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cellular, forming a narrow cup, sharply laciniate, white with pinkish bases, enclosing 8–10 sub-cylindrical sacs. Hab. Among other Hepaticæ and overrunning them, on decaying logs; woods south of Dannevirke, County of Waipawa; 1888: W. C. Obs. A species very near M. colensoanum, Mitt., but differing in colour, and in form of leaves, stipules, and cells: also, near to M. amænum, Col. (“Trans. N.Z. Inst,” vol. xix., p. 288), but differing in colour and position of leaves, and largely in form of stipules and of cells. A very pleasing little species. Genus 16. Isotachis, Mitten. 1. I. elegans, sp. nov. Plant small, erect, ¾in.–1in. high, stem short irregular simple and 1-branched with innovations; leafy throughout; the leaves larger close and imbricate at top, smaller and more distant below; green when young, reddish mature. Leaves sub-oblate-orbicular (in outline), the top almost bifid, and two large shallow lateral sinuses, margins irregularly and distantly lacinio-denticulate; teeth coarse and variable. Stipules sub-quadrate, bilobed, the sinus reaching nearly to the middle and very broad (larger than lobes), extending quite across, the two corners prominently horned and directed outwards; base sub-cordate and sub - amplexicaul; margins irregularly and slightly distantly denticulate. Cells large, clear, and sub-elliptic, their walls double. Hab. On the ground among other small Hepaticæ and Schizæa australis, sides of Mount Tongariro, County of East Taupo; 1887: Mr. H. Hill. Obs. A pretty species, nearly allied to a Tasmanian one—I. gunnii, Hook. f. 2. I. montana, sp. nov. Plant small, tufted, reddish-brown, erect, ¾in.–1in. high, very slender, simple, sometimes forked at base; stem flexuous, with 2–3 innovations, tips nodding, hairy about bases. Leaves alternate, distant (close and imbricated at innovations), orbicular-quadrate (outline), 3-fid; lobes short, triangular, acute, concave, recurved; sinuses broad, margins sub-sinuate, sometimes a few minute blunt teeth at basal portion. Cells small, compact, orbicular, with minute cellules between them, larger and parallelogrammatic at centre and base. Stipule free, between leaves, small, sub-orbicular, bifid, margins more irregular, with a few minute teeth. Hab. Among other Hepaticæ and small mosses, on the ground, slopes of Mount Tongariro, County of East Taupo; 1887: Mr. H. Hill.