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Amount of Hector Prize: It was agreed that the prize be £50 as usual. Hutton Award: The President read the following report of the Hutton Award Committee:— “The Hutton Award Committee, consisting of Professor J. A. Bartrum, Dr. D. Miller, and the Rev. Dr. J. E. Holloway (Convener) met at Christchurch on October 22 to consider the award of the Hutton Medal for 1944. “The Committee unanimously agreed to recommend that the award be made to Professor W. N. Benson, D.Sc., F.R.S., for his research work on New Zealand geology. “Dr. Benson's researches have covered practically the whole field of New Zealand geology with important original work on petrology, structural and petrographic studies in Otago, geomorphology, and research (with collaborators) on New Zealand graptolites. Certain of his papers, published either before or after his arrival in New Zealand, have a world-wide repute. “He has had a notable inspirational influence on New Zealand research geologists who have passed through his hands. “(Signed) John E. Holloway.” On the motion of Dr. Marshall, seconded by Dr. Allan, the Committee's report was adopted. T. K. Sidey Summer-time Award: Dr. Allan reported that Dr. Marsden, a member of the Award Committee had been absent from New Zealand, leaving Dr. C. E. Hercus and himself to recommend an award. Only two applications for the award had been received, and neither of these was considered worthy of the Medal and Prize. Later in the day Dr. Hercus wrote confirming these views. On the motion of Professor Evans, seconded by Mr. Pycroft, it was resolved that the T. K. Sidey Summer-time Award be postponed until next annual meeting. Dr. Marshall stated that there appeared to be some difficulty in interpreting the terms of the award. Dr. Turner agreed that it would be desirable to have the terms of the Deed of Trust amended so as to widen the scope of the award. Fellowship: The Fellowship Selection Committee recommended that Mrs. Lucy May Smith (née Cranwell) and Mr. F. T. Seelye be elected Fellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand. On the motion of Dr. Archey, seconded by Dr. Falla, the recommendation was adopted. Qualifications of Honorary Membership: In accordance with a resolution of last annual meeting the views of Member Bodies as to whether special weight should be attached to nominees for Honorary Membership whose scientific work was directly connected with New Zealand were ascertained. The majority of the Member Bodies did not view favourably any such restriction in the choice of Honorary Members, and no further action was taken in the matter. Election of Honorary Members: An election for two Honorary Members resulted in Dr. Lelland O. Howard and Professor Robert A. Millikan being elected.