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the printing of the papers received is being kept right up to date. No papers have been held over for any length of time, practically all being published within six months of the date of receipt by the Hon. Editor. The number of copies of the Transactions taken by the Member Bodies in recent years shows a slight decrease, and as the levy per copy to Member Bodies is the only means the Society has of supplementing its grant an effort might be made by Member Bodies to increase their orders. By the sale of publications during the year the Endowment Fund has benefited to the extent of £33 14s 11d. Library: The new Biology Block at Victoria University College was completed at the end of 1939, and during the vacation the task of shifting the Society's Library to its new room in the Biology Department was carried out. The College authorities allowed the Society to transfer all the shelving which it had been using in the old room, and, while this was a great concession, it involved a good deal of extra moving, as the books had to be removed and stored while the shelving was fitted in the new room. Student assistance for the actual carrying of the books was engaged, and the Secretary reshelved the whole Library in its new quarters. Unfortunately the new room has proved much too small to accommodate the whole of the Library. The use of a smaller room which can be used for the overflow and the stock of the Society's Transactions, etc., has been granted by the College Principal. Binding: Approximately 47 volumes have been bound during the year, and an additional 30 volumes are at present with the binder. Apart from the utility aspect these volumes greatly enhance the appearance of the Library shelves. Member Bodies' Reports and Balance Sheets: The following reports and balance sheets have been received from Member Bodies and are now laid on the table:— he year ending 30th September, 1939. Canterbury Branch for the year ending 31st October, 1939. Otago Branch for the year ending 31s Nelson Philosophical Society for the year ending 30th September, and Nelson Institute's balance sheet for the same period. Southland Branch for the period ending 31st March, 1940. The Wellington Philosophical Society has now adopted the title “Wellington Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand.” The Southland Branch, which was recently resuscitated, is to hold its first annual meeting in April, 1940. This will cover a period of eighteen months, but it was deemed advisable to have the financial year of the Branch ending on the 31st March. The Branch is an enthusiastic one, and in October last had 48 members with prospects of an increase before the end of the year. On the other hand, the Manawatu Branch, which was also recently resuscitated, is having a great difficulty in obtaining the number of financial members necessary to conform with the rules laid down for Member Bodies. The position of this Branch will have to be considered at the annual meeting. Fellowship R.S.N.Z.: The names of H. O. Askew and H. J. Finlay as Fellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand were gazetted on the 22nd June, 1939. On the 6th September Member Bodies were asked to forward nominations for the 1940 Fellowship vacancies. Twelve nominations were received and were sent out to the Fellows for selection. The result of the voting was submitted to the Fellowship Selection Committee, whose report will be placed before the annual meeting. Sir Wm. Benham has written suggesting certain improvements in the setting out of the qualifications of candidates, and if these suggestions will lead to more uniformity it will be an advantage to adopt them.