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P. sinuosum Weinm. Leith Valley (Dunedin), March. P. bogoriense Racib. Whare Flat (Dunedin) and Pounawea, March. P. lateritium Morgan. Pounawea in January. Cienkowskia reticulata Rost. Leith Valley (Dunedin), growing on dead white pine logs in March. Recorded by Lister as occurring in New Zealand. Craterium minutum Frics. Kew (Dunedin), in July. Town Belt (Dunedin), in October. Diderma globosum Pers. Nicholl's Creek (Dunedin) in March, on rotting twigs and leaves. D. asteroides Lister. Woodside Glen (Maungatua), in February. Our first introduction to the Mycetozoa, and one we have never found since. Diachea leucopoda Rost. Waitati Valley in February. Pounawea in January. On rotting twigs, skeleton leaves, bark, fern-fronds, and live moss. Didymium difforme Duby. Kew (Dunedin), in November, on straw. D. melanospermum Macbr. Nicholl's Creek (Dunedin), March. D. nigripes Frics. Town Belt (Dunedin), March. D. squamulosum Frics. Leith Valley (Dunedin), in March. Kew (Dunedin) and Oamaru in November, on dead twigs and leaves. Colloderma oculatum Lister. Orari, September. Stemonitis fusca Roth. Abundant in Canterbury and Otago, spring to autumn. Found especially on rotting pine and fuchsia. S. virginiensis Rex. Peel Forest in January. S. hyperopta Meylan. Leith Valley (Dunedin) in March. Pounawea in January. S. splendens Rost. Peel Forest. Pounawea in January. S. herbatica Peck. Peel Forest in January. S. pallida Wingate. Peel Forest. Pounawea in January. S. ferruginea Ehrenb. Geraldine in September. Comatricha nigra Shroeter. Kew (Dunedin), July and August. Peel Forest in January. C. nigra var. alta Lister. Waitati Valley in June. Recorded by Lister as occurring in New Zealand. C. typhoides Rost. Canterbury and Otago, abundant both in summer and autumn. Recorded by Lister as occurring in New Zealand (Stemonitis atra Mass.). C. pulchella var. fusca Lister. St. Clair (Dunedin), November. Lamproderma echinulatum Rost. Mihiwaka, June. Recorded by Lister as occurring in New Zealand. L. scintillans Morgan. Kew (Dunedin) in September, growing on rotting grass stems and leaves. Cribraria macrocarpa Schrad. Found abundantly on very rotten pine, Canterbury and Otago, during the summer and autumn. C. vulgaris Schrad. Leith Valley (Dunedin), November. C. vulgaris var. aurantiaca Pers. Pounawea, April. C. splendens Pers. Pounawea in January. C. intricata var. dictydioides Lister. Peel Forest in January. Recorded by Lister as occurring in New Zealand. C. argillacea Pers. Pounawea, April.