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(f.) Aecidium dissimenatum Berk., Hdbk. Fl. N.Z., p. 756, 1867. Host: Hypericum japonicum Thunb. McAlpine (1906, p. 200) records this rust as occurring in Australia on the same host. (g.) Aecidium monocystis Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 196, 1855. Host: Phyllachne Colensoi Berggr. (= Helophyllum Colensoi Hook. f.). McAlpine (1906, p. 197) states that this is common on Abrotanella forsterioides Hook. f. in the vicinity of Hobart, and doubts the determination of the host as given above; he claims that it is scarcely likely that the same species would occur on hosts belonging to the Compositae and Candolleaceae (= Stylidieae). Mr. Rodway, Government Botanist, Hobart, has written to me to the same effect; he believes that the species was in error stated to have been collected in New Zealand, and was really collected in Tasmania. Although Abrotanella occurs in New Zealand, all the species are endemic; so that the matter must remain at issue until the original host is correctly determined. (h.) Uredo Acaciae Cke., Grev., vol. 19, p. 3, 1890. Host: Acacia sp. The description is too incomplete for determination, but it will doubtless prove to be a species of Uromycladium. (i.) Uredo antarctica Berk., Fl. Antarct., p. 176, 1847. Host: Luzula crinita Hook. f. The host is confined to the Auckland and Campbell Islands. (j.) Aecidium Discariae Cke., Grev., vol. 14, p. 89, 1886. This form belongs to the cycle of Uromyces Discariae G. H. Cunn.

Appendix: Fungi Parasitic Upon the Uredinales. In the past numerous fungi belonging to the following genera have been recorded as parasitizing the various spore-forms of the Uredinales :— Phycomycetes: Olpidium (= Olipidiella). Ascomycetes: Mycosphaerella (= Sphaerella). Fungi Imperfecti: Sphaeropsidales—Phyllosticta; Ascochyta; Darluca. Hyphomycetes—Cladosporium; Fusarium; Fusoma; Macrosporium; Oospora; Ramularia; Tuberculina. Doubtless many of these will later prove to be merely saprophytic, their contiguity with a rust upon the same host-plant leading to the belief that they were parasitic upon the rust. So far only the two species described below have been collected in New Zealand; Darluca is exceedingly common, especially on the uredosori of many of our rusts, but Tuberculina has been collected once only. Both species are included under the Fungi Imperfecti, the former belonging to the Sphaeropsidales (Sphaerioidaceae-Hyalodidymae), the latter to the Hyphomycetes (Tuberculariaceae-Amerosporae). Darluca Castagne. Cast., Cat. Pl. Mus. Suppl., p. 53, 1851. Pycnidia free, superficial, depressed, or conico-globose, obsoletely papillate, ostiolate, black; context of closely-woven thick-walled coloured hyphae. Spores (conidia) 1-septate, hyaline, elliptic-oblong or fusoid, muticate; borne singly on simple unbranched pedicels.