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“12. On evaporation, 25cc. of the spirit-solution gave 1.135 grammes of extractive matter dried at 100°C., or 2.270 grammes for 25cc. of your original fluid. On incineration the mass swelled up and formed an enormous balloon of coke, but the carbon burnt off readily with a strong sodium flame, and left 0.248grm. of fixed salts, = 0.496grm. on original fluid. “13. Tested for uric acid = no result. “14. Tested for allantoïn = no result. “Hence, taking all the reactions into account, this fluid seems to contain a very large percentage of urea; but a change may have taken place since it was collected.” Description Of Plate XIX. Fig. 1. Uterine egg of Mustelus antarcticus removed from the uterus, and with the surrounding pseudamniotic membrane spread out (natural size). Fig. 2. Ideal transverse section of the same.

Art. XXXIX.—On a Specimen of the Great Ribbon-fish (Regalecus argenteus) taken in Nelson Harbour. By R. I. Kingsley. [Read before the Nelson Philosophical Society, 5th November, 1889.] Plate XX. The fact that a capture of a specimen of the genus Regalecus is of very rare occurrence—no doubt partly owing to their inhabiting the deep parts of the ocean,—and the fact also that it cannot be studied, like many other fish, in its native element, create more or less interest in every specimen that may by chance be secured—an interest that affects even such of the general public who care nothing for genera or species, whose first anxiety is, perhaps, “Is it good for food?” To any one, however, who is the least inclined towards natural history or science there should be additional interest in the fact that (I think I am correct in so saying) there has not yet been a single perfect specimen captured; consequently all existing descriptions are either more or less compiled from imperfect or mutilated examples. It therefore becomes a duty to watch for opportunities such as the one I have made the subject of this paper, in order not only to add to our stock of knowledge fresh items of information, but to check and, if need be, correct the published descriptions.