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The sequence of segmentation in the sporeling resembles that in Coccophora langsdorfii (Tahara, 1928), Turbinaria fusiformis and T. thunbergii (Tahara, 1929) and in Cystophyllum sisymbrioides (Okabe, 1929), but differs from that usual in Sargassum where the third vertical wall is radial, dividing the body of the sporeling into octants, a feature considered by Tahara (1928) to be of systematic value. The production of a tuft of primary rhizoids is also a feature of the family Sargassaceae. Inoh (1930) attempted to correlate the number of primary rhizoids with the size of the oosphere in Sargassum. In all the species of Carpophyllum investigated the egg is considerably smaller than in any of the Sargassum species with the same number of rhizoids (16), but is more comparable with those producing only eight. Acknowledgment Part of this investigation was carried out during the tenure of a Research Fund Fellowship of the University of New Zealand. Literature Cited Abe, K., 1938. Über die Befruchtung und ihre folgende erste Kernteilung bei Sargassum. Sci. Repr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. Fourth Series. Sendai. Japan, 13. 253 Dawson, A. E. E., 1940. Studies in the Fucales of New Zealand II. Observations on the Female Frond of Carpophyllum flexuosum (Esper) Grev. New Phytol., 39. 283. Delf, E. M., 1939. Studies in the Fucales of New Zealand I. The genus Carpophyllum Grev. J. Bot., 77. 129. Inoh., S., 1930. Embryological Studies on Sargassum. Sci. Repr. Tohuku Imp. Univ. Fourth Series Sendai. Japan, 5. 423. Laing, E. M., 1941. A Note on Bifurcaria laevigata (Kütz) Delf et Mitch J. Bot., 79. 145. Mitchell, M., 1941. Studies in the Fucales of New Zealand III. Some Investigations on Xiphophora chondrophylla. J. Bot., 79. 49. Okabe, S., 1929. Rhizoidenentwicklung im Embryo von Cystophyllum. Sci. Repr. Tohoku Imp. Univ. Fourth Series. Sendai. Japan, 4. 591. Tahara, M., 1928. Contributions to the Morphology of Coccophora langsdorfii (Turn) Grev. Ibid., 3. 727. — 1929. Rhizoid formation in the Embryo of Turbinaria (?) fusiformis Yendo and Sargassum Thunbergii O. Kuntze. Ibid., 4. 1.