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Sections: The Astronomical Section held one meeting during September in co-operation with the Carter Observatory Board, when Lieut.-Colonel F. J. N. Stretton spoke on “Novae.” The Biology Section has held the following meetings at which attendance has been relatively good:—October 13th, 1942, “The Visibility of Objects,” by Mr. L. S. Hearnshaw; May 4th, Chairman's address, by Mr. J. T. Salmon, “Biology and the Future”; June 2nd, “Microbes and the Soil Microclimate,” by Dr. I. D. Blair; July 6, “Investigations of New Zealand Fish Oils,” by Dr. F. B. Shorland; August 3rd, “Public Health Aspects of the Venereal Disease Problem,” by Dr. H. Smith; September 7th, “Can the Art of Cheesemaking be Made a Science,” by Dr. W. Riddet. The Geology Section has held six meetings, at which the following papers were read:—10th September, 1942, “The Topography and Geography of the New Guinea-Papua War Zone,” by Mr. M. Ongley; and “The Te Anau-Clinton Unconformity at Albert's Cap,” by Dr. C. O. Hutton; 8th October, “The Geological History of the Dannevirke Subdivision,” by Dr. A. R. Lillie; 20th May, 1943, “Problems Connected with the Metamorphism of the Otago Schists,” by Dr. F. J. Turner; 12th June; “Clarendon Phosphate,” by Mr. E. O. Macpherson; July 8th, “Stratigraphy and Structure of Part of the South Island,” by Mr. H. E. Fyfe; 12th August, “The Mechanism of Vulcanism, Part 1, by Professor C. A. Cotton. In addition, two papers were read by title for publication at meetings of the Section, and a number of exhibits have been shown. The Technological Section has held six well-attended meetings at which the folowing paper was read:—October 21st, 1942, Chairman's address, “Possibilities of Wind Utilisation for Energy Production,” by Mr. H. S. Lamburd. A new and much-appreciated activity of the Section has been the arranging of visits to the various factories and places of interest, two of them having been held on regular meeting nights and one—the National Electric Company, as an extra meeting. The May and July meetings were visits to the factories of Godfrey Phillips (N.Z.), Ltd., and Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., respectively. Social Science Section: This, the youngest of the Sections, held its inaugural meeting on the 11th May, with an address by the Hon. Walter Nash on “Problems of Post-war Reconstruction.” Other addresses have been—June 8th, “Recent Advances in Science and Their Social Implications,” by Mr. J. W. Matthews; July 13th, “Plans for Post-war Rehabilitation in New Zealand,” by Mr. J. S. Reid; August 10th, “Emotion and Bodily Disease: the Principles of Psychosomatic Medicine,” by Dr. R. W. Medlicott; September 14th, “Plans for Postwar Education in New Zealand.” Papers for Publication: The following papers were read by title for publication in The Transactions of the Royal Society:—October 28, 1942, “A Physical and Chemical Investigation of the Ketetahi Hot Springs Area of Tongariro National Park,” by Mr. S. H. Wilson; “New Records of Collembola from New Zealand, with Descriptions of New Species, Part II, Symphypleoua,” by Mr. J. T. Salmon; “The Collection, Preservation, and Study of Springtails (Insects of the Order Collembola)” by Mr. J. T. Salmon; “Revision of the Genus Algidia Hogg, with Descriptions of New Species (Order Opiliones), by Mr. R. R. Forster; “The Upper Winds of Little America,” by Mr. C. E. Palmer; February 1st, 1943, “Some Features of Heavy Mineral Separations,” by Dr. C. O. Hutton; May 26th, 1943, “The Genus Folsomia in New Zealand (Collembola),” by Mr. J. T. Salmon; July 28th, 1943, “Some Inter-tidal Sessile Barnacles of New Zealand,” by Miss L. B. Moore; August 25th, 1943, “Certain Changes in the Nomenclature of New Zealand Species of Graminae,” by Mr. V. D. Zotov; September 22nd, “Revision of the Indigenous Grasses of New Zealand,” by Mr. V. D. Zotov. Representation of the Standing Committee of the Royal Society: Following upon his election as President of the Royal Society, Dr. H. H. Allan resigned his position as this Branch's representative, and Mr. R. L. Andrew was appointed by the Council in his place. Other subjects under discussion with the Standing Committee include: The publication of University theses, the poor quality of the paper on which recent numbers of the Transactions have been printed, the re-opening of the Dominion Museum, and memorial to past famous New Zealand scientists. Wild Life Conference: The following two representatives have been appointed by the Council to represent this Branch at the forthcoming conference being convened by the Royal Society of New Zealand to discuss Wild Life Control in New Zealand:—Mr. J. T. Salmon and Mr. V. D. Zotov.