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with the external transparent membranes or eyelids, with vertical oval aperture, so frequently met with in many of the pelagic surface or medium-depth fishes. Colour: The top of the head and back brownish-purple; cheeks, sides, and part of the belly silvery, with golden reflections; the lower part of the belly pure white. The exterior surface of the pectorals when closed are covered with a silvery integument almost up to its tip, this being caused by the external portions of the rays being so covered; when spread the intervening membrane is very dark-brown. The whole of the interior surface of the pectorals” is uniformly a very dark brown, almost black. Ventral fins uniform dark-brown, almost black. Dorsal and anal fins immaculate. Upper and lower limbs of caudal brown, central portion immaculate. The pectoral fins of speculiger have “an oblique white band across its lower half” and “a broad whitish edge,” whilst its “ventrals are white, the middle rays greyish.” In. Total length (snout to “root of tail” end of body, along median line thereof at caudal) 7.7 Length of head 1.4 Greatest depth of body 1.15 Greatest diameter of eye 0.55 Greatest height of dorsal 0.7 Greatest height of anal 0.65 Length of dorsal 1.22 Length of anal 1.15 Greatest length of pectorals 5.7 Greatest length of ventrals 2.55 Distance from anterior margin of orbit to tip of snout (end of chin) 0.275 Length of lower limb of caudal 2.2 Length of upper limb of caudal 1.6

Art. X.—Notes on Parore (the Mangrove Fish). By F. E. Clarke. [Read before the Wellington Philosophical Society, 14th March, 1899.] Plate VII. On Wednesday, the 9th August, 1896, there was brought to me by Mr. Busche, one of the fishermen then carrying on his calling at Moturoa, a fish which he did not know. This, on first seeing, I apprehended was one of those referred to by