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Host: Anisotome filifolia (Hook. f.) Cockayne and Laing. On leaves and stems. Herb. No. 741. I, II. Mount Isobel, Hanmer (Canterbury), 1,000 m., W. D. Reid! 4 Nov., 1921. I, II, III. Sugarloaf, Cass (Canterbury), 1,500 m., W. D. Reid! N. R. Fay! 20 Jan., 1922. The host is endemic, and is confined to the mountains of the South Island. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 218.) This species is characterized by the coarsely-warted epispore of the teleutospore. 4. Puccinia whakatipu n. sp. (Fig. 80.) 0, I. Unknown. II. Uredosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, and caulicolous, elliptical, 0.25–1 mm. long, scattered or crowded, bullate, pulverulent, cinnamon-brown, becoming exposed by the longitudinal fissuring of the epidermis. Spores elliptical, obovate, or subglobose, 22–35 × 18–25 mmm.; epispore pallid cinnamon, sparsely and bluntly echinulate, 2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, cinnamon; germ-pores 4, equatorial, obscure. III. Teleutosori similar to the uredosori but dark chestnut-brown. Spores elliptical or subclavate, 30–40 × 20–26 mmm.; apex rounded, not thickened, base rounded, less commonly attenuate, both cells about the same size; slightly constricted at the septum; epispore minutely verruculose, chestnut-brown, 1.5–2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel persistent, hyaline, fragile, up to 30 × 6 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore ⅔ below the septum, obscure. Host: Anistome filifolia (Hook. f.) Cockayne and Laing. On leaves and stems. Herb. No. 742. II, III. Table Bay, Wakatipu (Otago), 830 m., W. D. Reid! 23 May, 1922. (Type.) This species is separated from the preceding on account of the minutely - verruculose epispore of the teleutospores, sparsely - warted cinnamon-coloured epispore of the uredospores, and different sorus characters. Although both occur on the same host, they show little other than a general resemblance to each other. 5. Puccinia Anisotominis n. sp. (Fig. 81.) 0, I. Unknown. II. Uredosori hypophyllous, crowded on discoloured spots, elliptical, 1–2 mm. long, bullate, pallid ferruginous, long covered. Spores subglobose, elliptical or obovate, 24–40 × 18–22 mmm.; epispore hyaline, sparsely and somewhat coarsely echinulate, 1.5–2 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular, tinted brown; germ-pores 4, equatorial, obscure. III. Teleutosori amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, crowded in scattered groups, elliptical when 1–1.5 mm. long, or confluent and attaining a length of 3 mm., bullate, pulverulent, dark chestnut-brown, long covered, becoming exposed by the longitudinal fissuring of the epidermis. Spores elongate-clavate, 40–60 × 17–22 mmm.; apex bluntly acuminate, seldom rounded, thickened up to 6 mmm., base attenuate, basal cell slightly longer and narrower than the upper; constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, golden-brown, 2–2.5 mmm. thick in upper cell, 1.5–2 mmm. thick in lower, cell-contents granular; pedicel persistent, hyaline, fragile, up to 40 × 7 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, obscure. Host: Anisotome Haastii (F. v. M.) Cockayne and Laing. On leaves. Herb. No. 743. II, III. Lake Harris track, Otago, 1,000 m., W. D. Reid! 6 May, 1921. (Type.)