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After some consideration the Standing Committee decided to recommend to the annual meeting that the Carter Library, which is the joint possession of the Dominion Museum and the Royal Society of New Zealand, be now transferred to the Dominion Museum, and the Librarian of the Turnbull Library be advised accordingly. The question of the utilization of the Carter Library Legacy was also considered, and it was decided to obtain a legal opinion as to whether the fund which was left for the erection of a brick room to house the Carter Collection could be diverted from that to such other ways as seem to accord with the real object of the bequest, namely, the safe keeping of the books. International Commission of Snow: At the instance of Dr. J. E. Church, President of the International Commission of Snow, the Standing Committee agreed to sponsor a New Zealand Section under the direction of Dr. M. A. F. Barnett (successor to the late Dr. Kidson) with the co-operation of Professor Speight and Mr. A. P. Harper. This Section was being organised when the war broke out and it was decided to defer further action in the meantime. Wild Life Control: The report of the Wild Life Control Committee submitted at last annual meeting and the resolution arising out of the report were forwarded to the Hon. Minister of Internal Affairs, who replied under date of the 19th June, 1939, that the terms of the resolution had been noted and would receive careful consideration. The report on the question of National Parks referred to the Committee by last annual meeting will be submitted to the annual meeting. Annual Meeting Luncheon: The question of instituting an annual meeting luncheon was discussed at last annual meeting and referred to the Standing Committee for further consideration. At a meeting held on the 13th February, 1940, it was decided that in view of the war conditions the proposed luncheon be not held this year. Science Congress: A letter from the Otago Branch offering to organise a Science Congress in 1941 if no other Branch is willing to do so was read. After some discussion it was resolved, on the motion of Dr. Marshall, seconded by Dr. Allan, that in the present circumstances no action be taken in the matter. Carter Library: A letter from the Librarian of the Turnbull Library was read. On the motion of Professor Evans, it was resolved that the Council go into committee to discuss the position of the Carter Library. On resuming in open Council, the following resolution, moved by Mr. Archey and seconded by Mr. Callaghan, was carried: “That the recommendation of the Standing Committee be adopted and that the Standing Committee be authorised to make arrangements with the Dominion Museum to ensure the preservation of the books and their availability for study by members of the Royal Society and other students.” On the motion of Mr. Callaghan, it was resolved that after the transfer of the books to the Dominion Museum is made a letter should be forwarded to the authorities of the Turnbull Library thanking them for the care of the Carter Collection and acknowledging the Society's debt of gratitude to them for making the Turnbull Library available for the housing of the collection during the period that the Dominion Museum had not a fireproof building. Roll Call: At the afternoon session Dr. Marsden and Mr. Aston were absent in addition to Sir Thomas Easterfield.