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Instructions to Authors of Papers 1. Line Drawings.—Drawings and diagrams may be executed in line or wash. If drawn in line—i.e., with pen and ink—the best results are obtained only from good, firm, black lines, using such an ink as Higgin's liquid India ink, or a freshly mixed Chinese ink of good quality, drawn on a smooth surface, such as Bristol board. Thin, scratchy, or faint lines must be avoided. Bold work, drawn to about twice the size (linear) of the plate, will give the best results. Tints or washes may not be used on line drawings, the object being to get the greatest contrast from a densely black line drawn on a smooth white surface. 2. Wash Drawings.—If drawing in wash is preferred, the washes should be made in such water-colour as lamp-black, ivory black, or India ink. These reproduce better than a neutral tint, which inclines too much to blue in its light tones. High lights are better left free from colour, although they may be stopped out with Chinese white. As in line drawings, a fine surface should be used (the grain of most drawing-papers reproduces in the print with bad effect), and well-modelled contrasted work will give satisfactory results. 3. Size and Arrangement of Drawings.—The printed plate will not exceed 7 ¼ in. by 4 ½ in., and drawings for plates may be to this size, or preferably a multiple thereof, maintaining the same proportion of height to width of plate. When a number of drawings are to appear on one plate they should be neatly arranged, and if numbered or lettered in soft pencil the printer will mark them permanently before reproduction. In plates of wash drawings, all the subjects comprising one plate should be grouped on the same sheet of paper or cardboard, as any joining-up shows in the print. Text-figures should be drawn for reduction to a width not exceeding 4 ⅓ in. If there are a number of small text-figures they should be drawn all for the same reduction, so that they may be arranged in groups. In the case of plates composed of a number of separate figures, the latter should be arranged by the author in groups of appropriate dimensions. Alternatively, exact instructions as to proposed arrangement of figures should be included with the MS. 4. Maps.—A small outline map of New Zealand is obtainable at a low price from the Lands and Survey Department, Wellington, upon which details of distribution, etc., can be filled in according to the instructions given above for line drawings. 5. Citation.—References may be placed in a list at the end of an article or arranged as footnotes. The former method is preferable in long papers. In the list references must be arranged alphabetically, reference in the text being made by writing after the author's name, as it occurs, the year of publication of the work, adding, if necessary, a page number, and enclosing these in parentheses, thus: “Benham (1915, p. 176).” Examples of forms of citation for alphabetical list: Benham, W. B., 1915. Oligochaeta from the Kermadec Islands. Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 47, pp. 174–285. Park, J., 1910. The Geology of New Zealand. Christchurch, Whitcombe and Tombs. When references are not in alphabetical order the initials of the author should precede the surname, and the year of publication should be