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have yet been met with in any of the slate rocks of this district. The members of the Geological Survey have classed them as Palœozoic, and the name has been retained here, though its meaning is so wide and indefinite. Addendum.—Since the above paper left my hands I have again visited the volcanic district by way of Kuripapanga, and I find that the sands referred to as being seen at Blowhard underlie the limestones and pass into streaky clay-sands, which are the upper beds of the slates. In two places near Blowhard Secondary rocks appear similar to those seen at Kuripapanga. On the hill known as “Gentle Annie,” beyond Kuripapanga, there is to be seen on the roadside a large limestone boulder. This rests on the slates, and is, I suppose, a remnant of the limestones which once covered the whole of the hills in this district. The highest limestones appear about midway between Erehwon and Ruapehu, at a height of 4,720ft. They rest on the Secondary rocks, and are full of fossils, mostly bivalves.

Art. LI.—Artesian Wells: No 2. By H. Hill, F.G.S. [Read before the Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute, 7th October, 1889.] Plate XXXI. As an addendum to the paper read by me two years ago*“Trans. N. Z. Inst.” vol. xx., p. 282. on the artesian-well system of Hawke's Bay, the following additional facts will be found of interest and importance. For those not acquainted with what is known as the Heretaunga Plain, it may be explained that in this paper it includes the district extending from Napier to Pakipaki, with the Borough of Hastings towards the centre. The distance between the two places is about eighteen miles, with a breadth varying from eight to ten miles. Within certain limits this plain is an artesian water-bearing basin sloping to the north-east, and troughing on the south-east to the north-west, and on the north-west side to the south-east; thus forming a syncline between the two opposite exposures extending for about ten miles. Since the date of the paper referred to, which treated as fully of the subject under notice as it was possible to do with