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The following list of the works on the Desmidieæ which are now (1888) available to me here is given as a guide to anybody desiring to further investigate the family in New Zealand. They do not form more than a small portion of the whole bibliography of the subject, but are sufficiently comprehensive for most purposes. However, every year is adding to the number of works on Desmids. De Bary, A. Untersuchungen über die Familie der Conjugaten. 1858. Bennett, Dr. Fresh-water Algæ of the English Lake District (in “Journ. of Roy. Micros. Soc.”). 1886. Bisset, J. P. List of Desmidieæ found in the Neighbourhood of Lake Windermere (in “Journ. of Roy. Micros. Soc.”). 1884. Delponte, J. B. Specimen Desmidiacearum subalpinarum. 1873. Ehrenberg, C. G. Die Infusionsthierchen. 1838. Joshua, W. Burmese Desmidieæ (in “Linn. Soc. Journ.”). 1886. Lagerheim, G. Contributions Algologiques à la Flore de la Suède. 1886. —— Bidrag till Amerikas Desmidié-Flora. 1885. —— Ueber einige Algen aus Cuba, Jamaica, und Puerto-Rico. 1887. —— Ueber Desmidiaceen aus Bengalen. 1887. —— Sopra Alcune Alghe d'acqua dolce. 1888. Lundell, P. M. De Desmidiaceis quæ in Suecia inventæ sunt. 1871 Maskell, W. M. Contributions towards a List of the New Zealand Desmidieæ (“Trans. N.Z. Inst.”). 1880. —— Additions to above Catalogue (“Trans. N.Z. Inst.”). 1882. —— On a New Variety of Desmid (“Trans. N.Z. Inst.”). 1885. —— Note on Micrasterias americana, Ralfs, and its Varieties (in “Journ. of Roy. Micros. Soc.”). 1887. Nordstedt, O. Symbolæ ad Floram Brasiliæ centralis cognoscendam—Desmidiaceæ. 1869. —— Desmidieæ ex insulis Spetsbergensis et Beeren Eiland. 1872. —— Bidrag till Kännedomen om sydligare Norges Desmideer. 1873. —— Desmidieæ arctoæ. 1875. —— Desmidieæ et ædogoniæ in Italia et Tyrolia collectæ. 1876. —— Nonnullæ Algæ aquæ dulcis Brasilienses. 1877. —— De Algis aquæ dulcis ex insulis Sandvicensibus. 1878. —— De Algis nonnullis, præcipue Desmidieis, inter Utricularias Musei Lugduno-Batavi. 1880. —— Desmidieer samlade af Sv. Berggren under Nordenskioldska expeditionen till Grönland. 1885. —— Fresh-water Algæ collected by Dr. S. Berggren in New Zealand and Australia. 1887. Pritchard, A. Infusoria (Desmidieæ by W. Archer). 1861. Rabenhorst, L. Flora Europæa Algarum aquæ dulcis et submarinæ. 1868. Ralfs, J. The British Desmidieæ. 1848. Roy, J., and Bisset, J. P. Note on Japanese Desmids (in “Journ. of Botany,” July and August). 1886. Spencer, Dr. Notes on Fresh-water Algæ (“Trans. N.Z. Inst.”). 1881. —— Continuation of the above. 1882. Turner, W. B. Notes on Fresh-water Algæ (in the “Naturalist”). 1886. —— On some New and Rare Desmids (“Journ. of Roy. Micros. Soc.”). 1885. Wallich, Dr. Descriptions of Desmidiaceæ from Lower Bengal (in “Annals and Mag. of Nat. History”). 1860.