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Transactions of the New Zealand Institute, 1904. I.—Miscellaneous.

Art. I.—Maori Medical Lore: Notes on the Causes of Disease and Treatment of the Sick among the Maori People of New Zealand, as believed and practised in Former Times, together with some Account of Various Ancient Rites connected with the Same. By W. H. Goldie, M.D. [Read before the Auckland Institute, 7th September, 1903.] With a preliminary note by Elsdon Best. (Having collected a considerable amount of notes on the subject of disease among the Maori people and its treatment, I bethought me of placing such notes in the hands of some qualified person for compilation, with a view to publishing the same. Hence it was that I handed over all such notes to Dr. W. H. Goldie, of Auckland, who proceeded to add to them his own collection, culled from many works on New Zealand, Australia, Polynesia, &c Unfortunately, before the compiler had completed his task he was compelled by ill-health to give up all work, professional and otherwise. He therefore forwarded to me the MS. of his paper; in so far as he had completed it, with a request that I would prepare the same for laying before the Institute, adding that only about two-thirds of the paper had been written when he was compelled to cease work. He writes me, “The bulk of the paper is really yours, but rearranged by me. The section on drugs is, unfortunately, quite unfinished. I have copious notes on pharmacy, poisons, &c., which I am unable to compile.” Regarding the information contained in the following paper, the original matter is my own, having been collected by me from members of the Tuhoe Tribe of Maoris of New