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Presidential Address and Chairman's Remarks. Dr. Falla stated that the Presidential Address would be delivered that evening before the Wellington Branch. His remarks from the chair would be brief. He referred to the death of Mr. H. F. Skey, for many years Director of the Magnetic Observatory in Christchurch and also referred to the knighthood bestowed on Sir Charles Hercus. He regretted that Dr. Marsden's term of office as President had been such a brief one, terminating with his appointment to an important post in London. The President thanked the Standing Committee for its attention to the work of the Society throughout the year and mentioned that it would be desirable if its membership could be increased and this matter might receive the consideration of the meeting. Another matter to come before the meeting was the desirability of having the Act amended so that it would provide for the whole of the statutory grant to the Society and not as at present for only a portion of it, the remainder being provided in the estimates of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research under a clause in the Finance Act. Certain outstanding events during the year had brought about the Society's entry into international scientific importance. Its relation to Unesco as a national co-operating body with the right of nominating members for the National Commission of Unesco had been announced by the Minister and the Seventh Pacific Science Congress, to which the Society will be host, is to be held in February, 1949. At a special meeting of the Council held in November an Organizing Committee was set up, and this committee has been making every effort to make this Congress an outstanding success. Council. The President welcomed three new members to the Council: Mr. F. R. Callaghan, Government representative in place of Dr. Marsden, had been appointed Vice-President of the Society; Professor Williams, a representative of the Otago Branch; and Dr. J. T. Salmon, a representative of the Wellington Branch. He expressed the Society's appreciation of the services rendered by Dr. Marsden, Dr. H. D. Skinner (Otago), and Dr. L. I. Grange (Wellington) while members of the Council. Notices of Motions were called for. These were read and deferred until the afternoon session. Hector Award. The Hector Award Committee (Dr. H. H. Allan and Dr. W. R. B. Oliver) recommended unanimously that the Hector medal and prize be awarded to Dr. G. H. Cunningham for his researches in mycological botany. On the motion of Dr. Oliver, seconded by Dr. Miller, the Award Committee's recommendation was adopted. Amount of Hector Prize. On the motion of Dr. Archey, seconded by Dr. Focken, it was resolved that the prize be £50 as usual. Fellowship R.S.N.Z. On the recommendation of the Fellowship Selection Committee, Dr. O. H. Frankel, Dr. N. L. Edson, Mr. M. Ongley, and Mr. E. F. Stead were elected Fellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Thanks. A very hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Hector Award Committee and the Fellowship Selection Committee.