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Amendment of Act: Annual Grant. On the motion of Dr. Archey, seconded by Professor Richardson, it was resolved that the Standing Committee be requested to present the details of the finances of the Society, with a view to having “The Royal Society of New Zealand Act, 1933,” amended to provide statutory authority for the whole of the grant. Binding Grant. In reply to a question, the Hon. Librarian was informed that the annual grant of £50 as a reserve for binding would be transferred to the Library Account. Research Grant. On the motion of Dr. Focken it was resolved that £50 be voted from income for research for the current year. Hon. Editor's Report. The Hon. Editor, Dr. Henderson, attended the meeting and presented his report for the year. He pointed out that there had been considerable delay in the printing of the Transactions, and in the discussion which ensued it was apparent that delays in printing were not confined to the Transactions. Certain suggestions were made by members regarding the matter. It was stated that the scientific readers employed by the Otago Daily Times Company were excellent and made the Hon. Editor's work much lighter than might otherwise be the case. Dr. Henderson intimated that he wished to retire from the office of Honorary Editor, but he was prepared to see the current volume through the press. The President stated that knowing the reasons for Dr. Henderson's intended resignation he could not urge him to reconsider it. He expressed the Council's deep indebtedness to Dr. Henderson for his valuable work as Honorary Editor and its appreciation of the worry that the delay in the printing had and was causing him. On the motion of Dr. Marwick, the Honorary Editor's report was adopted and a very cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Dr. Henderson by acclamation. Report of Honorary Editor. During the year ended 31st March, 1948, Parts 3 and 4 of Volume 76 of the Transactions were issued (Part 1 of Volume 77 appeared in April, 1948). In addition, portions of the Special Congress Volume covering the Science Congress of last May were set up, a work now proceeding. There has been much delay in getting the printing done and the Transactions and Special Volume are much overdue. In last year's report the papers of Volume 76 were tabulated according to the subject matter, but as only Part 1 of Volume 77 has been published the classification of papers will have to be deferred until next year's report. The number of manuscripts submitted for publication in the Transactions during the year was as follows:— In Part 1, Volume 77 14 In hand approved by referees 29 Returned to authors for revision 3 With referees 2 Declined 3 Total 51 Sincere thanks are tendered to referees who carried out this work, so conscientiously. Science Congress Manuscripts. In addition to the addresses of the chairmen of the several sections, the papers presented at the Science Congress last May comprised:—