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Botydidæ. Mnesictena, Meyr. 1. Mnes. daiclealis, Walk. (Scopula daiclesalis (rect. daiclealis), Walk., 1017.) ♂. 22mm. Head and thorax deep ferruginous. Palpi 4, deep ferruginous, sprinkled with dark grey; base white beneath. Antennæ pale ochreous. Abdomen light ochreous-yellowish. Legs pale ochreous, anterior tarsi and middle tibiæ white. Forewings triangular, costa slightly sinuate in middle, strongly arched on posterior half, apex tolerably rectangular, hindmargin rather bowed, oblique; ferruginous-brown, irrorated with dark grey; inner margin rather broadly suffused with ochreous-orange from base to ¾; a narrow ochreous-orange streak along costa from base to ¾, enclosing a very slender snow-white costal streak from ¼ to ⅔; lines thick, cloudy, dark grey, very indistinctly defined; first about ¼, oblique, not reaching either margin; second from 2/4 of costa to ⅔ of inner margin, upper ⅔ moderately curved outwards; reniform obscurely outlined with dark grey, very indistinct: cilia ferruginous-brown suffused with grey. Hindwings light ochreous-yellowish; a dark-grey dot in centre of disc; partial indications of a slender, greyish line at ⅔; cilia pale whitish-yellowish, reddish-tinged. “Wellington and Dunedin. I am indebted, for the opportunity of describing this species to the liberality of Mr. G. V. Hudson, who states that it is attracted by fight, and is scarce. Scopariadæ. Scoparia, Hw. 2. Scop. hemiplaca, n. sp. ♂. 18mm. Head, palpi, antennæ, and thorax dark fuscous; palpi 2¼, base white beneath; antennal ciliations ⅓. Abdomen light grey, and tuft whitish-ochreous. Legs dark fuscous, apex of joints and posterior tibiæ whitish. Forewings elongate, moderately dilated posteriorly, costa slightly arched, apex obtuse, hindmargin almost straight, rather oblique, rounded beneath; dark fuscous, with purplish reflections; first, line obscurely indicated on lower half only, slightly paler than ground-colour; a suboblong white blotch, sprinkled with fuscous, extending along inner margin from middle to hindmargin, reaching half across wing, its upper anterior angle rounded off, upper side shortly indented in middle; this blotch is sharply defined, and margined in front and above by a thick black suffusion, in which the lower half of reniform is indicated by an obscure spot of ground-colour;