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Cyperaceae. Scirpus Aucklandicus (Hook. f.) Boeck. In wet swampy ground, bush behind railway cottages. Uncinia rubra Boott. Lower Bealey. Uncinia fusco-vaginata Kukenth. Damp places by roadside. Carex Petriei Cheesem. Near the roadside at Halpins Creek. Carex ternaria (Forst. f.) var. pallida Cheesem. A variety closely approaching this is found in swamps at the junction of the Mingha and Bealey. Carex Gaudichaudiana (Hook. f.) Kukenth. Swamp at junction of Mingha and Bealey. C. Gaudichaudiana (Hook. f.) Kukenth. var. humilior Kukenth. Swamp at junction of Mingha and Bealey. C. Raoulii Boott. Roadside near Kennedy's. C. Oederi Retz. var. cataractae (R. Br.) Kukenth. Roadside below Halpins. A somewhat depauperated form. Juncaceae. Luzula Traversii (Buchen.) Cheesem. Mingha River bed. Liliaceae. Chrysobactron sp. Headwaters of the Bealey, 4500ft, and summit of the Pass, in damp, stony ground. It is impossible to identify this with any recognised species. A description is attached. A herb, 7 mm. to 10 mm. in diameter at the base, 35 cm. to 60 cm. high, leaves numerous, all radical, 5 mm. to 12 mm. broad, 10 cm. to 30 cm. long, concave above, broadly ensiform, gradually tapering upwards, spreading and recurved, glaucous green, obtuse to acute at the tips, fleshy, glabrous. Scape terete, usually exceeding the leaves, curved, 30 cm. to 60 cm. long, 4 mm. to 6 mm. in diameter, inflorescence corymbose, lower peduncles 2.5 to 5 cm. in length, each peduncle bearing at its base a concave, acuminate, green bract, white on the edges, 1 cm. or more in length, upper peduncles shorter so that inflorescence is a corymb 5 cm. to 7.5 cm. in length, with a