngtiee. The plot , of tlw nlin is excellently contrived aud presented amidst elaborate settings " LIGHTNIN'V The fact that so famous an actor as Mr. John 11. O'Ulaia is appearing here on Win, rday next has <-aused a deal more t.han 1 be ordinary interest iv local theatrical clrces. iv view of the production iby J. C. Williamson, ~f 'the phenouK-nally suePMBful play "Llphtulir," in which Mr. O Hani Immortalises the character of "Lightuin' " Hill Jones The action uf "Llglilniu' " lakes place In It <"iblu Iv in the Divorce Court :ll Reno, and in the (ali'vada Hotel. The hotel is situated right .m the Iwnler-line ■between the (Mate* of California ami Kei-ada. Half the hoiel Is therefore In each State. The name it.self Is upvJ-opriut«ly formed by a coiuhliiiiihin of the first anil last liair of the names California ana Nevada. Reno is .the town that has achieved world-wide notoriety for the facility with which divorces are soured there. As is indicated In I'lie piny, patrons of the CilH-vadM llote-1 h:ive uulyue advantngvs in the matter of divorce. By living in. the Nevada portion of the liouse they satisfy rhe residential i-e.iuire-menta of tihe (State law. which demands tUat ptM It loners ■niu.vt lie domiciled iv Nevada for a certain period, and at Uie same lime lUcy are able to imthfully lufopin their frieml* that the> an- enjoying a 'holiday in the salubrious climate of LilliforniU. Jt is not difficult to foreiaxt the hunmur 'tlmf the auttiur lias (reined and the multitudinous complications which the characters of the play find themselves confronted Willi «t every turn. \ siieciaily selected ccmipauy has been .secured by rhe .1. t.'. Williniiison <ilrectore to interpret the play. Those include a number of prominent New York artists, notably Mies il liana Wilson. Robert Toms, Fred K-smel-ton John Beck. The hox plans for the first six nights are now open at Wild-man aud A ley's. TOWS HALL ORGAN RECITAL. Morundl s "Allegro Vivace." Basil IlarwoiMls "Paean." and Goldmark's "In the ii'lesetlled by Mr. Burnett at the municipal recital on .Saturday night. Moraudi's work was played in a light and vivacious manner music, tlulrtmark's Audanto was delicately registered, and the solo stops were heard to advantage, whilst a biilliaut rendering wa* given of the Finale.. Ilarwood's "Paean." -which is full of delightful music for the organ, was unfolded In a stylo displaying tiic attractive features of the work, and pleasing performances were secured of ■Lc-nis-e's -Summer Song" and 'Rossini's "lriflummatiis." Mts. iCj-rtl Towscj- sang Tilth ulcc fccMng and plensing vocal quality ilascag-nis "Voi la Sapcte." and gare an lmpresi?ive delivery of Colerldge-Taflor'e "I,ife and Death." 31r. Towsey sympnChetically performed the pianoforte accompanl■HUßEirr CAKTETv's EECITA.L. In the concert chamber of the Town Hall last Saturday evening Mt. Hubert Carter, assisted by local talent, gave an interesting recital "which was uumerousJj attended. A Judiciously selected programme of inuslc, culled from the works of aucicait and modern writers, was submitted, and praiseworthy renderings were given of -the eolos. Mr. Carter was iv capital singing mood, and used, his line tenor iv an intelligent way. 'His solos -were grfacefutly phrased and tastefully interpreted. The modulations aud inflections were capably managed in the numbers were given with deep emotional feeiiug aud expression, whlJst charm and grace marked the delivery of the lyrical Items. Brewer's "Morris Dance' , was expressed in a bright, light, aud attractive manner, and clearness of utterance aud quod vocal timbre marked, the reading of Kjeruff'e "Sing. "Sing." A sustained and: expressive performance Was given of Cole-ridge-Taylor's "Life aud Death," whilst ■Handel's recitative .and axla, "Deeper 'Still" and "Waft Her, Ausels," and K.ahus "Aye Maria" were rendered in a style w-hicii suitably displayed the impressive musk- aii<l devotional character of the text. Kjerulf's "Last Night" and Massenet's "«ood Night" iwere delicately treated., and effective readings -were secured of Massenet's "Ah! Fuzey Douce Image," Burnett's "My I-ady Passes" and LJeurauce's "By the Waters." The tenor concluded his recital with a capitul performance ut Leoncavallo's "Vcsti La Giubba." After eac-h set of solo* Mr. Carter «aye Willi vocal purity and fileility of execution an effective rendering of Verdi's "Ah: 'Pore c lul." and Bang tastefully and daintily in Maillnwin's "A Birthday." To An isJe." and "<;old Time of Spring." After each appearance handsome fioral gifts were founded the singer. Messrs. IL Baxter. N. Martin, and T, Whlttaker <listtngnishe<l Themselves in a carefully studied performance of the "Preeto" and •'Kleeia'* from the trios of 'Brnchp and Aroneky resrpectlTeiy. Mr Norman Martin displayed (rood executive shtlitj- in Upper's "Papillon." and. secured a nice cantablle from the '00110 in Cyril Sccrtt's H«l"■ 'Hie violin ohllgaroe by il!r Harold Barter were played in the beM of taete, end. Mr. Wilttetorr made a sj-JD**-Mieti.m,oumß»aist. . -^

OPERA HOUSE. A change of programme will be presented to-night. The title of the musical comedy reme by the Harry Burgeea Company is -Too Many Wives." Bright TaudeviJle Items are included In the Mil. WEST END THEATRE. "T6e Little Intruder," featnrlnjr Lonise Huff, will be screened this evening. VICTORIA THEATRE. irEVONPORT. "Our I-ittle Wife." wltn Madge Kennedy as star, will he the attraction to-night. BRITANNIA THEATRE. The Lee Kiddles will make their appearance ti-nleht in "-Swat the Spy."

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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 76, 29 March 1920, Page 7

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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 76, 29 March 1920, Page 7

AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 76, 29 March 1920, Page 7