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amount of £120 in the Library fund for this purpose, and. as the Standing Committee some time ago gave authority for this amount to be expended, the work is being proceeded with at once. Member-Bodies' Reports: The following reports and balance sheets have been received:— Wellington Philosophical Society for the year ended 30th September, 1938. Canterbury Branch for the year ended 31st October, 1938. Otago Branch for the year ended 31st October, 1938. Nelson Institute for the year ended 31st December, 1938. Southland Branch: On the 4th July the Director of the Southland Museum (Mr. J. H. Sorensen) wrote stating that an endeavour was being made to form a Southland Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand, with, headquarters at Invercargill, and that he and Dr. Uttley were convening a meeting for that purpose. He asked for a ruling as to whether the Society, when formed, could at once adopt the title “Southland Branch” of the Royal Society of New Zealand.” The Standing Committee replied that there could be no objection provided the rules set down for Member-Bodies were complied with, although no certificate of admission could be given for twelve months after formation. The Standing Committee expressed its pleasure that the Southland Society was being re-established. Fellowship R.S.N.Z.: To fill the two vacancies in the Fellowship the Member-Bodies were asked to forward nominations. Fourteen nominations were received and forwarded to the Fellows for selection. The Fellowship Selection Committee will submit its recommendation to the Annual Meeting. Honorary Members: There are four vacancies to be filled in the Hon. Members' List, and ten nominations have been received from the Member-Bodies. These nominations are being submitted to Members of the Council, and the-election will take place at the Annual Meeting. Carter Bequest: At a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 12th September, 1938, the Carter Observatory Bill was considered clause by clause-and agreed to. Dr. Marsden was asked to indicate to the Minister in charge of the Bill that the Society would like the three members of the Board to be appointed by the Governor-General, in addition to those appointed by the Government, the City Council, and the Royal Society to be independent members. Professor Evans then moved: “That provided the Carter Observatory Bill at present before Parliament is passed without substantial alteration or amendment the Standing Committee of the Royal Society of New Zealand, acting upon authority given by the Council at its Annual Meeting in May, 1937, instructs the Managers of its Trust Accounts to take whatever steps are necessary to transfer all moneys and securities belonging to the Carter Bequest and now held in trust by the Royal Society of New Zealand to the Carter Observatory Board as soon as that Board is duly constituted and the names of its members gazetted.” This motion was seconded by Dr. P. Marshall and carried. The Carter Observatory Act, which differed in no way from the Bill which had been approved came into force on the 14th September, 1938. The (Society was subsequently asked to nominate two of the nine members of the Board provided for in the Act, and at a meeting of the Standing Committee held on 26th October, Dr. E. Kidson and Mr. C. G. G. Berry were nominated for a period of three years. The personnel of the Carter Observatory Board is as follows:— Representing the R.S.N.Z.: Dr. E. Kidson and Mr. C. G. G. Berry. Representing the City Council: Mr. E. P. Norman and Mr. M. F. Luckie. Representing the Government: Professor D. C. H. Florance, Mr. M-Geddes, Dr. C. E. Adams and Dr. E. Marsden.