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Miss Fyfe has the Mss. of papers received since March 4, 1948. The Special Volume of the N.Z. Science Congress of 1947, to be issued as Part 5 of Volume 77 of the Transactions, but bound and paged separately, is now all in type except the index. The last page proofs are now in authors' hands and the index is nearly ready to send to the printer. The volume will contain about 420 pages. J. Henderson. 29th April, 1949 Miss M. Fyfe, newly appointed Hon. Editor, asked leave to bring some editorial matters before the Council, and on this being granted, she read the following report: When I was appointed Editor I took over 28 manuscripts in various stages of preparation for the printer, and since then I have received six more. All these have been dealt with, and at the rate at which papers are being sent in it seems likely that there will be enough material for Parts I and II of Volume 78, which I hope to publish before the end of this year. Every endeavour is being made to bring the Transactions up to date as soon as possible. From manuscripts which I have seen and from talks which I have had with the printer it appears very evident that the principal reason for the lag in publication was, and is, the slap-happy way in which authors send forward their manuscripts and plates. The way in which a paper and its plates are set out in a journal has a great influence on the reader, and the papers which I have seen do not by a long way approach the best overseas practice in this regard. Moreover, a great deal of unnecessary expense is incurred in printer's time when the printer is expected to set up plates, and additional expense is often asked for half-tone blocks when line drawings would be just as good, if not better. Therefore I very earnestly commend these considerations to the Council and ask their approval of more stringent and modern rules for publication. Our aim as a publishing body should be to produce a journal which is supported by really first-rate contributors, and one which is read with interest and respect by scientists all over the world. Whether we achieve this aim depends on at least two conditions: (a) the speed of publication, and (b) an improved format which will make our Transactions more distinguished and attractive in appearance. Methods for increasing the speed of publication have already been discussed. The problem of a more modern format was discussed at a meeting of the Otago Council on May 3, when it was unanimously agreed that a change of printing style was necessary. I would be glad if this Council would approve of a change in the format of the Transactions. Marion L. Fyfe, Hon. Editor, Transactions of the Royal Society. On the motion of Dr. Arehey, seconded by Dr. Focken, Miss Fyfe was thanked for her report. Notice to Contributors: Miss Fyfe then stated that the Notice to Contributors required to be amended and many points clarified; she read the amendments necessary and the notice recast to include the amendments. Two or three further amendments were suggested and finally, on the motion of Miss Fyfe, the Notice to Contributors as amended and recast was adopted. Author's Copies. It was resolved that the twenty-five free copies of author's reprints be increased to fifty. Format of Transactions: Miss Fyfe asked the Council's approval of a change in the format of the Transactions. She stated that the present style was out-dated for an up-to-date scientific journal, and she produced copies of some overseas journals to illustrate her contention. On the motion of Dr. Archey, seconded by Mr. Buchanan, it was resolved: “That the suggestion as outlined by Miss Fyfe be approved in principle and referred to a sub-committee consisting of Miss Fyfe,