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land, By the Rev. W. Colenso, F.R.S., F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 266.) 2. “A Description of some Newly Discovered Indigenous New Zealand Ferns,” by the Rev. W. Colenso, F.R.S., F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 263.)

3. “A Graphic Method of determining Azimuth Altitude and Hour Angle of a Star when at its Greatest Altitude,” by C E. Adams, B.Sc, F.I.A.

4. “Phrenology,” by W. Dinwiddie.

5. “Vaccination,” by Dr. Leahy.

6. “A. Maori Earthwork Fortification,” by Taylor White.

7. “A Maori Stronghold,” by Taylor White.

8. “Are they Old Kumera-pits?” by Taylor White.

Eighth Meeting: 2nd November, 1898. Mr. T. Tanner delivered a popular lecture on “Prehistoric Man and Evolution,” illustrated by a number of lantern-slides.

Annual Meeting: 6th February 1898. Abstract OF Annual Report. Six ordinary and two extraordinary meetings were held during the year. The attendance was good, and increased interest was manifested. The number of members on the roll is sixty. Regret was expressed at the loss sustained in the death of Mr. J. W. Carlile, an ex-president of the Institute. Eleven papers were read, and three lectures delivered. Two series of weekly science lectures on university extension lines—twelve lectures in all—were delivered. The subjects dealt with were electricity and magnetism by Dr. Milne-Thomson, and chemistry by Dr. Jarvis, and the Council express their appreciation of the services of these gentlemen, and their gratitude to Mr. R. D. D. McLean for his donation of £10 to start & fund for providing scientific apparatus for the Institute. Fifteen meetings of the Council were held. Among the additions to the library were a specimen copy of the Rev. W. Colenso's Maori dictionary, presented by the author, and a fine set of Cook's Voyages, eight volumes text and one volume plates, donated by Mr. Hugh Campbell. The finances of the society are in a satisfactory state. The balance-sheet showed that the total receipts, inclusive of a balance of £8 8s. from the preceding year, were £111 1s. 6d., while the expenditure was £97 7s. 5d., leaving a balance in hand of £23 14s. 1d. The assets were set down as £841 9s. 1d.

Election of Officers For 1899.—President—T. Tanner; Vice-president—J. E. H. Jarvis, M.R.C.S.; Council—R. D. D. McLean, M.H.R., J. Caughley, H. Hill, B.A., F.G.S., A. Milne-Thomson, M.B., CM., W. Dinwiddie, T. C. Moore, M.D.; Hon. Secretary—James Hislop; Hon. Treasurer—J. W. Craig; Hon. Auditor—J. R. Crerar; Hon. Curator, A. Norris, F.E.S.