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less sprinkled with dark fuscous, especially on a tornal patch, beneath which is an ochreous-whitish patch. Hindwings grey; cilia pale grey, with grey subbasal shade. Invercargill, from November to March; two specimens received from Mr. A. Philpott. Allied to contextella, but somewhat broader-winged, and distinguished by the general grey irroration, black subterminal line, which is place so that costal extremity is nearer apex, and grey hindwings. Zirosaris, n. g. Head with appressed hairs; ocelli present; tongue developed. Antennæ ¾, in ♂ shortly ciliated (⅔), basal joint moderate, without pecten. Labial palpi long, recurved, second joint beneath with dense long rough projecting scales throughout, terminal joint shorter than second, slender, acute. Maxillary palpi rudimentary. Thorax with small posterior crest. Posterior tibiæ clothed with hairs above. Forewings with tufts of scales on surface; 2 nearly from angle, 7 and 8 stalked, 7 to apex, 11 from middle. Hindwings 1, elongate-ovate, cilia ½; 3 and 4 connate, 5–7 parallel. Allied to Trachypepla, but with quite different palpi. Zirosaris amorbas, n. sp. ♂. 19 mm. Head and thorax blackish, finely sprinkled with greywhitish. Palpi blackish, second joint finely sprinkled with whitish, terminal joint with two oblique whitish lines. Antennæ blackish, finely dotted with white. Abdomen dark fuscous, segmental margins white. Forewings elongate, rather narrow, costa gently arched, apex rounded, termen obliquely rounded; dark purplish-fuscous mixed with blackish; basal area, an undefined spot on middle of costa, and four diminishing spots on costa posteriorly finely sprinkled with whitish; two raised tufts containing a few brownish-ochreous scales transversely placed in disc at about ⅕; stigmata formed by raised black tufts, plical beneath first discal, second discal transverse, edged with white posteriorly, above the two discal stigmata are a few pale brownish-ochreous scales; a curved posterior line of whitish irroration indistinctly indicated: cilia dark grey with some white points and a blackish-grey shade. Hindwings dark fuscous, towards apex irrorated with blackish; cilia fuscous, with blackish subbasal shade. Broken River, Canterbury; one specimen collected by Mr. J. H. Lewis, received through Mr. A. Philpott.