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the insertion of the abdomen) yellow: wings, iridiscent, infumated, hairy at bases, and sparsely sprinkled with very minute hairs; principal veins reddish-brown, cross veins blackish. Legs: all the femora, and the coxæ and tibiæ of posterior pair, very dark ferruginous; the coxæ of the two anterior pairs and all trochanters yellow; all the tarsi, and the tibiæ of the two anterior pairs, light red-ferruginous; a pair of large spines at the apical ends of posterior tibiæ. Abdomen smooth and shining; at the apical ends of the 1st and 2nd segments a broad yellow fascia trifid basally, the extreme apical margins dark-coloured; the 2nd segment has also a lateral linear yellow spot; each of the four following segments has a longitudinal oblong yellow spot in the middle above, and also an elongate yellow one laterally, the lateral ones in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th, occupying nearly the whole length of the segment; the 6th has three yellow lateral spots; and the two following segments have yellow stripes extending to the apical segment, of which the margin is dark-coloured; the minute anal styles at top flavescent; the end of abdomen very thick, largely revolute, and there 5 lines in diameter. Ovipositor setaceous, stiff, slightly curved, 2 ½ inches long, its two sheaths ciliate and finely serrulate at margins, and coiled up (in spirits); tips sublinear-spathulate, concave, obtuse, membranous, light-coloured. Length, direct and plane, 18 lines; or, to extreme end of curvature, 22 lines. Hab. High and dense forests near Norsewood, Waipawa County; April, 1884: W.C. Obs. This fine insect is entirely new to me; and from its being so large and so striking I conclude it to be scarce. None of the many residents in that locality had ever seen one before, and were much struck with its size and handsome appearance. For a long time I have been in doubt whether it is not Rh. fractinervis, Vollenhoven; which species, in spots and markings, it greatly resembles, and it is only after long and close study of it, and comparing it with the description given of Rh: fractinervis** “Cat. of Hymenoptera,” etc., by Professor Hutton, p. 128; where, however, it is named Rh. antipodum, Smith: this name, Professor Hutton informs me in a letter, must yield priority to the other. that I have believed it to be distinct. Its much larger size, very peculiarly shaped end of abdomen and lateral yellow spots on its second segment, dark colour of its femora and posterior tibiæ, etc., striped clypeus, yellow margins of the basal joints of antennæ, iridiscent and hairy and dusky-coloured wings, 3 ocelli, etc., have caused me so to determine. Genus Lissonota L. multicolor, sp. nov. Ferruginous, spotted with yellow and black. Head: orbits of eyes, genæ, a narrow transverse line above labrum, and mentum light yellow;