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Art. 16.—Descriptions of New Zealand Lepidoptera. By E. Meyrick, B.A., F.R.S. Communicated by G. V. Hudson, F.E.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Read before the Wellington Philosophical Society, 30th September, 1921; received by Editor, 13th October, 1921; issued separately, 12th February, 1923.] The whole of the new species following were received from my friend Mr. G. V. Hudson; they include some forms of special interest, and some unique specimens which he has very generously placed at my service. Crambidae. Diptychophora planetopa n. sp. ♂ 11 mm. Head whitish-ochreous mixed with grey. Palpi grey with ochreous-yellowish median spot, towards base whitish. Thorax dark grey, patagia pale ochreous with a dark-grey stripe. Abdomen rather dark grey. Forewings triangular, termen slightly bisinuate; dark fuscous, somewhat mixed with whitish-ochreous in disc; anterior half of costa suffused with whitish-ochreous; first line rather thick, irregular, whitish-ochreous on upper half and white on lower, edged with cloudy dark-fuscous lines, angulated outwards in middle and inwards towards dorsum, preceded by a fascia of whitish-ochreous suffusion marked with white below middle; a rather large round snow-white discal spot beyond middle, above which is a white dot; second line fine, white, interrupted into minute lunules, excurved from near costa to below middle; a white dot near apex; a terminal series of six rather cloudy black triangular spots, preceded by a series of irregular brownish-ochreous spots, at apex an elongate brownish-ochreous spot, a minute white mark beneath uppermost black spot: cilia dark grey, with fine indistinct whitish basal and median lines, and indistinct slender whitish bars beneath apex, in middle, and above tornus. Hindwings rather dark grey; cilia light grey with whitish median and apical shades. Routeburn Valley, Lake Wakatipu, in forest, February; one example. Very distinct. Pyraustidae. Scoparia zophochlaena n. sp. ♂ 18 mm. Head ferruginous-ochreous, face fuscous. Palpi 2¼, light grey mixed with whitish. Antennal ciliations ¼. Thorax dark fuscous. Abdomen ochreous-grey-whitish, anal tuft whitish-ochreous. Forewings elongate-triangular, termen gently rounded, faintly sinuate beneath apex, somewhat oblique; light ochreous-brownish; first line double, irregular, white, from ⅕ of costa to ⅓ of dorsum, suffusedly blotched with ferruginous-ochreous above and below middle, basal area within this almost wholly black; second line fine, white, from ⅘ of costa to ¾ of dorsum, gently excurved, indented at ¼ from costa, nearly preceded by a more curved fascia of whitish suffusion broadest towards extremities, space between these blackish towards costa; space between first line and the whitish fascia forming a trapezoidal costal blotch of blackish suffusion, its anterior lower angle resting on dorsum beyond first line and posterior on middle of fascia; second line followed by a blackish transverse blotch from costa hardly reaching half across wing, and some irregular blackish marking