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posteriorly suffusedly margined with black except towards extremities, with two acute teeth below middle almost touching hindmargin: a hind-marginal row of black dots: cilia fuscous, obscurely and slenderly barred with paler. Hindwings fuscous; cilia whitish, with a fuscous line. Blenheim and Christchurch; from April to June, very common. This species appears in some collections to stand for Agrotis admirationis. 21. Mam. plena, Walk. (Erana plena, Walk., Suppl., 744; Mamestra sphagnea, Feld., Reis. Nov., pl. cix., 17; Dianthoecia viridis, Butl., Cist. Ent. ii., 547.) Male, female.—33–34 mm. Differs from M. polychroa only as follows:—Head, thorax, and forewings wholly suffused with green; no black streak from base; sub-basal line double, well-defined; first and second lines and a median shade tolerably distinct; triangular supra-anal spot fuscous. Christchurch and Mount Hutt; November to May, very common. 22. Mam. lithias, n. sp. Male.—33 mm. Head, palpi, and thorax white, densely irrorated with black and fuscous; patagia with two obscure black longitudinal streaks. Antennæ grey, with strong triangular transverse dentations (1), terminating in tufts of cilia. Abdomen grey. Legs dark grey, irrorated with white, banded with black and white, spurs white with median black band. Forewings moderately dilated, costa straight, apex obtuse, hindmargin waved, somewhat oblique, rounded beneath; fuscous, irregularly suffused with grey; veins coarsely and broadly irrorated with black and white; lines white, slender, subdentate, irregularly blackish-margined; a dark median shade; orbicular small, round, white, fuscous-centred, black-margined; claviform very small, but conspicuous, round, black, minutely white-centred; reniform oblong, white, fuscous-centred, blackmargined; subterminal more obscure, nearly touching hindmargin beneath costa, with two indistinct, rather more acute, teeth below middle: cilia rather dark grey, slenderly barred with white. Hindwings grey; a darker hind-marginal line; cilia white, with a pale grey line. Castle Hill; two specimens, taken by Mr. J. D. Enys. 23. Mam. mutans, Walk. (Hadena mutans, Walk., Noct., 602; H. lignifusca, ib., 603; Mamestra angusta, Feld., Reis. Nov., pl. cix., 18; M. acceptrix, ib., pl. cix., 19; Hadena debilis, Butl., Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1877, 385, pl. xlii., 6.) Male, female.—34–39 mm. Head and palpi light reddish-ochreous, or white mixed with fuscous and blackish. Antennæ