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Council during his term of office. Votes of Thanks were also extended to the Council of Victoria University of Wellington, to the Press, and to the Secretary. On the motion of Professor Allan, the sincere thanks of the Society were extended to Professor Briggs, retiring President, for his able chairmanship of the meeting and for the work he has done for the Society during his term of office of President. The meeting closed at 6.15 p.m. Confirmed. (Signed) J. K. Dixon, Vice-President. June 27, 1958.

Reports of Member Bodies Auckland Institute and Museum President: Mr. J. W. Kealy, S. M. Secretary: Dr. G. Archey. Annual Report for 1957-58 President. The year just ended has again been one of progress. The new building is so well advanced that it may now be confidently expected that the main contract will have been completed by the time another annual meeting has been held. Despite the disorganisation inseparable from building operations, attendance has once more broken all previous records. Membership is at a new high level. Collections have been well maintained. By way of inoculation—if such be needed—against undue complacency, there is still no assurance that the required lecture hall will be included in the present building scheme, the financial problems resulting from the contrast between rising costs and an almost static revenue remain with us, and the added responsibilities, as regards both staff and furnishings, which the completion of the new building will bring, are matters which will require most earnest and careful consideration in the years ahead. Visit of H. M. the Queen Mother. The evening of February 3 was a memorable occasion in our history. Because the Town Hall was under repair, Auckland's civic reception in honour of H. M. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother was held in our building, which provided an ideal setting for such a great occasion. The function itself was not, of course, under the control of the Museum Council, but Her Majesty displayed very great interest in a small display of New Zealand alpine flowers which Dr. Cooper (with the help of other friends of the Museum, including some in the South Island) had been able to arrange, and in the Maori House, to which she paid a special visit, escorted by Dr. Archey. Her Majesty also interrupted the more formal programme to pause by the “Spitfire”, and to admire the portrait of H. M. the Queen recently presented to Auckland by Sir Ernest Davis. These various “digressions” resulted in Her Majesty remaining in the building a full half hour longer than had been planned—to the very great delight of Auckland citizens. Membership. These figures are as follows (last year's figures in parentheses):—Life Members, 327 (316); Annual Members, 890 (830); a total of 1,217 (1,146). Obituary. It is with sincere regret that the names are recorded of the following members who have died during the year under review: Mr. V. Johns, Mr. I. V. Payne, Mr. A. P. Postlewaite, O.B.E., Mr. C. V. Roberts, Dr. W. R. B. Oliver, F.R.S.N.Z., Mr. C. E. Worrall, Mr. W. P. Endean, Mr. Hugh C. Wright, Mr. T. W. M. Ashby, O.B.E., F.R.A.N.Z., F.A.I.S., Mr. L. J. Keys, Mr. G. A. Macmillan, Mr. Raymond Biss, Mr. N. R. Chapman, M.B.E., Mr. R. Prows Broad, Mr. G. L. Taylor, Mr. H. G. Atkinson and Mr. E. L. Wilcock. The late Mayor, Mr. T. W. M. Ashby, whose sudden death occasioned widespread sorrow, was an Institute member of many years standing, and his close personal interest in our activities will be much missed. Honours. It is pleasing to note the frequency with which the names of members of the Institute are included in the lists of those honoured by H. M. the Queen. On the present occasion our congratulations are extended to Professor P. W. Burbidge, C. B. E., Mr. H. C. McCoy, O. B. E., and Lieutenant-Commander J. F. Y. Schischka, M.B.E. The news of the celebration by our very loyal friend (and life member) Lord Bledisloe of his 90th birthday was received with real pleasure, and the felicitations of his co-members have been officially conveyed to him. Representation. Mr. Brooker has been re-appointed as one of our representatives on the Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand, his colleague being Dr. Powell, who has been appointed to take the place of Professor Cumberland, who has resigned. Mr. Brooker has also been appointed as your Council's representatives on the Regional Council of Adult Education, taking the place of Dr. Archey, who had asked to be relieved.