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Explanation of Plates V.-VII. Plate V. Fig. 1. Carpophyllum angustifolium, J. Ag. Bay of Islands; collected in January; R. M. L. Fig. 2. Carpophyllum phyllanthus, Turn., Hist., iv. Both specimens are from the same plant, which was gathered at Lyall's Bay in the month of September. Plate VI. Fig. 1. Carpophyllum maschalocarpum, Turn., Hist., iv. Collected at Lyttelton in the autumn; R. M. L. Fig. 2. Carpophyllum maschalocarpum, var. laxum, R. M. L. Sugar-loaves, Taranaki; January; R. M. L. Fig. 3. Carpophyllum plumosum, J. Ag. Bay of Islands; January; R.M.L. The winter form differs from this considerably (see Plate VII., fig. e). Plate VII. a. Carpophyllum maschalocarpum (tip of frond). b. C. angustifolium (tip of frond). c. C. maschalocarpum, var. laxum (tip of frond). d. C. plumosum (tip of frond; summer form). e. The same, winter form. f., g. Basal leaves of C. phyllanthus. h. Leaf from upper portion of plant. All natural size.

Art. XV.—On New Lichens from Australia and New Zealand. By James Stirton, M.D., F.L.S., &c. (Continuation of Paper in Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. xxx., p. 382.) Communicated by T. W. Naylor Beckett, F.L.S. [Read before the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, 6th September, 1899.] Sticta rubella, Hook., presents obstacles to a complete determination, inasmuch as the original specimens are barren. Nylander in his Lich. N.Z. (1889) merely mentions two new stations for the plant, without giving a description of the apothecia or spores, leading to the inference that these are also barren. In a parcei of lichens sent several years ago by the late Baron F. von Mueller there is a Sticta in fruit, whose characters are nearly identical with those given by Nylander in his Synopsis Meth., page 361. I am extremely sorry I can only discriminate two or three of the specimens in this parcel. The rest seem to have been soaked, almost macerated, in