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1843. Miro dieffenbachii Gray, ib. (“Chatham Islands,” error = New Zealand). 1844. Turdus minutus Forster, Descrip. Animal., ed. Licht., p. 83 (Queen Charlotte Sound). Adult Male: Crown, back, scapulars, rump, upper tail coverts, sides of head, lores, ear-coverts, throat, uppermost breast and rictal bristles, black with slight gloss, bases of feathers slate grey (R), shafts whitish proximally; a small white frontal spot as broad as base of bill and about as high, separated from culmen by a broken line of small black feathers; remiges black, shafts black, margins of webs brownish black, crossed by a sickle-shaped white bar, convex in front, made up of white wedges of increasing size on outer webs of eighth and following flight feathers, about a third the distance from their bases at first, widening to form lenses half the length of the seventh and eighth secondaries; inner webs with similar white areas of increasing size between eighth primary and seventh secondary; lesser, median and greater coverts black, white tips on a few secondary major coverts; under surface of wing deep mouse grey (R) with triangular white bar; axillaries and lining coverts white, lesser under coverts black, some with whitish tips; rectrices black, inner three pairs wholly so, outer three with oblique white bar (Plate 6, Fig. 6); breast orange immediately below line of demarkation with black of neck, grading, ventrally, within a space of a few millimeters, into Naples yellow (R) on the midbreast and ivory yellow (R) on flanks, venter and under tail coverts. (Peel Forest, May.) Adult Female: Crown, back, scapulars, rump, fuscous (R), bases of feathers grey, basal shafts whitish; some rump feathers with dark olive buff tips (R); lores, cheeks, ear coverts brownish olive mottled with olive buff; frontal spot light olive buff, smaller than in male; remiges blackish brown, paler on inner webs, alar bar as in male, but made up of pale ochraceous buff (R) areas on outer web and whitish areas on inner web; upper wing coverts blackish brown, under coverts and axillaries whitish, lesser under coverts mottled white and hair brown; rectrices blackish brown, with oblique bar as in male; throat, breast and belly maize yellow (R), grading into dorsal colouration on sides of neck, into hair brown on flanks, and washed faintly with buff, especially on the breast; under tail coverts cartridge buff (R). (Stewart Island, July.) Fledgling Male: Crown, nape, scapulars, back, rump, dull brownish black, with light buff shaft lines, most conspicuous on head; frontal spot smaller than in adult; upper tail coverts with pale buffy tips; wing and tail as in adult; throat dull brownish black with pale feather shafts; demarkation between neck and breast ill-defined; breast buff yellow grading ventrally into maize yellow (R) and to whitish at venter, mottled in front with subterminal bands of fuscous. (Nelson, February.) Fledgling Female: General pattern and colour similar to adult female, but with conspicuous light shaft areas on fuscous feathers of crown and nape, less conspicuous towards rump; frontal spot virtually absent; cheeks fuscous, mottled with light central areas to feathers; throat mottled fuscous and buff; breast light buff, widely washed and