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Standing Committee, urging the need for close and continued research on the life-history of Whitebait in New Zealand and offering its services in the matter, would be considered. Visit of Sir John Russell.—At its meeting on the 7th August the Standing Committee received a brief visit from the eminent scientist and Director of Rothampsted Experimental Station, Sir John Russell who was visiting New Zealand at the invitation of the Government. Sir John Russell who is an Honorary Member of the Institute was warmly welcomed by the President and introduced to the members of the Board present. Sir John said he felt honoured at being included in the list of Honorary Members of the Institute. He spoke briefly of his work and of the nature and purpose of his visit to New Zealand. Cook Bicentenary.—The Standing Committee endeavoured to celebrate in some way the Cook Bicentenary and it was suggested by a sub-committee set up that a public meeting be arranged. It was found, however, that at the time the meeting would have to be held it was not possible to procure a suitable hall or the speakers suggested by the sub-committee and the proposed meeting lapsed. Walter Burfitt Prize.—The Royal Society of New South Wales wrote on the 28th August giving particulars of the Walter Burfitt Prize which is to be awarded at intervals of three years to the worker in pure or applied science resident in Australia or New Zealand whose papers and other contributions published during the past three years are deemed of the highest scientific merit, account being taken only of investigations described for the first time and carried out by the author in these Dominions. The prize shall consist of a medal and the sum of £50, the first award to be made in 1929, nominations and publications to be submitted to the Royal Society of New South Wales not later than 28th February, 1929. Tongariro National Park.—At the October meeting of the Standing Committee the President reported the action of the Park Board with regard to the proposed Hostel and Leases. His report as representative of the Institute on the Park Board deals fully with this and other matters. Report of Standing Committee.—The foregoing report of the Standing Committee was read and with two slight amendments was adopted. Arising Out of Report. Abstracts.—There was some discussion on the nature of the abstracts to be included in the Transactions, and the method of abstracting, and certain points raised by members were dealt with by the President. Library.—On the motion of the Hon. G. M. Thomson, seconded by Dr. Cockayne, it was resolved: “That this meeting of the Board of Governors is of opinion that in the new Dominion Museum to be built at Mt. Cook, Wellington, provision should be made for the permanent housing of the New Zealand Institute, and that this matter be left in the hands of the Standing Committee to deal with. On the motion of Dr. Farr, seconded by Dr. Cockayne, it was resolved that Mr. H. T. Ferrar be cordially thanked for his valuable donation of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Reports.