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Lectures: During the year eight general meetings were held, and on each meeting night addresses were given as follows:— 24th April: “Evolution” (Presidential Address), Dr. G. H. Uttley. 15th May: “The Control of Malaria,” Mr. F. M. Corkill. 20th June: “N.Z. Freshwater Fishes,” Mr. G. Stokell. 10th July: “Museums at Home and Abroad,” Dr. R. A. Falla. 10th September: “Science in Relation to War,” Dr. E. Marsden. 7th November: “The Southern Islands,” Dr. W. R. B. Oliver. 28th November: (a) “The Cyclotron,” Dr. C. C. Anderson. (b) “Deciduous Trees,” Mr. J. C. Calvert. (c) “Colour Photography,” Mr. J. H. Sorensen. (d) “Travels in Fiordland” and “Down the Colorado” (movie films), Dr. D. Jennings. 12th December: “Dinornis Centennial,” Mr. J. H. Sorensen. Attendances: Fair attendances were recorded at both general meetings and meetings of the Council. Representatives: The President (Dr. Uttley) and Dr. C. C. Anderson were appointed to represent the Branch on the Southland Museum Trust Board. Mr. J. H. Sorensen was appointed the Branch's delegate to the parent body. Honours: Congratulations are extended to Staff-sergeant D. C. Berry (on active service) on his appointment as a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society for auroral research in collaboration with Mr. M. Geddes. Two other members on active service carry with them the good wishes of the Branch—C. E. Barwell and A. McDonald. Original Paper: A paper entitled “Tasmacetus shepherdi: History and Description of Specimens Washed Ashore on Mason's Bay, Stewart Island” was read by Mr. J. H. Sorensen and accepted for publication in the Transactions. Library: The parent body kindly supplied many of the volumes missing from the Branch's set. Sir Robert Anderson donated an almost complete set of the Transactions. Mr. S. G. August presented two volumes, Description du Ciel,” by A. Danjon, and Manuel de Conchyliologie, by J. C. Chenu. Finance: After paying all due accounts and the one-third of the annual income to the Museum Fund, the Branch has a credit balance of £12 13s 5d, made up as follows: £10 15s 4d in the Life Member Account and £1 18s 1d in the Current Account. Conclusion: The Branch is undergoing a settling-down process, and all members are urged to do their utmost to help by attending as many meetings as possible, paying subscriptions promptly, introducing friends to the meetings, and seeking new members. By so doing they will help the Branch to continue the good work already started. The Branch must note with satisfaction the erection of the new Southland Museum, and feel pleased that they have helped to make the Museum scheme the success it is. At a later date the Branch must be ready to assist even more in order that the institution can carry out sound scientific educational work. Addendum: Since the above report was written the death of Mr. S. G. August is noted with regret. Mr. August was one of the Branch's foundation members and, although literary rather than scientific, was a regular attender at the meetings and the possessor of sound knowledge on a wide range of subjects. The sympathy of the Branch is extended to his relatives.