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from foreign societies have also been received, together with some donations from private individuals. The steps which have been taken by the Government to constitute the Little Barrier Island a reserve for the preservation of the fauna and flora of New Zealand are no doubt fresh in the recollection of members. Soon after the last annual meeting the Council received a communication from the Government asking whether the Institute would undertake the management of the island, the Crown Lands Department contributing a yearly grant to defray the necessary expenses. As the proposal to reserve the island emanated from the Institute, and has always had its active support and sympathy, the Council at once stated their willingness to undertake the work. The negotiations lingered, however, and it was not until the end of the year that the island was formally handed over, together with a grant of £200 for the first year's expenses. Mr. R. H. Shakespear has been appointed curator, and left for the island early in the month of January. A residence is urgently wanted, and the Council trust that the Government will act on their representations and erect one before the winter sets in. A visit of inspection has proved that most of the rarer birds known to inhabit the island still linger thereon, in some cases in fair numbers. Now that Maoris and Europeans have practically left the island, and now that a caretaker armed with sufficient powers to prevent the landing of unauthorised persons is residing there, it is hoped that the depredations of collectors will be effectually stopped. Fortunately, wild cats and other vermin appear to be scarce, and there is every probability that the island may for many years afford a secure home to species that have either disappeared or will shortly disappear from the mainland. In conclusion, the Council have once more to thank the members and many others for the aid and encouragement which they have given to the objects of the Institute, and which they trust will be again freely rendered during the coming year.

Election of Officers For 1897.—President—E. Roberton, M.D.; Vice-presidents—D. Petrie, F.L.S., Professor A. P. Thomas, F.L.S.; Council—-G. Aickin, J. Batger, W. Berry, H. Campbell, G. Cooper, E. A. Mackechnie, T. Peacock, Rev. A. G. Purchas, M.R.C.S.E., J. Reid, J. Stewart, C.E., J. H. Upton; Trustees—E. A. Mackechnie, S. P. Smith, F.R.G.S., T. Peacock; Secretary and Curator—T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S., F.Z.S.; Auditor—W. Gorrie.