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Professor Richards reported on his visit to the Science Congress in California, and discussion took place on seismic reflection, geophysical work, gravity determination, and coral reefs. The financial statement at 27th September, 1939, shows a balance of £1,518 19s (including £800 in bonds). W. R. B. Oliver. Observatories' Committee. Report of Representatives on the Committee. The Observatories' Committee has continued its advisory functions. During the year some minor alterations have been made in the seismographic service. The time service is being maintained with considerable constancy. Suggestions have been made for the regrouping of some of the services, and in consequence of this the Apia Observatory is now, for organisation purposes, under the Meteorological Office. Suggestions were also made for the appointment of Director of Seismology and the organisation of the seismological services in New Zealand on a national basis. This appointment was approved by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, but Treasury was unable to make the necessary grant. [The above report came to hand too late for submission to the annual meeting, and was adopted by the Standing Committee for inclusion with the annual meeting reports.] D. C. H. Florance. P. W. Burbidge. Notices of Motion: (1) “That the Standing Committee be asked to consider the rules under which the T. K. Sidey Summer-time Medal and Prize shall be awarded (see Trans. R.S.N.Z., vol. 65, p. 489) with a view to suggesting to the next annual meeting modifications necessary to make this award of greater use in stimulating and assisting research work in New Zealand.” Moved by Dr. Focken, seconded by Mr. G. Simpson. After some discussion, on the motion of Professor Evans, seconded by Dr. Hilgendorf, it was resolved that a sub-committee consisting of the President (Dr. Holloway), Dr. C. E. Hercus, and Dr. C. M. Focken consider the rules of the T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund and report to the Standing Committee. (2) “That the Council consider the procedure for submitting a paper for publication in the Transactions.” Moved by C. M. Focken, seconded by G. Simpson. In speaking to this motion, Dr. Focken said that during the six months in which Member Bodies were in recess there were no meetings at which authors could read their papers, and they had to incur delay in forwarding them to the Hon. Editor. It was pointed out that papers could be read by title before a meeting of the Council or the Publications Committee of a Member Body, and this would overcome the difficulty mentioned. Election of Officers: President, Rev. Dr. J. E. Holloway; Vice-President, Professor W. P. Evans; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. M. A. Eliott; Hon. Editor, Dr. J. Marwick; Hon. Librarian, Professor H. B. Kirk; Co-opted Member, Dr. P. Marshall; Managers of Trust Funds, Messrs. M. A. Eliott and B. C. Aston; Representative Great Barrier Reef Committee, Dr. W. R. B. Oliver; Representative Tongariro National Park Board, Dr. P. Marshall; Representative Royal N.Z. Institute of Horticulture, Dr. W. R. B. Oliver; Representative Observatories' Committee, Professor D. C. H. Florance and P. W. Burbidge.